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?'IfdUT!'S <br />City r, <br />Jan. f3, 19£36 <br />Tree RF_SQ~UTIOPi M0. 86-1-25 - Flh1F~J~I~1G THE PA1RK <br />Donatiori C0,4N1IS~T0~ 13UDfE7 ZN QRDER TO PAY ~'OR TNE <br />(Cont. ) RENIOVAI_ AND REPLFlNTING (lP 7RFGS, 7HE NUPIF3I.R <br />TO BE DETEf?NIINGD BY THE P~RK COPn~9ISSI0~l, IM <br />API AI40UNT ,~IOT TO FXCfCEp $7,500 Gi`ID ~IUTRORIZI~lG <br />TFIE PARIC COMf+1.ISSI0~1 T'0 EPITER I~!TO A~I F16REEi~,1ENT <br />6tTTH ~~-7AR(aO~IS ~3ROS. FOR THE f';FMnVI~L 1~PdD REPI,AMTIidG <br />OF TNES[ TR@ES <br />T9ie Poreao~ing resolu~tion uaas tluly s~concfecf Y~y ~~ir. Collova. <br />~,yes (~)~f3lesener, rollova, Scalze, Dlardini. <br />P!ayes (0). <br />h1r. ~ahey abstainetl. <br />Reso1~ation declared a~!opted. <br />7his resolution appears in Resolution I3ook I~lo. 1?, Page ?Ei. <br />~er,reation "1rs. >ratze reported that the follo4ding are the results of the Recreation <br />Association Association's election of oPficers for 14~i&: <br />Ac3enda President - Steve f~iorelan <br />Addition 5ecretar.y - Jim I;ronic!< <br />Treasur,~r - Ecl P~adeau <br />(~oarcf of ~)irectors - f3ob Scalze, Hoa~ie Prud'nornme and <br />Dave ~qoon <br />No. Ramsay The North f~amsey 500 Lions C1ub has made applica~tion for a gambling <br />500 Lions license. <br />f:l ub <br /> h1r. E3lesener as'r,ed what tr~e event !~:as and ,~!here it ~iould he hel<i, <br />Rc,enda <br />Item No. 74 (he Clerk repli~d triat he srnulc( research this and report later in <br /> the ineeti nq. <br />1936 Planner's <br />Contract hir. I3lesener 4ntrodiiced th~ follo~+ring r~solution and moved its adoption: <br />Flc~enda RESO~U7I~Jt~I N0. H6-1-25 - FlPPROVING TliF 1985 <br />Itern Dlo. 24 PL.,~p1Nt'ft S COPITR/1CT <br />7he forec~oing resolution a~as ciuly seconded by P4s. Nardini. <br />Ayes (5) 31~sener, Nardini, Collova, Sca1ze, Pahey. <br />vayes (0). <br />Resoliation declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution f3ook Mo. 13, (~age ?_6. <br />Page -14- <br />