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01-08-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-08-86 Council Minutes
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i'Ii?UTF.S <br />f,ity Council <br />Jan. E~, lq£3fi <br />Itecreation P~Irs. Sca1ze reported ~hat t'nta Rccreation Department ~r~ould li'~ce a ro11- <br />!3udnet over of un~~ised Canii:~~ Qut1ay funtls for 19°5 to the 19~36 s3ud~et for electr7cal <br />Roll-O~rer work they plan to hlvedone at ~the '~Cellogg Hockey 42inks. <br />Agenda P~irs. Scalze introduced the P~llowiny resol~.rtion and moved its adopt~on: <br />llddi ti on <br />RESOLUl'TOAI PIO. ~;5-1-24 - APPROVI~IG TNF R01_L-OVEf? <br />OP TIIE CA.PITFlL OUTI_AY POf2TI0E1 OF T!1E 19t35 <br />j~ correction ~< RE:CI2C~TIOP! ;;UDG~T TO TI~IF 19~3(i 3UDG~7 AvD <br />Res no. ~PERATIONS I3UllGET <br />tt6-I-34 The foregoinq resolution !~ias dialy seconded t>y t~ir. Fahey. <br />l~yes ( 51 SCaI ze, Fa1~e,y, ~~lardi ni , Co11 ova, E31 esener. <br />~layes (~). <br />Resolution dec~lared adopted. <br />This resol~rtion a.ppears in Resolution f~ook filo. 13, Page 'L4~. <br />~~r~~~ f•Irs. Scalze reported that i.he ~ar!< Cor~missinn has been approached ~~iL'n <br />Donation a donation of 7 foot pine f.rees tt~at are available for ji~st the cost <br />o~F moving the trees. Thc co~t o~F mo~~ino the trees is approximately <br />{~c~~n~~~ ~35.00 per tree. There are 220 trees that are availa.b1e. <br />Adcli ~i on <br />Scalz;r, re}~ort.~d that the P~rk Comriission Lvoulcl like to use as mariy <br />tr~es as possibin, Scalze oointed out that the trees could be used <br />for screenin,~ the pro~osed ballfield area from surroundin<a homcs. <br />Mr. ~ ahey reported tha~t ~he ori c~i na1 p1 an a~as for Publ i c',~lorks to di r <br />up the trees and replant them. FIo4~~ever, this v!ould take a lot of time <br />and Maraolis [~ros. has offered to do the aror'~ for ~30 to ~35 per tree. <br />"fhey A~a~ll olant ~he trePS in spots designatecl b,y t~e City. <br />~larr!ini asked if th^ CitY obtained any o,the~" orice... ~ahey rep1ied <br />* correccion that i~9arc~olis did the aiork ~Por ~the Ci~ty'~at°"tV~°s'Ses°a'n~iehrice, b~at than <br />Res no. 86-1-34 the tr~es were 3 to 4 feet in size. <br />The Council rauestioriz~~d +,vhether th:~ Cit;~ needed 220 ~trees. i~1rs. <br />Scalze reportec{ that the Par!< Commission has designated ~3i11 Sanders <br />to determine the amo~m~t of i.re2s needed and where thFy shou1d be used. <br />P~;r, 8lesener suggestec! tha~ tiie C,ity gei: a wr~tten agreement from <br />h9arc~ol i s Bros. fihat they 4•ii 11 do ~;hi s ~~~or'~c for the amount stated <br />and~v~ittiin ~ reason<~ble amoiint oi' time. <br />It was sugc)esteC tl~at the Par!< Commission enter ~nto an agreement <br />ti~iith ~largolis 3ros. and that Qill S~nders an<1 the ~t~orney get together <br />and draft up a contract.. <br />^ir. ~11 esrner i ntroduced the fo11 otdi ng resol i.iti on arid moved i ts adopti on: <br />Paae -13- <br />
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