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r:!INUTI:S 0~" 7ur R.`'GUI /1R "lE[TTj~fa <br />CITY COU!~!rIL <br />LI7TL!~ CAPL~Dl1, •.^~IIi~I~dGSOTA <br />Jam.aary 22, 1J8b <br />Pursi~an~ ~o ~!ue call and notic2 thereof a rec~u'lar meetinq of ~the <br />Counc~i 1 of thf.>. Ci i:y of i_~ tt1 e ranada, "~ii nnesota ~~ras hel c! on ~the <br />'LZn<! d~.~y of January, 1S86 ~in ~,he Coi~ncil Char~bers of the Ci~ty ~Fn~:er <br />loca~tecf at ~i15 I_~i~tt~le Canada P.oa~ in said. C~i~hy. <br />A,g~nda ?=ia~tor i~1i cha~l ~ ahey ctiai r?d i:he niee~i ng anci ca.l l ed i t to order af. <br />Itn!n P•lo. ~I 7:30 P.P~9, and th^ ~fol~loi~~ing E~nErdbers t~~t~re pr~sen~t at ro~il call: <br />~c,enda r,'~~qR~RS pRF.SEf!T: `iayor. >,,r. ^1ir.hael ~'atiey <br />Itarn ~lo. 'L Counci 1!~ari ~~ir. '-ai ~I1 i an~ ~i1 ~s2ner <br /> !;ouncilman l~ir. Ric!< ^ollo~ia <br /> f,ouncilNtoci~n t~s. Nluc~s Marclini <br /> ~rfEMf~~.i~S ,~RSEPIT: Co~.incil~~roMan Mrs. i3~verly ;calzc <br /> AI_SO ~~R~~Sf'P!7: City Cler'r. "'r. Joseoh ;;;ileb^c!< <br /> (;i ty A~~torney ~'ir. Thoinas Sareen~Y <br /> Consi.i1 ti nr r-:ncri neer <br />~~ "Ir. Donal c! Carl e.y <br /> "i ty Pl ann~r ~!r. Strve Gri ~ttman <br /> Ci ty Ai,idi ~;or r~lr. [2obert Vot~ <br /> Record~inn S~~~cretary Mrs. Kathlnen Glanzer <br />~~iinutes ~1r. t~ahey reE~orieci th~t t~nrs. ;c~1z~ has informeci him tha~t 2;~~e f~llos~iinc, <br /> correc'cions should b2 made t~ the Januar y ~, 198F> ~ouncil meetinn <br />Aqenda niinutes: <br />I'tem nlo. 3 <br /> On pac~r~ 13, 5th naragraph f~r <br />~ om t;wi~ oott:om, <br /> second sentence, ~1r. <br />i=aliey i ndic<~~ted that <br /> `1argol ~i s 3ros. di d the saeie sior!; fi'or ~the <br /> Ci~ty of Roseville at a price of ~30 to ~35 <br /> per tree; <br />On pa~~e 13, f~irs~ par~nrapY~ and R~solu~:io?i <br />Pio. 8G-1 _P4., RecrPati on ;~roul tl 1 i ke the t.mus~d <br />part'ion of ~t1~e 1S~~3G f?udqr~t rolled over to <br />th~ ln~;i r;ucinet, not; jus~t the i.inusec( Capital <br />in?proveci~nt !~ortinn of tne !~taciciF~t, <br />i9r. (31 esener i ndi cat~r! t`?e fol l o~-~i~i i~q correc ti ons to %he ~i niates: <br />Dri oar!e [i, tiie reasons for ciesic?naf,ir~g ~he `dortVi <br />Sub~.irhan I~r~~~ Press <1s offici~~l n2:~tspaper sho~.ild. <br />be listec+ as folla:~s: <br />f=irst, that 't'sie Free Press is ~he only nP:~soaner <br />bidding tnat~. c4qeas repre~sent 100% of t'nF Ci1;y; <br />T;~aC S:he Free Press sEibnritted ~the l~~~ast ^x~~ensiv^ <br />bid for providing tt~is s:ar~~ic^. <br />Pa~e -1- <br />