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01-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-22-86 Council Minutes
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"1I~IU1'ES <br />Sity Council <br />Jan. 22, 19F3f5 <br />h9'inutes On pane 15, ti~iird naragraoii, t;he sentence should <br />(C,ont.) be resrorded to re<id, ";1r•. FaPiey reported tP~at ~the <br />City has done ~this in tne nast for a~1uri~icipa1 <br />Court Cl er!< and for i'iyers Frat~tal one svnen he served <br />in the ciual capacity as Police ~hief an<t ~n employee <br />of Rarnsav ~ounty and Fatiey suc!gested that the ~~ty <br />deterrsi na i f thi s~:roul d ~ff^cf anY ot;h~r past or <br />current er~~~ployees or elec~t~~ officials.". <br />i~'is. ,lardin'i in~troduced thn follo,~~inn reso'I~~~;ion anri inoverf its ado~~t'ion: <br />`?rSOL!ITTOt~I IJO. f36-1-39~ - ~~PPRO~IING THE F"IivUTES <br />OF TN~: JAPIUARY f3, 198F ~~~E.ETI~~G ~.dTT!i THE Ai;OHF <br />0!JTI_Ihi~U COR~:E~TIO?~S <br />Th~* 1`oregoinp resolution ~raas <t~.ily ~econdetl by Mr. Collova. <br />:~~/(_'S ~~~ ~!arclin~i ~ ~O~~OV<~~ !1~E'Si?11(?V"~ ~'<l~lE`,Y. <br />raavs (01. <br />Resol vt~ on cSecl ar~~d adopted. <br />Tiiis resolution apnears ~in ;;esolution Bool h!o. 13, Pages 34 and 3':. <br />( P~1r. ~ah~v renortec tha.t the Pl<lnning Cornrriission recently tahled action <br />~eve1 op~~ient nn th~ Go1~fi d~eve~ opinent pronosa~ i n orcler ~to yi v~ ~the ~1eve1 oper ti~~e <br />Prouosal tio rec(esign tlie proPos~l and to give thF* ne4c!hbors an opportunity to <br />a~>pea.r nn t'n~ matt,nr. <br />Agenda <br />Itar-? P1o. ~ Faiiey st.ated t~iat sinc^ tYie Planninc! Comn~iission tablec! tne rnatter, <br />Code requirc~s t:he Co~~ncil not; t;ai<e action ~for a~eriod o~P 60 days <br />or urrt~l the Planning Commiss'ion acts. <br />Fahey pointed oui: tlia.t i:iie nroposal conta~ns an upzoniny frora {2-1 to <br />R-'L and ~~siey fFl~t that the Co~.~ncil shouid indica~te its fe^linn on <br />the upzoning 50 ~ha1: the de~~eloper doFs no~ ~;~ast~ ti;n~ and mone.Y <br />i,irinec.~ssarily if th~re is no support for tiie upzoriinci, <br />i~ir. John Dau~mey, attorney repr2sen~t~in« <~~Ir. f~oosii~, iYie pro~~eriy o~arner <br />ancl I~1r. 6ofi`, ';he ci~v~loper, aprn~ar~d hefore 'th° Counr,~i'I. Daubn^y <br />descrihed tl~e location of ~the proper4:y in c~~iestion. DaubnPy re~~orte~+, <br />that f;o~Ff is o~ropos~ng to build. 19 5-unit bui1d~inr,s on ~he prouerty. <br />>>aubn~y al so re~ort~cl ttia't uti 1 i ti es ~a~~ai 1 abl c to ~,'~e si te. <br />~Ir. Daui>ney inf~or!r~~ci the~ Counr,~il f;hai; ~,,thnn tn~ Pl~nninc{ ~o,~~niission <br />consic!ereci the proposal, they telt that singl~ ~Par~ily construc'cion <br />v18S Y101: (?COn01171C8~7y f8dS1b~C 011 ~Y,;1P, S19;P,. <br />naiibney renorted tha~t the cseve~l onr~~ent 4aou1 d access Co~.~nty Roarl D and <br />that a"U"-shaned road wotald l>^ privately built 1:'nrouqh the sit~, and <br />ttien turne~f over ?:o t~~ City. <br />Pdq£' _?_ <br />
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