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~ I?~U"f~S <br />rity Council <br />i~ .il. ~i y ~ ~~~J <br />Pla.nn'inc 74~i~~ ~Poregoiri~i r^soli.ition Vtas dt~ly s~co;~e!eti by !'?r. Fah^y. <br />Comn!iss'ion ~yes (~i~) Blesent>r, ~ahey, C~'11ov~, Plardi~i. <br />(:;ont:.; >!~y~~ f!?). <br />`:.~solution declar~d aclon~tecl. <br />Tnis rE~solui,ion apn+~ars in R~so1ut~ion ~oo!< i~lo. ~I.',, Page 43, <br />~ahey co~nn~~.n~t~d ~h:na.~t ~i t a~as 'the i nt.ent of the ~ounc~i 1 i.o r2di-ic^ 1;~e <br />IIUI"q~QP Of ~~~ BYIYII tl(7 (,01"1It11 S510'(1 111P,I!ih('1^S '1:0 S°~lf9P1 d~: $Oi:IE? 'C7R1P. l Il <br />t~.he fu1:ure, anc! ~=ah~~i~'Pe'It it should be done ~n ar~ attrii:ion uasis. <br />i~".r. !'ahray ~t,~ict `~llo!~iinc; res~>1ui;~ion a.rid ?~,iov~d its adopt:ion: <br />RFSOI_U~tIO"I h!(?. ~iG-1-"3 - TF,;~LTi~!U SN~'i~Ii~~ITE~Y <br />0~!$II1~.r~nCIOuI !li l~i~ 0!2~1I(~r~~,~r~ fi( `~~I„I\i,^, 71~cr <br />lU~~ti?:r~ ~1~ ii~i`3 ?$ !7:: fil(: i~l.f\i,Ihll~l~ CO'iiiI$SIO~I <br />-f'f) $~Vf_'d <br />T'r'ir_ foreaoi n~ rF*so1 uti on ~,vas dul y seconcted. by P~~r. 31 cs~ ner. <br />~Y@S i~t~..;~cli'18,V~ P~E?S`:]i)(?1"~ i0~70Nd~ i~~d1^(71!11. <br />i~d~/P.$ ~~~). <br />I;P.SO ~ Ut,:10!l C~~C~ lY'(3CI ~lrlO~~"~;^C~. <br />Tn'is r~solu`ion appc~lrs~ in Resoluf.~ioi~ Bno1< ;tio. 13, PagE ~?-~1. <br />P''~.r. ('a,~ay i nforrr,~d C1 er!: ~Co ~~!ri te 1 sti:~rs to f~1r. Df~l.onai s; nd <br />;'~I^S. SCh'=dE`17~t" 'IYlfOY'I'IlYIC ~;ftF?':'1 O(~ ~:`iF' ~;OUY1C'll ~S C~^C1S10Y1 1"f.'.f!dl"C~'l)ln <br />~I:'rir^e year i:err^.s. <br />Plrs. "fim,~ions ~u<,~qest;'ri tPi1~; the Cauncil not'iFy i;h~ ?'lanninn ~onu~~ission <br />'1@fil~)`.`t"S 'f,~'1'c1'~ d'(:7^i'1(~:1.I1Q^ lnll ~ 7 7(~? CO11Sl (a(?f^t?(~ I)~/ 1;i'if-? ~,OUYtC,l ~ blhEll ;'IN~<l Ylf' <br />; °i10901 fl l.l"lf~itt5. ~ .. <br />1~ ~.ias t.he concens~is o~f the "ouncil 'co contact i~!r. !'t~Y Fr~nch renarCinc <br />iiis ati,^ <br />~"ir. F~h~~y pointed o!r~t 1;hs~ i~ir. ~rerRCh ,7:issed I of the last 13 <br />F''1 ~nni nri Coinr~~i ssi c~r! iueei:i nr,s, <br />P~ir. '=ai~Fy ~ ntrodtacPc! ~he fo11 o:~~i nc! resol u4:.i on ~~nd rr!ovetl ~i ts ac~opi:~i on: <br />4^-S0!..UTI~>>' t;~b, <~{;..1_q.q - i~IIT!i~)RIZIPI!} ifi~ ;~:1y0;; <br />7!1 b'!;T7i ~. L1-7fE r_T(1 i~OY `"R"i!~ F~ pcr~U6>~S?!(3 1~H?,-f <br />I~,i ~rZr.~,i r)~ HIS ^Tl'!"1~!!) p,T y~1 ~1`I~!Il;r} f'/);~:^.TScZOV <br />~~.;~_TSpir~S F64S h' ~-PI LE>S T%U1P! 5~)`~ S~IhdC:"' J1.iP1t1n~Y, <br />~q?r~ T`1~1T ':U: ~',(iS("::STFUI.I.Y u4" E,rrf)U[_STE~!; 1'0 <br />rrli•ISI':7_" RI`_ST~~II~,IG %=R~ ~ 111':. C~~~`iISSIf?5~ <br />~d~p _'~'1_ <br />