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;~I'~U7':S <br />~it~i !;ouncil <br />~1an. 22, 1935 <br />Plannin~, '~Irs fira!~~ons also ror~rient~r.i thai; 'ti~e ~Pirst Y!'ar on {.n^ Coi~~r?i~si~~n is ~ <br />~~~E;iissi~n <br />( le~rri~ng ~x;>ur'i2nr.c ancf sh~ cid not thin'~< it ~~~~ir to ~ppo~nt i~~ir. D2Lon~is <br />, <br />(ro~~~.) anc!. P~Irs. $c'riv~eizer ~to one-y~ar t~~rms rather than thr~e. 7imnons also <br /> s~;ngested f,hat some 9;y~~e of t;raininq be provid.ed for ne~~i ^osninissi on <br /> irier;r~ers. 1'irunons ~'n~n poin~ed o~,~t t 'riat by redi.cing thr lenc~~tri o~ t:he <br /> ~erms of DeLonais ai~<,I Sch.~!2izer, at the ~~nd o~ 193~ there a~ou1d be <br /> ~Piv~ t:~rm s up at one ~time. T'ir~mons dict not Ye4~ tn~t this wou1r` ;~rovicl~~ <br /> fnr nood r.ontinui~ty. <br />Nlr '=ahey suc~~)^st'd that 1:ne Coi.m~ i l not edver~ti sF a vacancy on ~,he <br />~.Oi,~11SS10~1 ~.lP~'.SS ii't, t~(18 E-`.YICi 0'F 6~IC-_` ~/£'.~1^ tflf.'P° tll"P ~~0"~Sp15S1011 ~1,r~~..iJ~'1"~i <br />,vhn do no t~;ii sfi ?:o h^ reapnoi n t~d. l'~e me,=~bers coul d b^ contact.^d i n <br />?lov2mbnr to see i f~ch~y 4~oi!1 d be ~,?i 11 i n9 to s~rva~ another 4:eri;i anr.t, ~i f <br />,o, thF~~ f;ounc'il could rea~~i~~oin~t them. Tf tliere ~.vas not Counci1 sunnor~: <br />~For a p~arti c~~l ar Cormai ssi on men;ber, 4'.hat ~~ot~l d be fi ne at so. <br />Tim~aons f^lt thtat sinc~ Dei_onais anc! Schvieizer anplied for finrea-Y°ar <br />~::erm„ ~the,y shou1 ci he aiven tne oppor~!mi ~.y 'to serve thre-year i:erms. <br />;~~s. i~lZr~.ini pf~inted ou~ ~tne atcentl~nce o'P c~~ne of t~~e Coem~iss'ion ~aer.?h~rs. <br />("ahey suqc~~sted thaf: ~;he t~~ro ne~v Commission me;rbers be ~7iven <br />terrns and the Co~.~ncil i:a1~1~ aCtion on ~the neve or~in<znce dF'creasinr~ tt~e <br />si ze of ~~'rie Conirri ssi on to se~ten. Ttie Counci 1 can 1 ook a~ i.h~ s at th~ <br />~~nd of the vear. <br />,'rs. Ti~irions :un^ested that. tf~is ~;ai:ter be puf; on the Se{?tnmber "lanninr <br />Come~ission a~enda ~Por discussir>n. <br />'~ir. I31 esF~nc:r i ntr~duc~d. tY~e fo11 or~i ng resol uLi on ~nd moved i ts acio!~i:i on: <br />R(iSOI.!1TI0!.~ 'J0. ?~i-1-tt~ _ n;-~0"!SI!:)'"(tt`IG TiiE <br />APPOT'IT'.FPlT ~)r ~,t_i~lFi DnL0~~11\IS A?Ip °FriGY <br />S,f,llt~[I7!iP. `=0R 0"I[_-Y:RR T'-'2~'~S 0~! jHi' <br />~~~ ~1i!i•!I~li'i Cp`~i!ISS'IO'i-' <br />T~i~ forecEOinn rFSOlution e~as d~ily s~conded by ~~1r. ~a.hey <br />!1v~s (41 Rlesener, Fahey, Collova, 'Jardini. <br />""~yes t{1;. <br />Resolut'ion declared ado;otec~. <br />This reso1ution annears 'in ~'esolut'ion '~~~ok ."do. 1', °~q^ ~L. <br />Mr, Rlesencr in~troc'~i.iCed t'ne fo~llox~rinq reso1u~f;ion and r.~~vec! its adoptioi~: <br />~t.=SOLI,IT'I~6I h10. £36-'I-/!2 - APPOShdT~S~~r~ (a~1d`- <br />1ir~Lr)PlA.IS t~rdi7 ps_!',C~Y SC!i!;!'~I7E`: T•'.) T`I~?.;.r-Y~=P,i~ <br />IERi~!S 01l 71Ir. ol_Fll~it,~Z,~'~ OF1i;ISSIOia <br />~age -•11- <br />