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01-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-22-86 Council Minutes
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8/3/2009 2:22:37 PM
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~1I~!UTLS <br />~~i~ty Coune,il <br />Jan. 21, 198~i <br />6off <br />pev^t op~nent <br />Pro~~osal <br />(Cont.l <br />~rr~s n~.~bl ~i c opi ni ori ~i:o s~~p~~~rt i t. <br />P1r. 3lesencr reported that the~re are ?0 acres of proper~y involved, <br />bu~t 601~ i s t~ci riq uti 1~i zt~tr'; wi ~t4i the oth~r ~}4°6 1 oc.a±ed on ~the tr~i anc~ul ar <br />!~i~a.r,e or in~ider ~the r~o~~aer 1 ines. `~lesener s~tated ~Y,het he <fid not even <br />coun~ t'ne 4~ropertyy une~er ~~h^ poei~r lines. T?te Crianc!iilar piece is <br />deve~lopan1e if the d.2veloper clesired 'tq use the narcel. Rl~s~ner <br />fel t hha~ ~:hEre ~cre l l 1/? <ZCres of c~ro~~ert:y b~ i ng proposed for <br />deve1oprnent arici ~his ~fi<~urec( to a inaximum of 40 Lo 42 sinqle <br />f<vr,i'Iv hor,~es. <br />~1asener po~ii~it~d ou~t: tna~t ~Che Cqunci1 is loo!:ing at a proposa1 of <br />114 un~its on 11 acres oF oroperty arict he consid.2red th~is f~-3 zoning <br />ra.ther t~ia.n f',-2. 31 eser,Pr f~l i; tha1: !t-2 ~rovi <.~~c', Condi ti ona1 iase for <br />qi~ads ancl not hi~iilc~inqs. <br />Mr. ~31 ~sener st~~ ~~c! tha~t he co~al ci see tlies^ un~i ts as a buf~P^r to t`ie <br />dev~1oprnent; on tYre other s~cif~ o~f Cour~ty Roaci i), bii1; he .r,oulc~ n~.>C acc~pt <br />a<~ensi ~,y inyti~~'riere cl os^ ~Co s~rfiat; ~i s hei ng oroposp~i. <br />"~Ir. Co11ova. aqre~<i i~ith some rczoninn oi the property, ne ~r~as no~ <br />i r7 ~favor of vr'na~ i s no~~~ o~i np ~rooosed. <br />Co11 ov~~ fel ~r that a cl~vel o~t,nent, of real smal l I~o;~;es ti~~ ~thout g~?rac;es <br />s~~o~.~1d not cS~ ~nything nositi~i~ ~For tne Zrei. Collova s't:af;ed t;ha~t he <br />~.vas in favor of ~?-2 roning a1onq County 12oaci D. <br />i-?s. F~!arc!in~i st.aTe~ ~thaY she ~,aould pref2r s~~a~ethinq oth2r tlian six-plexes, <br />sorn2th~in~ of a~lesser d2nsity. Nartlini c!ica ~io~t `ee1 ~therc., ~r~as th. neeQ <br />t0 I)IIffF1" 'cl(?d1P15fi: 4:~1C? !11(jfl~ltl°S. <br />~°,r. f)aubn2y requaste<t tli~~t the mai:ter be ref~rred t~8c;; ~o t;he P1 ann'i n{a <br />Co;riYii ssi on ~o se~ i~'r ~i;he~y coi.~1 d co;ne up ~h a devel opment proposa~i <br />~:{ld$ 1'Ipt~l~C~ hQ I;IOF"P ~~C,E?~t8~)~E. <br />`~~~ir, f=ah~y point~d out that P~irs. Sralze ~J<.is opuosed 'to the rezoninq of <br />the cor.~rnercial nroperty on ~;he ott~er sic~e of the fre~d~iav to mt~1t.i~le <br />Pamily. ran~Y pointed out tha~t it ~.dill ~~a'<e 4 v~tes oi` '~ii~ Co~mcil <br />to oass a. r~zoninn. <br />i=ahev recori~nended th~tt; the rr,at.ter be ~i:abled. <br />~~Irs. Tinunons re~~or~ed that ~t~ie Pl~tnn'inn Comi~iission wou1d 'I~ike co s^e <br />d Y'E?V1S8f~ l7~dll ~FY'OAl "'~P. ~i01°F dI7Ci SUCfCIBS'~~_'C~ ~:~idt ~Ic^. i10'r CO`i1Ca J~aC~< <br />~,vit;h ~the sanie plan. Tirmions ~felt ~hat the plan beinc~ nrop~>>^c! ~aas <br />too int^ns~. <br />Wezrdini cor~~mentec( ?;ha~. sh~ thounPit the %'lannino ~omia~ission ~,vas r~ore <br />co~u.^rn~d ~,,!ith the a~sthetics of t,~e p1an than tli^ c!ensity. Timr~ons <br />s1:a~e~! that so;ne of t:he concerns Evere 1:'ne ~iensi~Ly, lac!< of p~ar!~ soace. <br />'~aoe -6- <br />
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