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01-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-22-86 Council Minutes
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~,II.s~UT!:S <br />rity Counci~i <br />Jc,n. 22, 1Sf;b <br />Goff <br />i)ev;~1 ~apment <br />Proposal <br />(^ont.) <br />f~!r. I_anE as'~<ed ifi ti~ie units !~~ould be stick-buil~t or pre-~Pai~. Goff <br />r~plied t:haf, Ch~y ;~roi~id be stick-built. <br />I1r. Oaiibney report~d that access tiā¢rou~id be so~lely fror,~ County itoaci D <br />and therefore, ~here U~oul d not be a~;raffi c nrobl sni on ArcadF~ Strcet. <br />I~f t:he pronert;y s~tere de~relop~d as s~inglF~ fam~i'I,Y, there vrould probably <br />bE~ acress to Arcade Street and, th~as, more of a traffic ~~roblem. <br />,A1 so, tVier~ are no absol tite quaran't2es i:hat tne uni ts +,voul d b2 ou~mer- <br />occu~~~ied. ;!os;ever, as part oF the PUD tt~e oavner can be re~uir~d 1;0 <br />sign a coridn tlecl~r~~i'.ion tn~t t~~e ~!nit ~~~oi.i1d 'oe o~.~mer-occunied. The <br />1 ikel i hood ~rioul d be for the uni t to reinai n outner-occupi ed, <br />~l so, Daubney report~>d t:hat !-1r. (;o~f ~md !`ir. Foosi~ie are ~,ri 11 i ng to <br />c?^dicat~ tiie trianqi.alar pro~ert,y aric( the nroperty under ~th~ po~r~er <br />lin~s as park proqertY. 7his :iill i~eln the va.'luations in the area. <br />T:~e nroperty iao~ild b~ trans~F~rred to i;Yie City at no charg~~. This <br />srill a1so heriefii; the c!?ve~lop~r, as he a,rou1~i he using ti~ie nroperty for <br />dr~nsi~y and onc,e turned over to tli^ City ~~roiald no longer hav2 to pa.y <br />tax~s on it. <br />i~-1r. C)aubney i ndi cated. th~~t P+ir. Go~Ff i s a qual i t~ bui 1 der. ,11 so, <br />a PUD does n~'t; ~ive i,he develop2r th~ right to ;niit i~~ am~ ~yue q~f <br />develonment he sdan~ts, hi.i~ it is a Contrac~t hetsre~n the City and tlie <br />devealoper i~!fiich th~ d.eve'loper abir(e i>y. <br />P~!s. i~Jardini introc(uced thE~ fol1osvinr resolution antl mov2c ii;s acioption: <br />r~ESpLUT?01l P!0. (~6-1-",i - .f,I.OSIilQ TFI~ PU,3LIC <br />ti~F1RI~1~:, Op~l TI~f" GOF(' DE:~II_~OPh1;"r1T S'R~AOSAI_ <br />T~~e far~9oing resol~ation ~~:as du1y seconded by Mr. ~lescner. <br />P~yes (4) ~lardini, I~lesener, Co1lova, f'aney. <br />P!~ys (~). <br />Reso1 ~-i9:i on ~iecl arad ~idopted. <br />This resolution aup~~ars ~in Reso'luti~n tSook Plo. 13, 4~ac?e 3G. <br />P?r. f'ahey suyuestcd that 'the Souncil indica~te ~heir f'PSlinc~s Co P1r. uofif <br />and i~~1r, roosiie on thE rezoninc,~ of tne pr~prrty. <br />~aney state~l tl~ia~ it ~is his p?rsona1 opinion ~hat ~the nroperty should <br />remai n R-1 and h^ eaas nrrt convi nr,ed tha't the pr~~perty ti~~oul d no~t <br />(~@VB~Op dS ~~-~. ~'d~'1°y ~OIYi~:@!S OU'6' tfi8$ llY'OpE'}^1;y i1F15 P°CP,.111;~`/ (~H~~(E?~C)~E'C! <br />Oii ~,PCd~~'. $rY'2CJ~t. C°Sf)1'(:C-1 ~:i9E1S~' Sd!"!1~? !~NOb~efltS Otl$~lYl@<~ ~)`/ ~'~Y'. ~dUhtlP.~. <br />FahE~y felt ~that t'nare ~F!as enounh tii~~h d^nsity ho~ising in ~the !;ity <br />an<.i f~~:w er.cept~ions have been ma~!e in rezoninns o~P this ~;ype. ~ahey <br />coi,nr~ented that tiis Ci fiy di <! r~c~nt:l y rezone sonie connnerci a~l pron2rt/ <br />ror a lesser zoning ofi th~is type, ho~~!ever, n~~t reason. Fahey <br />sta~ted that he rras not i n~favnr of i.ipzoni nci G?-1 nroperty unl ess there <br />PBCP. -'.~- <br />
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