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? II?"!1T( S <br />i.i t?/ Counci 1 <br />Jan. 22, 1n,tr, <br />K1 i nr~~l tiu~C <br />Autc~ S~al es <br />Licens^ <br />~ocnda. <br />Steri ^!o. 5 <br />°~~r. ~l ement. ~. !:1 ~i ngel }~ut has ~a~a.d4~ rzppl ~ic~ti on for an auzo sal es 1 i c~nse <br />t;o operai:~ r~n auto sales bt~sinass at 1S3 Fast RY~~ Driv~ iri i:he bt~i~lcl~inq <br />o~ane~': and onerateci bv li~i~!. G3~11a.nd. ~ <br />~'~s. Mardi n9 ~s!:~c ho!r~ many auto sal es 1 i.r,enses hav~ been u,ed i n R~iai~ <br />in~;ustr'ia.l ':'ar!:. Tiie ~ler'~; was nof. s!ire. <br />Mr. Ki i nqel Yiut sta~:ed that; he ~~0~?1 d 1 i I<e ~;o ~>ih~l esal r~ or re~tai 1 ~`rom <br />~~1r. f'•~11and's loc.ation. K'linge'Ihut reporte<i ~tPiat he bi,i~s r.ars frora <br />souihern stat~s and th;~y ar;~~ rni~a~ir~~<f >>v ^rlr. F3e11and curr~ntly. <br />ra;~~t~y n~int2d out th~t ~tNr~ ordin~nce does not pro'~~ia~it ~;hese ouerations <br />ir~ tPi2 indus~rial parl:. "!ardini stated that she E~!as a~~~are o~P 9:h~s, b~rF. <br />a+oul c! 1~i ke ~to i:n2.v t:~~ nur~~ber of 1 i censes that have heen i ssi.teG( i n tV~c <br />r~ark. <br />7he f~lanm~r indica~~,d that a conciif,ional use nnri~i~t m~~y be n~cessary <br />if tfiere ar~ iaccessor~t enclosed re~tail sales or onen nr o~,itdoor sales. <br />Th2 Cl~r't si:ated 9:h~t he ~•rill find nt~ii: the ni.irnber o~F l~ic~nses issu~d <br />i n ~th2 par!<. <br />i~lr. ~'ahey d~id no~t sea thr~ nesessity for a conclit~ional t~ise p2rmit. <br />Tfie Planner point;ecl otrt th~~t at; ~:his uoint iqr. IC~Iinnelhut: ind~cai.~s t;hat <br />!~ie ~ii 11 have r~o cars ~m si t,F, but i f iie cnane~es hi s mi nd, the Ci ~ty ~•ri 11 <br />'riave cc~n~trol vtitli a condiiional i.ise permi~:. <br />'1r. ~ ahe,y i n<ii r_~~ted ~t~iat h`r. !C'I i nge1 Yiut sho~a1 d ni~e~t t~ri ~th th~e ,'~l anner <br />on ~thi s and i f i t i s determi nc~~c! tf~iat a condi t;i onal i,ise permi t i s <br />necessary, tnen the ~'lcrk shoi~ld cal1 'the necessary G~~iablic hearin~. <br />"r. 1=a.heY introdt?ced the fo1lowinr r2soli.iticm <tnd mov~d its adon~ion: <br />RESOLUTIOiti ?I0. g6-1-33 - A°Pf2OVSt•If~ TH~' YLTpIC;rLHU7 <br />,nUTO SAI..`iS Li~;;ii~S'r: Cn!,17Ii:,0E;"I'f ll~'0~~ T4+;`i F1P!'LICA"17 <br />APPLYZ"IG t=0~? 41'~ !;FIN[; Itf'~';?t!V.F.C FOR ~"~lY CO~IDITIO'~~!/1L <br />USfi i~~.R'' IT 7~1/11' ZS IfEOI~T{~;:0 RY ORpT`:IA',iri' <br />R `< > <br />!`,uto <br />Sa'IvaGe <br />Lir.ense <br />~c~enda <br />1ti?~It P!0. G <br />The i~regoi nq r~so~i u~i on :~aas <.luul y sec~nded U~~ P'r. '31 esener. <br />!\Yes (4) Fe,'siey, i;lesen2r, Co1lova., ~lerd.ini. <br />i~~ayes (0). <br />Resoliati~n dec1ared ~~c(o~,~t2tl. <br />tl~is r2snlui:io7 agpears in Resolu~ion t3~o!< ilo. ~13, f?acie 3<~, <br />''~"~i". ~..011'12 '?USC~I(~ Of !~ :~: S r~ll'~;O 1i)~)`..'B.l",^.CI G)f`,r(01"° 'f:16'. ~.OU11C1~ 1"".QUPSl`lil!? <br />approva1 of an aui.o s~.lvace ~I~icensc so ~tha~t h:~ ca.n bi~y da~na,re~i clrs <br />to use for p~rts. <br />P~r~~ _;j_ <br />