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~,yr.aU7~~~ <br />Ci~ty ~ouncil <br />J-1n. '?., 193, <br />R 2~ S ~4r. ~il esen~*r i<.~ t;~~e fo11 o~s~i nn reso1 u1:i on and rnovefi i~s adopt~i on: <br />NuCO Sal~iaqe <br />L~ic^nse RES01_Ul'IOi! ~~l0. £30-1-39 - APPRO~IIN(;~ A?I .4UT0 SRI_~./A,GE <br />(`,ont.? L.T.Ci t~S~ ~"OR l? ~: S ,4U7~1 <br />7he foregoi ng reso1 uti on v,~as du1 y seconder! 69 imr. !;ol i ova. <br />,~~/f?S ~P'i ~~~L'SEI`iQP~ ~~O~~OVc~~ i~~'~P(J1Yi1 ~ f'8.G1e~/. <br />I'~d~/$ ~~~i. <br />Rasolu+'ion ~eclar^d adopi,ec!. <br />7his resolutinn appears in Resoli~tiori '~oo!< P~o. 13, Paqe Q~Q. <br />1'ecess !1~L ihis noint ~in 1:he meet,~ing, 8:~a3 P.f~~., Co~~ncil t.ooi; a short recess. <br />?~~(? I*I^E~:li1CI ~;r~$ Y'(?C.0114Q11(?(~ 8f ~:~° f~.?~i. <br />Deht f~°ir. !?ohcwi, V~to, City !\ttdi~tor, present~d to ttie Counc~i1 the C7ty's <br />Service Special Assess;ment [lei~t Service Study. <br />Repori'. <br />P~Ir. Voto taxF~~laine~~ in de~tail his various pro~ec't'ions for the follqt~!inc <br />!~nenda Ci~t~~ bonc, issi,i:~s: <br />St~~r; Ido. 7 <br />Sani~t:eiry Se!.aer Ronds of 195G an~i 1957; <br />I~:rorove~r^~nt; ~'onds oF 1971 (50~); <br />Improvernent Cionds o~i 1973 (5Q3}; <br />Ir=~provement ifon~is o~ 197L (50~l~); <br />Re~Piind~ing ifonrfs o~F 1913 (.605}; <br />T.mprovernent t3o~n<fs o~P 191t? (50G); <br />Tmprov~m~nt Bonds o~F 19:~3 ( 510) ; <br />Irnnroveinerit ~3onds of 1~38~J~ (5~1'I ); <br />Itef'unc!~inq Rorirls of 1385. <br />i1r. Voto also exnlained ~t'~i^ various levy canc~1la.tions that `ie ~s <br />proj~r,~t~in<r. Vo~to reuorted t;~iat bis are ver,y conservative, <br />but that it is d~finitely t~^ tiriE~ to canc~l levies as li~ has prqjeci:ed. <br />"~r. (31 es~~~ner ~ nf:rorh.iced the fo11 ~t~ri nn resol ui:i on ancl ~nov~d i~s adopti on: <br />~i_SOLUTCOiI !~10, f;~-1-np - ,4CC~PTIr~; THc All!JIl'OR'S <br />SP!:ST.,+1L 1\SSESSi1^~^!t DE[iT S~ "VICE STUDY n,:~~) <br />GD~:~U'?Ii!G !!Iili TNr ~U(~~~EST`'1 ";Oh.~l7 C~'1~~r1:I,LATIOt,IS <br />~i ~_[.VT~~? <br />Th^ foregoinc! resoliition ~~ras d~Aly s^concied by h8s. ~42rdin~i. <br />n~/°5 (~~ i3~°$811f?1^, ':`~c1t^(t7Y11, ~;O~~OVd., ~~~lf?Y. <br />i`!ay°S (O). <br />rtesolut~ion d~c~larer! ador~t.ed. <br />"fP;i s resol u~;i on ac>pears i n?tesol u~t:i on !3001; 1~!0. 1"3, Pagr ~1 . <br />Parie _~3_ <br />