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P~IINUT~S OF 7Hf RFGULFlR P~1F~TIPd~~ <br />CITY COU:^!CIL <br />LTTI'L~ CJII~IFlD~, t~9If•1D1F.SOTA <br />February 26, 1J86 <br />~ursi.~ant to due c~ll and noY.iCe thereof a r2gular meeting of the <br />Council of the ~it,y of Lit1:le Canada, ~linnesota vaas neld on the <br />2>th day of February, 19£36 in the Co~.incil Chambers of the City Center <br />locateci at 515 I_ittle C~nada Road in said Cit,y. <br />l~genda ~~layor Prlichael Fahey chaired the i?iec~ting and called it to order a~t <br />Ttcm ?~o. 1 7:~30 P.P~i. anci tne follosving members were present at roll ca11: <br />Rgenda h1.EP4B~RS PRES~P17: tl~yor h9r. Michael ~ahPy <br />Itei~ No. 2 Councilman ilr. 1~tilliarn 3lesener <br />Coi.inr,ilman R?r. Rick Collova <br />Councilv~oman ~~is. Mi.igs Plardini <br />Councilt~roman Mrs. (3everly Scalze <br />ALSO PRFSFNT: City Cler!< f~~r. Joseph Chlehec!< <br />Ci ty ~ttorney P1r. Thomas S~~eeney <br />Consulting Fng~neer t~ir. D~nal<f Carley <br />City Planner f~r. David Licht <br />Recording Secretary i~1rs. Ka~hleen Glanz~r <br />1lpproval h1r. Falicy intlicated that on page 3, paragranh ~ of the f'ebruary 12 <br />Of The Council m2eting minutes, the }~hrase °per month" should be ainended to <br />~vtinutes "per meet~ng". <br />Ayencla I~1r. !~lesener introduced the fol1owinn resolution and moved. its adoption: <br />ZtP.f!7 ~~0. 3 <br />RFS01_UTION ~!0. H6-2-7'L - APPROVING TfiE P~INUTES <br />OF TFIE F!:!~RU,~Ry 1?, 19£3fi COUNCIL t1[FTI~!f, IdITEI <br />T!if CORR~CTIOPI ~,S OUTLI~IFD 1~t30V~ <br />T?ie foregoinc reso1ution v!as ~!uly seconded by Pns. Idarclini. <br />ilyes (5) Fahey, Plardini, Sollo~ia, E31es~ner. Scalze. <br />~lays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resoli~tion appears in Resolution [3ook Mo. 13, Page 73. <br />~ia~~<< t1r. ~atiey onened the public hearin~ on the Thomas Judd rec~uest for <br />Property property division and side yard setbac'c variance. Sahey pointed out <br />Division that the Planninp Cominission recommanded to deny the variance <br />~ request and tnat the Council consic.ler the vacation of Jac'~son Street <br />Var~ ance frorn B1 ua~ooci to Ol d C,ounty Road C. <br />Ac~enda f7r. Thomas Judd of 95 [~luwood F~venue appeared before the Council on <br />Ite~i Dio. 4 his rec~i.iest. <br />"~1rs. Scalze pointetl out that the code does not allow a variance if <br />there is na hartlship present. <br />Page -1- <br />