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MI~IUTES <br />rity Council <br />Feb. l6, 1 °~>(i <br />~lucid <br />Pro~erty <br />Diuision <br />(Cont.) <br />Judd f21t that he should he a1loeied to line up his house viith the <br />existinc~ horacs in the ar2a. In orcier to do ttiis, a variance aaoulci <br />be necessary. <br />Rlesener pointed out that the existing hames are located on lots of <br />record. P9r. Judd is askirig the Council to create a lot. 131esener <br />di d not feel the Counci 1 coul ci al l o~r~ a non-corifornii ng 1 ot to bF> <br />suhdi~rided. <br />~ah~y agre2d tnaC the City cannot create a lot for svhich a variance <br />~vill t~e needed, ~ahey fe1t that ~the proper approach ~~vould 5e to <br />vacate the street. If the street is vacated, ,ludd ne~ds only maintain <br />a 10 foot si cie yard se~tback, a~ri ttio~at the vacat~i on a 3Q foot setb~c.k <br />1 S t"nC1Ul Y'P.(l. <br />i~ir. Judd asked if tn~ streef, v!ere vacateci, where the land vrould ~o. <br />rahey reoli~d that the lanQ would reti.irn to ~~vhlChever property it 4~as <br />obtaineci fror:t. <br />Ji.idcl pointed ~u~: thzt if Jacl:son S~Creet ~vere im~~roved, he s~rould be <br />requireci to ded.iratr:. 17 feet for the road. Judd felt that this was <br />a harcJshin. <br />Scalze aqain s~tated tiia~t ~the City cannot creata a non-conforming lot <br />for svhich a variance is needed. <br />The {lttorney reported that the City ~aould have to holc! a public <br />hearirig on the vacation issue. The ~ttorney also recornraended that <br />the var,ation b~ petitionPd for 1~y ~the property o~dn~rs. In that ~~ay <br />it ~aiill only ta!<e a ma,jority of the Council to pass the vacation. <br />Alsn, if ,)~.idd oa~itionecl for tne vacat~ion, it woi.~ld precl~~d2 him <br />from ohjecting to th~ vaca't,ion. <br />P~r. Judd fclt that the vac~tion and ciisposition of land involved <br />si~oul d be handl ed fai rl y to al l tP~e property o4mers i nvol ved. Judd <br />i ndi cat~c! tfiat he Fel t he shoul d be a4iarcfed some of the property <br />involved in the vacation. <br />The °lanner indicated that i P the vaca'tion ocrurs, an c~asement sho~ilri <br />be maintained for the aiatermain in the area. <br />1=1r. ; ahey s tated tha t he vras i~ii 11 i nc; to have th~ i 1 i ni ti ate <br />the vacat~on as lonc~ as ~~r. Judd ~aoi~ld s~gn a document stating <br />that r~e <lid not o~pose the vacation. Judd replied that he svou1d not <br />ob,iect to t'ne uacation. <br />TYie Attorn~y nointed that the Citiy Counc~i is not t~~~ body that <br />deternrines t~~ho ~~+ould get the oroperty if Jac!<son Street Ldere vacated. <br />This is deterrnined by the Coianty °ecorder. <br />TheEnginerr stated that it is o~vious that the property for Jac!:son <br />S1:reet came frpin the property to the east. <br />Pa9e _?_ <br />