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tiIIN(17FS <br />City Coimcil <br />Fef~. <'_>, 193Ei <br />Narciens <br />(Cont.) <br />rat~ge ~lann~n~. Ttie City i~as this opnor~unit:y nos~. <br />~~r. !~lesener suggested that the ~ity gei; ~~ir. Schroeder's ideas. <br />~4r. Fah~y st.ated tYiat he s~as leaninn to~;~ards access on I4innesota <br />for Flardees and a road easement frorn i~;r. Schroeder for the other <br />t~~~o parce1 s. <br />Council aqreed that Pir. ScYiroE~der sliou1d be as!~ed to lool< at ~ttie <br />ro~c; access question. <br />Scaize pointed oiat that the plan <>nly sho~~aecl 4 feet of green area <br />aroiuid thc site and ; f^et Gvas required of Sinclair. <br />P~ir. Diamond as!<ecl about setbac~;s for th~ pro~~erty and t~lhich street <br />~~~o~i1c1 t~~ considered as liar<lees' fron~rage. <br />The Pl anner reol i ed that the str~et ~vi th the narrot~~es t e~~i dth v~as <br />considered t~e f'rontace, therefore, i~innesota ~~~ould ~ae Hardees' <br />froritage. 4C1 f^et is required as a side yard setb~c!; from a nublic <br />street and 20 feet is the rear yard set'~ac!<. <br />trir. Collova introduced the fol~loo-~inn res~lution and rnoved its adoption: <br />R~'SOLUTIOR PIO. f;5-2-77 - CLOSIhIG Tt~IF °f13LIC <br />tiEFlRI~JG OM THE MARLIEES' PitOPOSAL <br />Ttie foregoi ng resol ut.i on ~,las dii1y seconcler~ by P4r. f31 esener. <br />~yes (5) Collova, [iles~ner, Scalze, P!ardini, Fahey. <br />~~ays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution !3ook ^!o. 13, f'ar;e 73, <br />i1s. P!ardini introduced the Pollos~iing resolution antl moved its acloption: <br />R~S01_UTIO~! N0. Bo-2-7f3 - "GA[3LIAI, {FCTIOPI OPi <br />TNE HARCt['FS D~V~LOPf+IE~!T PRDPOSA~ PF`dDZ~IG <br />11 Rf:PORT FRO~" TH`: PL"~1Pii~!G COP~h1TSSI0^i <br />'(he forec;o~nn r2solu~ion was dul,y seconded by P~9r. Blesener. <br />,~yes (5) Narclini, f3lesener, Scalze, ~ahey, Collova. <br />Plays (0). <br />Resq~lu~tion declared atlopted. <br />This resol~.ition anpears in Resolution Book ~lo. 13, Page 79. <br />Page -6- <br />