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I?IIIUT~S <br />C'ity <br />Feh. ?_F, 1936 <br />Fiardees P9r. l)iamond pointed o~it that ~1cDonald's has acr.ess on Rice Street. <br />(Cont.? <br />Sr,alze repli~d that this t~as a mistake and indic~ted thlt ti~is ac.cess <br />is causinq a bad traffic situation in the area. Scalze statec( that <br />she ~~~as not in favor of adciing ±o this problem. Sr.alz~ also nointed <br />out that there are trafi`ic signals on Rice and h":innesota. <br />7h~ Planner commented that th~ City is not cl2nying ffardees access. <br />They can tiave access from '~innesota, aut they wi11 have vis~bility <br />from t?ice Strect. <br />P1s. Mardini quest~ioned if the rouncil should be lookino at the <br />u~hol~ ~i~ce of property owned by ;9r. Schroeder at this point. <br />^lardini qi.~esY.ioned iP ther^ s9~oulc! be a street serving tnis property. <br />P1r. Diamond pointed out that P4r. Schroec(er is ant~icipat~ing three 1ots <br />from his property. <br />~'ahey st:atec! tha~ if it is f,it/ policy not to alloaJ ar,cess to Rir,e <br />Street, the City cou1d not approv~ a three-lrrt split fo•r !1r. Schroeder. <br />Scalze point2d out that thr_ U.S.S~:rim drivea!ay shoiilc( be a street <br />servicing tYiis property. <br />TYie Planner s~.i~geste<i that the applir.ant; and the nropertv owner should <br />subnii t a pl an for ho~~! thi s 4vho12 pi ece of property ~.~i 1 i devel op. <br />Fahey as'~ced if the City could requirc the property oa•mer to put in a road <br />for t~~io niec~s of property that already have road frontage. <br />7he flttorney sugqested that the City minht ~~anC to put an ordinance <br />on th~ boo!<s in this regard. <br />Scalze f21t that tha~ Ci'ty ti~tas only c!oing lonri-ranrye planninc~ ~~nd t4i~ <br />City ti~lanted to ensure ${1dL` :V~l~t it cloes toc!1y t=rill be eorrect in 1.0 <br />years. <br />P9r. D~Lonais asked if tti~s v~oul~i apply all the way d.own ~'ice Street. <br />Fahey replied ttiat other lots on C2ice S~reet u~iould be too sma11 to <br />require a road. Scalze pointed out 'that the Schroeder property is <br />a large onn under one ownershio. <br />DeLonais felt that the propert.y shoulc.f be a11oti~red ona access to <br />Rice Street adith a turn-riqht-only stioulation. <br />Scalz~ felt that the °lannirin, Commission and the Coi~mcil had to look <br />a~t 1 onq-range p1 anni nc;. <br />C,ol l ova st~ted that :~ie ~-aas not opposec! to an access on Ri ce Street <br />and poi rrted out ~that f2i ce Str~et i s four 1 anes .v~ de. <br />The P1anner statecJ that C~~ty nolicy states s~here possibl~. If a <br />nrop2rt~/ is lanciloc!<eci, there 'is no other option. Nov~^ver, arterial <br />streets are intendec! to carry trafPic adhile minor streets are intencied <br />for land access. The Plann~r felt tYiat this siY.uation cleserved lono- <br />Paoe -5- <br />