<br />~.li:V ~OI)!ICI~
<br />(~'~dl"C41 'J.t~ ~ ~ <`i?~i
<br />i~U(1~!~ ~~ii~l?V/ S11(~Cs.'SG~'C~ t~id~: ~'FlE `.il(Y111C.'1" ~60~C 1'1~0 1:~1'I$ !)OSS1~)'1~'I'CV iiS ~;7E`.~7
<br />r~ropert.y as th^ ~aR~.~i 1 i ty ea ,~uen~.. Thie ~noi n<er si~ot~~l d a'I so 100!< ~f; ~±ie turn
<br />r~ivis'iori aroi.~r~~1 a,rea for S;lu~;+ond Aveni_i~.
<br />!';ont.;
<br />I.?la. ^,5-1 ",r '~ahcy report~d ~;hat thc C~i~y !~ias h~~n pF±~t:itionec( by C~i° !'?t~abury
<br />~r~i
<br />Canah~ "~~nd No!~mo~,mers ^,ssoc:iat~on for correct'.'i~n of ~~ dr~3inau,~ (~ro~`~lnm
<br />.
<br />i~Otlf.~. 071 ~;~iP,'ll" ~)NOnf't'~:`/. 7~12 ~Y1R911FR1^ ~1dC h^(311 1P15'~N~IC1,L'(~ dt 4ElC' ~:tS~r
<br />(7verFlp~r Counci'I ~icet~inc to C~n~t~~rt tn~-~ ?1^sociai.~ion ~to dntt~_r~!in~~ ~~~i~t t;iiF~y
<br /> t.~pU~(1 ~l~;f? (~OYIP. 1ilC~ lil~OY'-~ t~lF;l`-! Y'.~'18'~ t.ilPy Y1011~<I I)° ASSr,c$C-',C~' 1°OP'
<br />",gend.a the c~~s't o~f t~ny ii~~provement.
<br />It,m ~~;v. ~I1
<br />ir :aney 'infor!„nd f'ios~ in th^ au~li~n~~ t:`iat r°i~ ~:n~!ineer is
<br />~
<br /> on th~is e~a*;;cr.
<br />cu.rren~C1v ill anc~ Pias not had an o~~!,>ori;i~nity to ~r~~rk
<br /> ~1 mer~iber of 'the assoc~ia~t'io;~ r~~~nor~te~i tha9~ Gra.nd Pr;~, ~;an,zhur~i Tot:~,~_
<br /> hoi.ises anc! ~;anah~_irv On Th^ !I~i'il arn a~iso cont;ribu~ting t:e th'is
<br /> cirai nt~io~ ornbl e~=i. ~ A1 so, Canahiary Pond has oe^n navi nc! f~r pu-~ip'i ~~~n
<br /> t.h~~ poncf, ~v'~iicii these ot.her co~n;ilexes are c~raining in~f;o.
<br /> i~~?rs. Sca~lze noint:>c! ouf; i:hat ~tV~iis is a pri~ta~;= pond an~~ tne CitV
<br /> `ie.s nc~ r*1s~r;~~ni: in 1.hi> ar~~a.
<br /> Thn ~rc„~ib~*r oF f:~ie audience repor'i.e~1 rn~~; s'~~e ,,,as ~1t~ar~ i.;i.,~, t,u,
<br /> ';ity nui in <~ p«~~n for the poric± on t`i~ so~.~+h sie~~ o~l' Cr~ur~i'~y
<br /> ,loa<( 3-2 1as~: y2ar tn ~~uroo ~r.^ess ~rater.
<br /> I'h~ aud~ierice „~as infori~u~d t.nat this pro;iect ~~~!as; paid for `r~ "'ir.
<br /> l,lasrud, f,he ~chool Ilis'r,rict., Sleepy fiolln~v a~, saell as thF~ S~t.a'te
<br /> Niqhv~a,y nQparteicnt. T,~ie f,ii;y `iac~ cian~cs anr~~~rien~ts on rosi;
<br /> ~art~iciu~tion in t+~'i., ~rojec~, '»{'~re ~~r~rk ~~ras ever benun.
<br /> r: a±tr,y si.ia~;es t~:` 'that, i;he Co~!nci l~:!a'i t for t ti^ !:nc i n~=r' s r^nort
<br /> anci ct decision cn,..ild hn rnad~ at, the nex't ~oun~~il ni~etinn. 74~~~
<br /> Ennin~er !-!a~~ be abl^ to initiat; n^not;iatians ~rii,~ t`ie various
<br /> prop^rty o~,~tu~rs ~~,o a<tree? ~o Cpsi, nari:icipation.
<br />r,.COtl0l~ilC ~~~f1C? ~~~dY11l1Yi~1 ~.OYOPI'1551[')Il ild5 Y`P.('7"1"-?l~Pl(a)E?C) f;hd~: (~2Y1E_' ~)°~_Oilc~lS I1P,
<br />~(?y(;70!)~~f'Pi~; g~~~plil~r?[~ 15 ~~~5 ~ld"1597 1,0 ~:.}1C`. i-.CQ~10[`ilC ~~P.V~^_~~I9'il~'f1L Oi~liillt't@E'..
<br />i,Olpi9'I 1,~P.2
<br />f~ti°. R1es2ner ~ir~~trociuced f.4~° ~Po17o~kinq j°2solu~tioe anr! »ove~ ~i~ls c~c~opt~o~i:
<br />l1~~nc!a
<br />T ~.er!t P~!o. 4 I?'"~f14,UTI(1"I r~!~). 8fi-'-116 - n,P?OT~i'ri ~r, r,`_i,i~
<br />Ds;Lnd~!~,IS -(0 T;I~. F.C~i~~.IC~t~iT,C ~~l~~ I.n~r~~' Il' ':«'"~"~~I (T~t;.
<br />Tne for^r}qin~! r~asol~.at.ion ~,ias rluly s~~c,ond:~d by ~~rs. Sca.lzc.
<br />n.V^$ ~;~~ ';27?$°Il.^.1"~ ~Cia~7.'c)~ ~'l.~'lE?y.
<br />i~'.d1~5 i~~. .
<br />~;250~ U3;1 Ot1 (%or~ ~Pn(i ~l~Opi.P(i,
<br />7h~is resolutio~n apG~~ears in Reso'li,~i;ion `ioo;< ';o. ~13, P~,r,e 117.
<br />Paa~t -`i-
<br />