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'T;!!,11'' S <br />!;'i t.y Cqunc~i 1 <br />''''ilr•C,II 'I'i '~n~;ti <br />, <br />~{~'~ j;~l'IS DOlPI'C lri 1;'i.^_ !`I;.'P,'~;~IIIG~ Y~l1? r>.i'~.~ ~.OUYif.7~ 1;00~~ c S~ip'ft P°(:(oSS. <br />rili CIP.f?'i:'irl(7 l~l'c1G r!?CQrvnrl('.<i d~ ,;:i;' I~.'',. <br />ECOtIOP:iI C <br />'1~'V2~OC7'i12Yl~L ~''''1"S. SCd~I^ i^Q~70t"'i,°<~ '~Sli3t; ~:i"1'3 ~COt19191C ~P,VP701"Y:',111`, (~nt~'~19'~:t:<;1H n1S <br /><<ran?i i t~E~~ ~ r~v~i sed tl~ie di s~ rict boun <tari es for i;'~~F~ pron~ ~~+ 1~ ?.x T~i~r~~,~ent <br />iax Incr2m^nt `?evr~lnp;~~ent disi:.ricts. <br />1'1!131lClYln <br />;Cont.) annnr <br />T'r~e ?l repor~Ced tha.t. ~tPie P1anr~inct Corr»iss'ion ri~~s re~i.iest~d <br /> t~ <br />one OI 1~.4I~ ~ouncil2~eini~~~rs atiend a r,o~,~,i 9s>ion r,,e^~ inc~ and ~~•r,pla'in <br /> t~lE? ~)071C% C~11^u'C'~'tUPI i,h° ~ll`y 91c'#Y1tS ~r0 $!~:2 ~•l14:~1 ~ &X 7.~IC'fPt•i~.~,"~~f; <br /> ~('l`1111C111(i. ``;P. ~~~.^-,S~?Yl°?1^ 1"^!~Or~;E:C~ ~".41c'C 1lP ~;lOU~rl I)ii '`i;tiJ~)V ~:0 rt~i;f~tll; <br /> t~18 YIC.'Xt; ~~ 1Ylt1l Ylq (,0011~~~1~1 SS lOYI Tf1;~~~1 tln. <br />`.--drlE`.V u~50 Y'2Q1,1,^.St;r^.C~ `L~il.{; LfiP. I~~i.YlY11P1C! (.0::'19lSSlCl1 C'jVF `1'~lc^ rOUflCI~ <br />'I~S ~~"~ IIl~1S O71 t:hf'. C~7S1;1"'ICf ~)OUYI(~dl"1~~5 L`il~"t ~(.1^. ~COYlOGi1C <br />'`)(?y^~Ollm,pllf'. S~7$'~:Y"IC.:1; ~idS SUCICInS't°Ci. i=(1~~18.% '.~SO t)OltYl:OQ Qtl'h <br />l`,~'1"<it, t.:l.° ~;0!.IYI'".1~ ''li1S <~f'CI(1°C" dS d!=1t1.t1;C~1" Of' D0~'I(:~/ l`.41d1; ll`', ':d'1~7 <br />9r;!pl^rnent, this pronra~~~ iii ~f:?ie !;'itY, ancf ~,voulc' li!cr~ ~ihr~ Plannin~.! <br />Cocacrission's f^elinns on th~ clistricts. <br />~MI:' l,DU11Cl~ 1"^V1C?!`I!?C! '~,~1.^, 1"P.r0l;lilE?Yll';i1~10Y!S 'f!IdL` ~CE1P ~.CpYlOC11C ~if)V^~1!lli^.['Yll` <br />b~i~+..ric't rsr~.<~e anr( car~n !,~o +ai~:h i~.h~~ f~llo~F~inr; rev~isions: <br />D~istrisf; i- to rer~ai~ as is, <br />Dis~l:rict 2.. nlort',ti-Sotath 1ine albnc ~ond4~i: fro^! <br />$OUti:sl (1~•IJ ,SO ~;1 VC'. i',0 1„1 j;~:~ £? ~d~ld('d n08.C~,; <br />~)~i sj;ri ct "-!='ror~~i a 1 i n~t nori:h of i;'ri~ ;:iar'<~~~tnl ace <br />i<~esr of t~ie ra~i~iroac! rin'~i.-of-,~aay anc~, <br />nor'i;h o~P the !'--1 i~roc~er~lv near i.a?or~ <br />Road, ~ast side of ~the r4c~~it-~f-v~ay i.i~~~ <br />~~O ~~)~~ dYl(~ f~~ ~f)tyltlfl -~ilp l,ld'1:^Y' ~~~IpY'~:S <br />prop~ r~t;~~/ riqn~-~~F-rday on i:he aas~,; <br />f~15'~;1"1C:'i. ~~- - SOl!'(',Nl 0'~ ~)^P;10i1~r~ l+lEuiL` 0'f ~"ICP. ~>~'.t"i'.t?"F:~ <br />nc~rt'.~~ of itie snut'~~ern bour~idar;~ of ttri <br />jt)Y1H ~_~111° 7)i^0!JC91^'~;ye dl7C' f?1~S'~; 'T:0 '~:~ir,^. <br />I?-1 nrr~o~~rtY; <br />histricl~. 5- V~i!t~nc~ i)rive eas~t to ~the ~?-1 iiroperi;}~ <br />and north of th~ Schroer?er r,rop^rty; <br />~ <br />D~isi.rict 6- as oirt:linef~ in ~,h^ Pl~rin~~~r s i°^uorP: <br />CdL`C:i '°o~.dY'C~il ~~i~ ~nii')> <br />D i s l:ri ci; I- i;I~F~ ~c~ i n~r• Pa r;!~ nn Sour.t:y ~'oar! ~, <br />!~!o;~iever, !;oimcil inci~icateei th~i~; in i)istr~ict; % desionai:~ian nf <br />th~is nro~~er~ty as a t:ax increri^n~t finanr~ina d~istrir,t does not <br />`:"~P_dil {'~ld `L' ~~{1P ~OlIY1C1 ~`9'I ~ ~ F)4° 4I1 ~ ~ l il<J l`.Q Y'F?7_011!? j;~P p1^Ol1~PtY. <br />S~ali, stateC t'riat she ~;aas oppos^<i Y.o ~tisl:ric,1; /. <br />ua~,p _7_ <br />