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<br />CT.TY CfIU~~ICr;.
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<br />~'ursu-~rit to cue~ r,all and n~+:icr, therenf a~~~orksno~> r:,~etina of tie
<br />Cnimcil of the City o~ !_~i~ti.l~ ^an~da„ fe;inriesota !~r)s nelc'. on 2V~~~
<br />3':h r!ay o P Apri 1, 1 c,c;5 i n the !;oianr i 1 ~nar?hers o f tne ';i t:y Cen~,~r
<br />~OCd`L'E`.(~ ~7~ !7~~~~ ~_'I~i:~~E`. ',i.lY18C~i1 !~ndCi lYl $81(~ ~,'19;y.
<br />'"BVnY' ,,.ql~~lil~~ i'dtlP.~/ f;'1~1Y'('~I f;~1r~ r;ipr~~;1n0 d!1(1 ^d~~~•'!~ lfi 1;0 OY'(~^1" rl~.
<br />/ tlri J~~•~. flYl(~ ~f.F1L' f01~~0~.1111Ci tQF?V"f' ~)1"('$.°,111~: i!l`, 'Pp~7 CEi~~;
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<br />''~vor
<br />Counci 1=.nan
<br />Council~ian
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<br />Ct~?cord~nr, Serre~~ry
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<br />f''r. 6~~~ald "•iese
<br />i1r. `>.nner rlanzc~r
<br />~irs. ~at'ilcen !'~lanz^r,
<br />t:~7`/OP s:A}ip'V Y'°t)nNf,f~{~, ~~8t. ~41^ I)!it^DOSf: Of ?:OYIt(!ht;~S 4't01^;<Sh!tD p~C`.(`.P;lY1G
<br />~is t.o d~is~:i~ss drainare plans, overall ~olicy on sV:reet r~stora.t9o~1
<br />anr! ~:!ztern,ai ns.
<br />Souncil h~n~~n by disc+~ssin~i s~rr,->et. res~~oration.
<br />Orl PByYiE? "~Vi'ilU°~ ~~OilYl ~lf?S ITYl(~ i~c'li9 ~~Ylll~:$0Y1~ ~tJpl^p
<br />s•r~r'cs'n~p ~~.o ;~xoress concern ak~oUt; i:he conditior~
<br />fro~n tl~~ poa~4~r~ lines ~o Cpiinty ~?oad f!, "ict;ures
<br />4:o the Counci l sh~?ari nn the condi ti on of tnr> roa;f
<br />7';do proner~t:v o~:;ners
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<br />~fi c'avn~ Avf~nu~
<br />~J:°Y'S~ ~1V°^SE?t1'(,'^C~
<br />"'1". ~~1^S ?c~tp(~ ;10!~; ~Oi1C! d POd(~~$ ~lt.° t'Y.pnCtlYlCy 4/:l5 8liC'. {104`I ~OYIn d
<br />~;OP!i,}"dCt01" 1'l1S ~ldl5~^ '('~i^ l`.i18 COYIC~I"~:lOYi 0'~f i,{lF? }^~~(~, jtlp F[l(IIYIE'E'.1"
<br />ind.icatec! tiiat ~t%ie C~i2y coi.i1c' ~xpeci; a road ~t.o 'las~t for 1') yea.rs.
<br />A.l~n, ~thF~ ro~~~! c,ontr~~ctor is liable for t`in conc'~i~P;~ion oi th~ roa~ for
<br />QI1P. 11£'.P.1".
<br />I~n(In}" !~,~%itl%6?!^ 1"('[)01"~:~?C~ fi4lclt. t~(i:? ~,1'I',y 1S Fli?Clltl!ilYll% ~;(t °Xll~l"1PI1C(~?
<br />prr~~~1 ems ~-~i t.>i roads triat zr~ 10 vcars ol d or ol d~r, ~
<br />'1lanzer ^or~,r?ente<~ tha~ there is r'ef~initrr1v a st:riictura? pro'.~l~in sai~t:h
<br />~~dyYlP I~~VC~IIU^. C~~t311"Z9P' 8~50 ~6lYl°LP.C~ 061j; 'C~11Y t11r~1 ~idlE?1" 1:~~~?7P. ltl 1.11A
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<br />(~OYIB t0 CpY"Y'(3C~1; 'I~C. . .
<br />1'#~~ Fnc~in~er po~nt.erl ou~ thai: Fn~ i:on o~F t°oc!< ~,~as nut under ~the
<br />F)~ 1f~:'(;Ofl l!l ~~'.~1~3~~. Sr'r't10"i nf ~clVY?i'. ^.ven~in, l~lo~;~~vnr, ~th~ Y';Y;.~/~ F1lS
<br />C!1 S81)C)E'.dY't?[!.
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