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04-08-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-08-86 Council Minutes
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8/3/2009 2:24:03 PM
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7/31/2009 2:51:07 PM
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; ~t~~urrs <br />~;~ifv coune;l <br />~nri 1 '; 1'1^ , <br />, <br />Th~ r.n~ineer re~~ort~d i;hat on rec!~ntly ins'ta1lera str~ets izi t:!~is arr.~a, <br />tsi^y are r~~~i.ririnq iavo ~Pe^t o1 sand~ an~' threF inc}~~*s o~` blar.k~to~. <br />('i~dY17_E'.C 'IYlCilCr7j;B~ 'C~1<3'~: ~~.{1'1 i Ss3Ct.70Y1 Q~f ~r~VYIE_' ~~,~/C'.YIUF'. ~dl~~ tJl^0~)d~)7)~ <br />~9dV^ 'i,0 ~)C (~lln II~)y ~)IAf: '' ~1~L'V f1dS i,0 C)f?j;c^t"lqlflf? 41pW C~f?BC) l'~ :`i1~~ <br />f1dVL' 1;0 C11 q. ~ <br />r;ir. '< i cs as':ed ,;rho !~: i l l p~y for i;h i s. <br />h,ll^, ~cl~l'IQ~/ 1"F?D01"t$f1 '?:fl'tlt 1 Y111;1 A ~ ~}~ '~;Pl(' ~.11;V ~SS",SSf,?S 'C:~(12 COS''i; 01` ~? <br />Y'O~RCI ~~F,)(1%. r!{d'IYIS~ ~'~l^ pl"p~2Y~1`.~/ 911~f1P.}". ~({1C' 1~'ll`.~/ 11~4'1 [13S 'C9 $P.'~'. 8 <br />nolir,y for roan recons~truC','ion. I"ah°~/ p~inted ou~f:~Cha~t sur~roundin<~ <br /><i~l;~i~s'~+?.~~e i>eeri suraey°d an~i rnor~r~trc~ nn'licy. <br />~~Y'. ~~~<lf~~LSOYI DOIII~('fi pitl`. L~f'181`: ~~;f1E?t^~ \JRS 0~">V'IO~.IS~~/ ~1 ~i~'~~E"C~; 1'(1 o~~~y~n <br />i~~1~YlU^ il"0"1 j;~l(? tl!'If? 1"t; Vlil? 1,lUt 111. <br />I~~i". }'1hC'V 1"P,q01^1`'.@(~ 'f;~13'L 8S ~'.illS 1S ii IilOP!CS}l0U IDt'^L`li1Ci~ -~;H1B ~',01!fiCl~ <br />"iltl 'CB~C:: Y10 Off~IClcl~ ~lCl~;lpil. ~~.v' '~;0}'l0Y'1^OY1~5 ~,pUYlC7~ p~!'.EYi;lYlq9 'l.i1B <br />!;OUI1Cl~ Yll~~ i"t?C~U.:~.St ':';4b' t"1"I!`111!?nP ~.0 ~18Vn 1`;f'.S~S ~!Otl:` 0~f1 ~~ii`;/`lE', ~y°Ylllf?. <br />(=ahev co;n~,ient.r-td ~Chai, th~ nex't st~p i s for the C'i t~i tq dei;~r,,ri n~ ~i ~.s <br />nn1~icy s~ii~h r~gard to 4.iie cos~t o~P road rz~const.rucfi~'ion. <br />FdHI(??/ 59;d'I:°(~ ~;rldt'. ilQ? COtl~fi ll11(inh^S~:<~'(1C~ f;~l° Cdt'IDild~ {'Ol" A.SSf3SSli1Cf <br />reconstrurtion ~10(~Y~. ?Ic~ ~rie r~an Fr,ps~ct i:h<it a stree~~ s~rill 1~2si, <br />~01"cV21" ~ i~~12V Std$C'.f~ tildi, 3'l', 1`,l') ;';l<~ 0~ 'l:[l° 1"E'9SOYlii~)~P ~lf'F. <br />,'X~P.C~dlICV 0~` d Sti"E~C?f.y ?C1"flFlj?5 Y'CCpDS~CIdC~i:jOrl CF10U~(~ s)^ dSSC?iS~?f~ ~~~;o. <br />"larr,iirii noirit.e~! Lt~at G~!hen s~~1~er anri ~da.tPr is installerf, i:hF~ <br />i~ror~ertv o~n~ners .ire assess<~r' for ~t:r~et, r^r,onst;riict;ion. <br />ri1(`. (:fl~llllE'iV" {)1"E?S:.'?i4(?(! -t`.'iIF? ~;OUIiCI~ '-'l1~C~i 1 1"E!I)O1"L` ~1St1!1fl t.~(1^ $'f:Y'!?(?~:$ <br />in i:h2 Cii;v ~:liat arr-. in neeri o~P restoration. <br />^-~1~n~~ StlC(I(i$'C~.'C~ h41d1. S~:t"£'Qt$ OV~:?1" d Cs'Y'C.d1Y1 d0(? I~)(.~ rScf.?~S(.?C{ ~~)~1`,~> <br />y1Slj~£~ YI^t:l£?i" S',h,PC'8~'S f)@` ASS.'?Si°<~ i9P. d ~^SSE'1" C)°,1"CCi11:d(If?, ~i~d'i17n1" <br />rcr~li~d 'tha~t ,Zr~e c~ifferent c'ircumstances to ~onsider in each <br />~instnr~cf*. So;ae stret~~t;s ~~ril~l last a lonc~ i.~iine because of soil <br />c~nditions, ~r!hi1e oi;i~ers are oi~~ no~r soi~ls. <br />"~~h~y qi.iesi~i onec'. ~i f~there sh~~ul tl be a rli f~Fererrt nol i cy for overl avi r~~~ <br />s~tre~t.s t:h1n i°or d~in~~ing up thc s't.reet. an~! irist:al~linr~ a coropletelv <br />n^~,~ stre~fi. <br />Sl anzcr renoried 'i:~iat. u~osi; ci t~ es ~i ncl iide overl ayi nn 'i n t'ner~t <br />neneral inaint:en~~nce nronra!;~s. S1~nzer~ succrgsteri t.hat. i~e pu2 <br />to~;E±.her 1 niiestionna~ire to sen~'. to citins 'in t;h^ zle~tro area fi.o <br />eeterr;in~ ~heir no1~ic~ies avi~t.h regzird ~;o str^e~h r~sT.nrtit.ion or <br />recons~truc~tion. <br />Ptr. B1~sener crn~i~nented thaf: i1' ~the C'i~ty's po~llcy is cseterr,riner t>y <br />~r~~e rt~su1 ts of the o,uesti otinai r~~, ~the C~i ~t,~;r ~~rou1 d bE~ consi s~:en~t •:~~~i tti <br />~.s~Fia.t 'is haupening ~in 9;h? Ptetro ar^~z. <br />„ <br />h'aaF -r.- <br />
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