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~IIPlU7ES <br />~;1~.`! ~OU11C'I~ <br />AOrll sl, 1`)`?? <br />~-dc~rton S~rc~c~t. fro~,; c,l len 'r.n 1?Ol f~ei, nc~rt'~ ~ rid 1~;)0 Peei: sou~;h <br />+:Irl~ ({ISCUSS~?C~. li1". ~372Sf?Il^Y' 701YI'(;(,?!~ OU1; j;?1<li, '(',~lE?Y'E`. lS tlp ¢~r:Il;nY'i7illtl <br />in this arel anc! ~thE~fi ir~~iproe~~r,,ent should nnly l~^ ~lone in %•on;i~~mct~iran <br />vrit'~i a!'~iain 'irn~~rovn,.nent. <br />Ci ~ 21Y17.raC ~O1 Fl~¢?G PU1`', t(18L ''~) ~ P111 tiLi"i?(?'C 910~1~ C~ h~~lH '~(:0 ~@ t~OF1:: '~l 1"S L~S <br />~;~15 dY'('.d t'UI??z)S 'i fl'I;0 Al ~! @11. <br />71'ie F:noi n:~?r noi ii~fied ot~~t t'nat i.iie ';~i ~tv ~.~i 11 not l~~ %~`~1 ~ to ~a;f~'~ to <br />~~~1-' 1!-nY'OY~I?IQYII"S i~~~ t;GIE: C)I.IU~"IC 41£)d.P'IiiC]~ i)U't Cull "t1~(.2 ~.t,l~y '11"0".1 1;~1@ <br />7i,,.prov~,,,;,~nts. Ther^fore, tn^ !:n~cin~er sur~a~stec! i,~iat 't~i^ ';i t~~ retain <br />his ~i.i<~n°si:.~ions `or rurnos;~s nf tP~~-~ pi~bl i^ 'n~~tarina. <br />P~lext, ~he !'~~ll~f~ielc! araa s~as disci~ssr~d. ~~1r. #~aF~eY Pointec,! o.rt 2ha~C <br />t'nn cos9~. of th~ nror~f~r~Cy shou1 o al so he i n~l uei~d i n t47e nroposal . <br />}'lilcl~~`J~ ~~"1''. i.IlCfltlBC'.Y' ~'IrI4 'IV1C~UC~.',(I ~;YIE? C,OS~: 0~ ~V"dltl"cl,(7p Pl$('1'iC[l'~S lYl <br />th~ :"1orrison ?r~~a. The Coi~nci7 f~l~t ch<~t ~t'-~is s~ould~b~= el'i~~ninat.F~d <br />as ~iic, Cit:y ~~~ould no't nay i'or ~i:hese easenients. <br />'~4~E~ rj f~/ !;~ pt•l~ ~,IdS 1 Y15 fNIiCL`f?Ci "tp (1p'CpPi 1 Yi^ 4(41E?i1 '.(F~~ ~ 6(•(~ t.ll C!~'I ~C'f1n0~ <br />''tl firl~~ ~7f~ ~1V!?1 ~ 8.h ~ 8 'I YI 01"<~f.l^ ~418 ~". ~:~iC' OUfI~'I C i~~dY'1 Y1CJ OIl (;~1-^. C~1"f]l Yl's.t(]R <br />proposal minh't be h~~1d, <br />I s10 ~ 1~l`.J ~7 f?Y'~~C !)Ol Y11:E?(i 011~ ti~d4; !?VQY'.y UPOp~Y'f'.V 041p81^ 1 f1 '~~n ~•l'CV 1+7'I ~ ~ <br />OdV~\ '~".0 P?Cv^~IV(1 tl tlpl;lC.^ o~P ~i:`ie 1) ~1~81"lil(i. Ifl^ ~.~Bl"~: t"°001"1;.^..(~ <br />9;ha~t `3rincis ~° r~orq~zn ,~~ill prohahly !.ar•it:e th~ no'f:ic^. <br />`~1{lC`/ SUf~C~RS~'f'.(' ~:.~lllj; L`~~I,^. 70'ClC^ E11i1D~Iid517E'. ~:}I<i~; "Itl(i1V'I(~Ud~ !)rr)t1Ct"t~:J/ <br />0`•1!l^i^$ Vl1~~~ tl0'~ ~)C: dS5'SS~`.Cl i01" f.l)^ 11'l~t"OV8P:1!;Y11;5, hl!"f: 'C'1C lI?1D1"OV?77i0t1~:5 <br />1.~'I~~ !)8 s10Y1(In(~ f0Y'. T~I^-, ~_YIOlYl4?!?1" SIICCIPS~.f'.C~ 1,f121`', l`}lf? tlp4;'ICP. 111C~UC~B <br />a 1 et.ter o~P exol ana~ti oi~. ~ <br />7~:1F? i:pC'IYI~'P.Y' Sll7!1111,%PC~ 'CO ~C.ll@! {:Olifl("i ~ it Y'i?!l01"~ Ofl ~Y'f111pSP.CI ~o1~3j;C~'1"I`Id'Ill~ <br />S't1Y17~:c11"Y Sr?\'!E?Y' clll(I ${;h"^E'1: 1"nc~~y~~A{.1()?l. ~1? >'.lIC!1?1(~^1" 1"E?r7!lY''f:.°.C1 1;G1t1~. <br />tlf? ~00~:8C~ d~: '~;!"1(? ^Yl"~lt"!? rll`.y illl<< ~:1"'IP.C~ ~;7 (~:?I:PY'~!ilYlf' p:~l~?1"t? lj; '~IdS <br />f~asible ~tha'c ~n tt~e forr.sneahle fu~tur~ ~ra~t~rr~ain +~roul<( h~ ~ins,tal'i~d <br />8S 4!--^.~~~~ 8$ S?~111±i!1^y SCi+IE?1". ~~'1C 1"!~)~)O1"~ C~OC-'S i10~; COPID~E?~:('. lJd1;P.1"1'IdlYl <br />nY' S^~"!E'.t" 11l t(1^ ~11;V. <br />C'IY'. ~~PSf~112Y' COPII'?E?1l'~:F;(,j l;~ld1'. fl:? 'n~lS YIOL lYl 'Fi1~101^ Of ~(~Y'!~l?lfi =dg~L':°i"L'1~'IYl <br />OYl dilyOYl~::. ~`)dY'(41111 clYlC~ [~r3h@~f 3qY'8r?C~. <br />Piarr,~i ni sur~nvsted 1.fla+..', pronert.y o+~mers ~~, i nfore~ed ~t.hat 'ti~i <~ <br />be 'the las~t y~ar~ tha~C 4~ai~.e~rr,iain !,~oi.ilc~ '~e ~ins~t.allcd unAer t'n^ 8(1-2Ci <br />dSSi'.$5`71°i1t: p0~1C;/, ~\~'i`',!nY' ~~~i3~~ ~'lil'f:2Y'!";18'jy~ ~;fOU~~~ JE~ 1SS:?i$Pf'~ ~~~~n%~. <br />r.~~l:'.y ~Olfli,E'.(~ OU9; ~htlt: pYIE' 0"i t.hf? 1^f?dSO~S f0Y' '%iiP C`121,l1(;P. 'in dSSE?SSilf.p~: <br />!70~1C~/ 'IS f:tl° (~f~Cl"i.dS'I!lO i~tdl`.(.` clflf' i P.<~~'1^8~ 81C~ ~~'lf.` (,li;~/ Y'°!;BIV:?S. <br />7he ~na~i nFer :al so po~i n~hFd ou~t ~that- rdi th~ ~t'ne 1 o~=,~er i nterest r°ate, i~t <br />is a F~oo~i time fio `~ond f~r these improvements. <br />r> flqr., -c~- <br />