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~~.~'~i,l~f"~i.-<~ , <br />~1 f;y (',OUt1C'1 ~ <br />A,'~r11 i+ 1~?~i <br />~ <br />T'`~e ?:nqir~ea~r si~ihmii.ted ~i7forma~t~ion to the Co~mcil on supq2s'Ced <br />C~P811?7t1!? 1."'II')1"OVE?i'IQIi"~;~ t;0 ~l^ li1C~UC?f'(~ "IYi 1;~1C Dllf)~1C '~i'd}"lY1Q 1`:~ldt <br />t}~e Ci ~ty u,i ~i l ho'I d i n the ri~ar futur~~. <br />Th~'il ~l~is_r.usseci these var~ious 9mprover^,ents. <br />~:~.5. P~I0.1^!ll 4)Oltli;°C~ Clll't ~.~lE? l1lC':h COS~ 0"~ j;fiC~ 11 pP(?V~n'{'ilY d~OYiq <br />nCr9QYl"t`, ~`i^0~~.1 ~)i1C~<iq71 Sj:l"^O~: 9;0 !;d!la3bt!1"V ~)1^'I~l!a 7f1C~ ~`t^~1'fl i1Cc^. ~C}^(1B~ <br />to Jar!.son Str^rf;. <br />?'r. ':ir~se noini;eel out tsiai; if th!-' (;i ty ~an aet a Sta'te rlid ci~sinnatiori <br />OYl ~l;iil$ 1"03r19 5~:8~'.E? hl(i Ii1011^)~ C;clYl ~l^. IIS2C~ L`0 ~`1P.~I) !Jd~/ '~'0(' l.}iE' <br />i~~?nrov~n,s,n~P;. A~Iso, tne S~:a~~'~~ is contrihi~ting ~to ~t~in dra'ina7~ <br />Dt"0~)~~?t'1 Oll (intqQrl~: d5 ' ~1dV9 l. <~1_lY1C~`i D10P? Ol~illl~' 0~~ ~7C^ <br />S~;P2(?1; Op't0 ~p1i1011~;, <br />G1 anzer r~por~C~~d that: #;4~ie C~i tv i s sti ~i ~l ~arai ti nn for ap;~rova~l to <br />c;PS{qn~~t.n pe;,.ont as St7te llici hefore t'~~ rqty ~yrll act on fi.a!:'ing <br />over fihe stre~~t froin ~the County. <br />'t'dfl('Y SUOtipS~,:?fi t,lldt. C)(?P(ld!)S '~ilE2 (.'Ity SilOtl~(~ lC'r 0!) ilCCF?';l'i:lflp ~;~Ip <br />ro~~~ 1rom~t.iis~ Co~~?~ty t~!h~i'le th~ Couri~ry~s offer i;q t.he Cit:y ~Pt~r <br />ar.cep~tin<r t~ne roatl is avai'Iah1c. <br />~,C)UIICI~ C~'ISCLISSE?r~ l.~~i° COSI`, 0'f 'I!'ll>P0~/!~fn@Ylt: 0'~f ~`10N1^1SQtl ~.Vi?tlll!3. jf <br />~•~as poini'.cd o~rt tha~t th~ ori~~in~~1 dra.~nare ,~aseinc~ni:s ~tie Cit.y obt.air~ed <br />in this ar^a ~r!nre n~v~r r~r.ore^d. <br />'~r.!~ I ~sener 1s!<ed i f the stre~t i t:se1 f roul d'>e ~.~sed for drai r.ane <br />rathcr ~Ch<Zn i nst:al l i nq a sfiorr~ se:~~~r. <br />1'he ~n~ineer rcporteci tha~t ch'is is t4i2 r•eason the str~eet is in suct~ <br />bac? sPiape, hee~~us~ the cira~in~~ne 'is r~mninci ori the s~tree~P.. P~lr. Bie,E~~ <br />fel~ fa~at 'if the Ci1:~/ vras noin~ to ieiprmre hl~rrison, 9'f; s`iould do <br />t~^ .10`) Y'lC!~i~t. r~,~SO~ "I;~l(? c~t~~L`E? !"°(~Ia1P°S Cit{;CI1 f)dSltlS QV(?f".y ~(1Q f(?^l;. <br />P~Ir< Carl~~~ coi~rien~ed 4:~iat i.4ie City sPiould not r~-n~i ~~.rater etcross t~n <br />i rrCcrsecti on. The pr~~uosal i s~stt~iat ~the Ci ~Cy i s rec~iai ri nr~ o~F al l <br />ne.vr subdivis~ior~s. <br />The Council ~Pel~r, ~P;ha~t a port'ion of 9:h~* d.r~~inaae i~,!c>rover~i~n~t in 'ih~ <br />T~lUli<~f?Y' ~~il)~ i31":?8 Si1011,~~f! f)C I7il~; ltl 1)~/ l`;~l(1 <If'V"~OC)^1"~. <br />~„f)ilYtC17 CiISCUSS6'C ~;~P ('l'C,Cii lYl ~ilf' ~i"C"<t(i(? 'rit1(': ~ d~;01"E'. ~~OdC{ dN!?i1. <br />"ip~inn of tne ~!itcsi ~,Jas c~uestioned. i~~1r. ~lanxer co,~n~nented 1:~at <br />t;~e alterna~.ive 1:o pip~in~ the c!itc~i ;aas t.o ~P.a~ar ou~C che c~.alvert> <br />~S~~t have bc~F;~ ~insta~1ed in son~~ ~reas anr! clean o~it T,he d~iYch. <br />':~~I~i^y c?ucstione<" vihy t'i2 ~.rV~ole c{itch sEi~wlr! be niped. 7n,: EngineE*r <br />r~pliec t'~at ~ii' ~th^ c;~itch ~;tas niped up tream and not do4dnstream, <br />`l~~l^ V/f?~OCI~:Y 0"~ ~fl.^, 4/tlL`f?1" OV L`~~12 ~:1!ilf.', lt Y'°dC:11E`,~~ i,i'1° C!04`(115~:}"2d~n <br />til^@c1 S•lOLi~~[~ ~)2 4~'Y"V ~Y'F_'i3'C. n•~50~ Clll"CCCit~y '~:tilftNB 1$ S'CdYlC~ltlft tV1~Y.".l" <br />l!1 d}"°dS 0'~' '('.il° (~l'tCFI lYl f:lln Llprti.1'j+~(ic <~t~~/8~0~)N7(?Ylt. <br />UFif~? _1' <br />