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hIIh1UTES <br />City Council <br />P1ay 2.II, 19~36 <br />Thiander f3a.y f1r. Don Stcynske, representin~ his fathcr, Joseph Stcynsi<e, replied <br />7_nd .~ddi ti an that thi s~,voiil d be consi dereci. SY.cynslce al so fel t tiiat access <br />(Cont.) to his property should be provided from either the Sophie/°eterson <br />plat or this plat. <br />Fahey si,~ggested that ~~~ir. Stcynsk~ get together sdith the property <br />o+~mers on thi s m~tter. <br />Scalze poirrted that in ordF~r for the City to be interestecl in <br />t,ie Stcyns'r,e property, tr~ere has to be access to it. <br />Paul ancl P~1ary Lau i:osted<i , 65& ~a[3ore Road, appeared before the <br />Coi.mcil opnosing the road yoing throuyh to La!3ore Road on the <br />south. P~ary Lou I<ostec!<i reacl from a prerared statement out1ining <br />their reasons for opposing the road access to I_a~;ore. The ;Costecki <br />horne is directly across the strect from ~~a'nere the proposed road <br />vrould access LaBore P,oad. Some of their main c.oncerns ~rrere: noise, <br />light distraction, safety, air p~llution, property devaluation. <br />ICosCecl<i also pointed out the inrreased traffic on La~ore Road and <br />fel t that the road was presen tly unsafe and shoul ci 6e v~i drnecl y~~i tti <br />sicie.aal::s and shoulders added. ':ostec'r.i stateci that she was amazed <br />thai: the Ci ty wioul c! ^ven consi cler a road th~t ~•~oul d be four feet <br />froni sorn~one's home. <br />Fahey Pointed ot.i~ that ~rrheth~r the road went throuyh to LaBore Road <br />or ended in a cul-c;e-sac on the south, the traffiic +vould still end <br />up on La[;orc 2oad. <br />Scalze pointed out that ~ai,ore Road is a Gounty road. Scalze <br />reported that in the nast the City has requested stop s9gns on <br />LaSore, birt the County has denied these req~iests. <br />Fahey stated that the County has La[3ore Road included as part <br />of the main thoroughfare plan for the area. <br />Richarc± flanly, 670 I_al~ore Road, r~ported that he agreed, o~itn the <br />i<ostecki comments and point~d out that the road~~iay 4vi11 be directly <br />across from his bedroom. Elanley pointerl out the additional cars <br />tnis cievelopn5ent y~~ill generate anc! Laas concerned G~~i'th the safety <br />of childrennn the area. <br />~1r. 41ri gr~t poi ntec! out that hi s bedroon waul d be next to the prooosed <br />road as well. <br />Yi,ary Peterson, Payne Avenue reported that t111en Avenu~ is directly <br />across t'ne street from her home anci if the proposed road does <br />not go to i_aSore, then she s~iill get additional traffic caning her <br />~,vay. Peterson stat~~ that th~re are about n0 cYiildren in the <br />Payne Avenue area and s-!as concerned aoout the safety of these <br />children anc!~the increasc~d traffic that ~rould be generated on~o <br />Payna Flvenue should the road not go through Y,o La3ore. <br />Page -7- <br />