, ~z;,iur~ s
<br />c; t~f ~o<<r~~ ~ i
<br />June 11, 19&6
<br />11SpL?!t i!c1Y
<br />'i~ d ~ ~: t•t ~ ~i
<br />i:ase~ ~^nt
<br />'-\C,~YI(!d
<br />~ 1;8i=,1 f~~0. ~ ~
<br />P~Irs. Sca.1ze reported that in revie~~a~ino i:hP I'~ari< ~o,~irriission n~in~.~tes,
<br />th~ Pdr?: Comrni ssi on ha!! rE~qi,Aestec a 10 Poot bl aC~to;i uat:h a~t ~the
<br />end of :4>p2n l~!~1y ra.th~r i~han ".; feet ~that ~=r~s prr~rio~asly repor~t~~d
<br />to ~hP Coanci 1. In tiia.t ~.vay thar~ ~,ro~il d be no rrass cu't~;i nc?
<br />or rnai rii.~ananc~ that +~aoul d be nee~i<d on *~i s easei~ient.
<br />Council felt tnat 10 f~eet vtas too ;vide an~ suci~?este~. t;hat. i.he nat~i
<br />be fiv~ feet .vitl~ rock oa either side.
<br />Coi.inr.~il discussed the ~f~nce tt~at was r?rd^red alonn each sid~ or ±sie
<br />eas^m,~n'r, at~id suq~~es~:ed h.nat tn~ Par'r, (;o!t~~ission looi; ~~r oth~,r
<br />alter•naY,ives to i:ii~ Fenc~.
<br />S-P i)istric~ Fahey suqgeste<i t}~~at t'~c Courici1 all a nublic hr>ariny tn con>~ider
<br />°rop^rty t:he nrop:rty in f:he I P Dist;r~ir,~i~~s~trte°~ie,oio. 4~'ah:~~y pointec+ e~ut
<br />~
<br />t
<br />rast Df ~ ~
<br />tna't tn~s :iret ,
<br />t~~as leFt open for furt~i^r stucy ~ ,.
<br />t~rh~zi ti~e ,.ot.incil orrec
<br />ion
<br />i)eSoto s~aas .r.onsiderinr,, bal1f~ialc(s in ~'his area. F~he~/ s~.~noE~stec' that ~the ~ysg-258
<br /> !'lanner pu~ tocr ;~th^r somP options for t?iis area . ~
<br />nc;~ncid
<br />ilc~rli ti on 7iie Ci t}~ Cl err surgesteci ti~at th^ Pl anner prnsen ~~ op ti ons ~~~. t1~e
<br />i~UY12 ~i I'f`°t111C1 d~1C'i "~;~"tE?Il j:ilP. (.~.OIIiIC'17 COU~C~ SCiI(.`(ill~? d i)II~)~1C ~i^aring.
<br />"?r. ~~hFy 9n4~.rnciucv<l thn follo4~~in7 resolu~.ion and r~ova~~d its atlop~tion:
<br />I~FS01_UTIOiI IqO. SES-6_7>q _ DP:iiCTI'1G 7HE
<br />~ITY !'LA~~~~r~ TO 1~V~_LO? ~iL7~F,P~IATIVrS =0R TH~
<br />Pr:O~I"2TY I..YI;.IG [;1ST nf- I7!=SOT(? ;;IT~I ,?E6,'1i,~~ TO
<br />I)~AI~iT`l, D~_PTH, AiICI i_,nY-OU7 F0~?. °R~S[P1TIlTIOi~!.
<br />TO T%It; ^OUi,Ir,IL F1]' 1';IE J!~p~c ?!i COUiI!:Il_ i1~ii.TTi~G
<br />The forego~i nr r~sol uti on s~as dul y seconded hy r~ir. ~1 Fs~tner.
<br />~~ycS ~J~ I~'d~l~',ye ~i~E?SC')l8Y'~ ~,O~~OVd~ $Gd~ZE!~ rl<31"C~'It11.
<br />t~IclyS ~~~.
<br />R~>solt.rF,ion ~ieclared ado}rC~d.
<br />TYiis resoli.it:ion a~~cars i~n R~sotu~tion eo~>k ;~lo. 15, P<~ci2 ?50.
<br />Bo~~id Aoenc.v Tt~e Ci'r,y clnrl; subr;ri~~Ceci to 9:h~ Cotancil for apt>ro~ial 'ioncs llrericy
<br />,~lgreei~ien?s Arreen,eni:s.
<br />~~~;,r~~;~ i~tr. ~ari4y inf.roc?uce~' the foll~>~,!ino resoli_t1:~ion an~i rnoved its adop~t.ion:
<br />It,Eam ~lo. 1S3a
<br />4'"SOLI)Tlpi+! i10. `?f~_;_i-?>l - t~ppr~OVIP!'] TIi~: E3f`;MD
<br />r1~~~:i1CY Af «""rrP17S AS ~CO 11',n,Ii,lEr) S',I COUt~~`'TI
<br />,!i(;'t'. `,li)p,$
<br />Paric~ -ln,_
<br />