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'1I'~I!)T'T ~ <br />City Council <br />Junn 11 , 19`?6 <br />i,lon~ :'1q~ncy Th~ ~Foregoing r~so ution !~ias dul.y s~cond~ed by Pqs. ~.lar~fini. <br />A,greenienis ilves (5) ~'a4iPy, ~lardin9, Co~i1ova, Blesener, Scalze. <br />(Con~.l ~lavs (O). <br />Rt~sol i,iti on d~~cl! <1dop~ted. <br />Thl S PBSO~ Uf;lOYl di~!~^~ll".i l ll !)PSp~ !.2{:10Y1 `;00< !'~0. ~ ~t ~ f~1!';@ ~ i ~. <br />Pith'i~ic I'ir. Fahey repqrt:~d ~tha.~t i_arry l.~t~,, Pres~cic~rrt: oi Yorlton, ! <br />has <br />Hea.rinc , <br />rec,uested t:hat r; nuhlic hr~ar'inn he r,allec for r.ons9derat~ion o~P <br />Sndus'trial ~indt~istrial c?evelop;r~rnt bc~nds in i~e a~,>>ouni o~` a~~.7 ~~iillion for the <br />De~i~nlopm^n~t Yor::'tion `~'or~th Buildinq TT. <br />ROPICIS <br />Yor;ton ?~lo. P~Ir. ~ahe~/ introduc~d tsi~* follos~iina r~so~ii.rt:ion and ciov~<i its ~~dontion: <br />~ <br />!3uilcfing II <br /> i:ESOi.UTTOi,i ;;~0. ~i_5_~ri2 - ~;11_~_r;.lr~ i=f)1? ;1 <br />E~nenfla ~U3!_Ir {l'1~TPJrI f'~?t2. JULY 5', 19~+Ei ~0~2 <br />tlddii:ion CQ~i;Tq~?l~TIO`I ~F I~~!DU$TRI41.. :), vn q~~~.~~.n.IT <br /> `D~7~lOS SRi THc ,n.n;QU~1T OF ?'1..7 F1T1_LT~PI r0[>, <br /> TN~~. YURKTOI! i~l0~"(!i f?Uil_17I"~~I, TT <br /> T~ie ~Forac~oinq resnlution ~r,~~s c.luly seconc!et1 by f~4rs. Sca'Ize. <br /> ;~yes i`~) Fah~y, Sc<ilze, ,la.r~!ini <br />31ns^ner <br />~ollova. <br /> , <br />, <br />P;~/s (0). <br /> r?esnl~ation d~clared a~opt2ci. <br /> T~ii s resol i <br />15 <br />i~ar <br />e 2~~2 <br />it i on apn~ars i n~:eso1 irti en 300'< ":!o <br /> ; <br />. <br />, <br />. <br />. <br />~~(?~l~¢?Ii1Si1 Yilf? ~7~;V ~~^Y'~< 1'2(iU^St(.`Ci L`~/Iflt L`(1P ~nf~~% (,d$`1 i=l.lilCi f>? Pi.'~~E?(IlSili?({ <br />Pet;ty (;as9~ in the amoun't o~P ~150.(l~. <br />l~c,~nda i.r. ~~~k~e~~ introduc,<! ~h~ iollo~;rina resolution ~nd moved 'i'ts adop~i.ion: <br />~.cidition <br />4?(ii(1~~)T~T/}~~I j';f). t`i%i-Fi-?t;3 -;?,`_~~ C,}i1$fij?~,j(~ TI-1,[ <br />Pi~T'fY /IS~! ;~U?~~!,1 Zid '('I~ !1~dC)UiIT ~)!_ $1.`s0.0(J <br />7hF~ foregoinn rE~solution v~as duly sz~eondz~c'. bv hl„ ~iardini. <br />t9.y,^.$ (!~) ;=i1~(I°V~ I'~<71"~~lYlly $C'r)~.7.@~ ~07~OV1~ !?~<-'.5?il2t", <br />;'~~d,%S ((1), <br />Resolution r1F>clarec~ adopte~. <br />Tl~is resolutiun ~lupcars in ftesolu~ion f~oo!r i~!o, 1;, Page 253. <br />,~ppro"ir,g On June 3, 19Hfi t;hF Ci ty A.uditt~r 7irese.r,ted ~to tlie Council ti~e <br />198~ Aurfit Ci~ty's 1~J5 Audit Report. <br />Report <br />~1c~~nda <br />i teei rlo. 19b <br />r,}r. Col l ova i nt;ro<baced the fo11 o!~ri nci r^sol ut~ c~n and ~~~ovr_.~? i ts adopti on: <br />Pan~ -15- <br />