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~ IIP;UT~=S <br />City Council <br />Jiane 11 , 19~; ; <br />h!o Pir!<ing i~rs. Sca1ze asl<ed tl~z status of 1;h2 Couunt,y's p7ans for bi!<e paths <br />Keiler ~in this area and sug~?estPd th~at oerY~ aps a status renort s)~iould f~e <br />('ari<way request2c! a~ the sa!ne tin!^ the City requests the st:reet be posted. <br />(Cont.! <br /> P~~r. P1enre r~ported ~tna1; th~ ~roprrty oNaners in ~the area w~uld li!<e <br /> the no ~arl<i ng si qns ~to bN~~7i n at ~the <br />~~ ni.ii ri n ~raperty and erid at <br /> ;lrcacte 5tre~t. <br />~~s. tdarelin~ reported Y.h~t t,~erP is a orobl~in with s{~eadinq on <br />~oi.+nty fto~cl f~-'l_ and shc ha.s r~quESt~~d~ ~the SheriPf's DepartmPnt <br />to cnac;; ttiis ~rea. ~lard~ini suqc!ESte~1 that perha!~s tl~ie en~tire <br />area around f.Pie la'r,e shou~!cl bc check~:d bv the Sii~riff's Oepartn~,ent. <br />!~~°r. S~ahPy instri,ir~ted Di~rdini to r~~ake this r~qid^si; of Y.h~ SherifP's <br />Dep~rtr:ien~;. <br />i~1rs. Sca1 z~ i ntroc!uc~d the fol l~~;d~i n~ resol uti on an~~ moti~~d i ts adopt~i on: <br />R`iSOI_U7ri1i! ~!0. B~,Ei~238 - ZFpU?:STSPJG 'f~L. <br />COUi~I-('Y TO P!1ST KFI,~L?~~t P~i2t:!~IFlY h10 PARI'Ii~IG <br />AI_OPlG TII.F. I AI<E SIi7E C01'%I!1EUCIhG 'rd0I21'H 0~' <br />565 I<F.,I_I ER ~/1?K!1^`( Til ~RCfiD~ STR~F:T ,'\I~D <br />I?ISTRU~TIPiG T'i~ CITY ^l1-!?K 70 S"i.'.0 ~ CO?Y OF Tlir <br />PI TI"(I0~! !?f.i(7U.f.STIDIG THT,S ACTIOid T~J THE COU~~f7Y <br />The forec~o~inn resolution :vas di_aly second?n by P4s. ~larclini. <br />n~/2S (S~) SCd~Z.P.~ t~IdY'~1P11~ FdV18y~ E3~E?Sr^,l10P, CO~~OVEt, <br />~1a?/S (0). <br />l2esolution cecl~red adopt2r.1. <br />This resolution appears iri ?aso~lut;ion C3~o~ P~o. lEi, Paye ?_37. <br />~9rs. Scalze intro<fucec! the Follo,~aine r~s~lutiori anci rr,oved its adoption: <br />R~ S01_UTI0~1. !,Ir), 35-6-?_39 - R~(~U'"STI^dG T}~~" <br />COUNTY 70 UPD.AT~ T4E CITY 0~1 TFIF ST~TUS OF <br />711~ (;S'C~ r~P,Tli 0~! TH~ i~ORTFI SIDE 0~ LA::~ <br />;?„=.R.V,4Z i TN,`1T 1;115 ~FI'N ~~~Of'OSLp <br />T'n^ foreqoinc! resolut;~ion ~tas cluly seconded by P-~ir. Fahey. <br />llyes (5) Sca~lze, `'ihey, P~~rdini, L'1nsener, Co~ilova. <br />~!~ys (0). <br />Resoli_~t~ion dar.,1~.recl a<.~optF~d, <br />T~h~i s resol u ~~i nn a~ne~rs i n Resol ~~ti on f~ook Mo. ~I'.~, Pace ~3F3. <br />?u1:z~iqk ,4essrs. Siiern;an !~u~Cz~ck ~.~nd ~,~ally J~hnson appear4d before t'~e <br />~=ina1 f~lai: Counc~il requesting firial pla.~ approval of the Sherroan Qalcs <br />nddition. <br />Ao~nda <br />Iter'i ~,lo. fi <br />Paqe -5- <br />