<br />~I1'Y COU~!^II_
<br />June 11, 1S)`35
<br />~ti.atzici< ?~~irs. "cal z~~~ re~or~tFC, ~tria~; on ?~love~r;iber 5, 1~8~ ~;ha Counci 1 di scussed
<br />H i na1 1 ov!eri nr th2 plrk charye that ~~~oul d be du~ Fron~ the Rutzi c', ~ievel ooeiE~nt
<br />P1 a.~t (.r,ont. ; i n corisi d2rlti on of ~t'rie t~i.rF~'e~ that the Ci ~y ~rras req~ri ri nn t~ Iona
<br />Lane ~irop~r~;+~. Ti~~n on h!ovember 13 ~the Coi~ncil discuss^d a 1C0 foot
<br />buffer, ho4~ie~ier, a~; ~that ti~ne P~lr. r;u~tzic!< 9ncrease~ the number of
<br />~partmen~t units he ~ras nronos~nry to 156. On ~!ove~~ber 21 the Par!c
<br />Comtn~ission me~ and rerommenc!ed t:ha~t T,h~ par: charge no~t lae 1osd~red
<br /><~s thn 4~UD h~~d aeen ~~i~~anded with the increase iri t;he nueib~r of
<br />u~'ii~ts. Tiien, ot~ f'itiy 14, '19c,fi i~~ir. ?utzisk ~s'<ecl ch~ Council i~f hA
<br />va~ulci be yiven cr~dit on his par~ cliarr_~e c'uc* to ~tY~F bu~fer zone.
<br />~~i•rs. Scal-r_p renort;ed tPiat she, f1r. 1<iorelan an~i the Ci~ty C1erl< have
<br />r,7e1: on the i ssue of thn ~ti.itz.i c!< par!< charqe and ~i t i s~thei r
<br />recom?a:~~nd~~ti~n tiia~E ~he n~rl; charge lae ~24~,?_50. This ai:~ount aras
<br />arr~iv~d a~i: `~y ca1cula'ting ~100 per° ~4~artrnent unit, plus 5h o~f
<br />t1'ie v~'lue of ~he com~nercial property minias ~tne ~~uffier zon~. $ca1ze
<br />sta~:e~e( that they r,onsi dered ~th~ `i'6 of the v~1 ue of the cosnr.~erci a1
<br />nrop^rty beinc! a lesseninc,; of ttie pa.rk c'nar~72.
<br />There Evas no one f'rom. ~;;ie q^nera1 public pres~nt: s~ris~7ine ~to comnen~
<br />on th~ Sherin~n Oa!<s ",c(ciit~on.
<br />The Ci t,y A,ttornE~y rcanor~~ect tha.t the Devel o~m^n~t Aqreemen~t, i s reac!y
<br />exper.~; for inclusion oP the p~rk r,harge arioi,n~it and ~th~~ escaulishment
<br />of a 135 fooi; b~.rFFer ron~ as pronos~d ~,y tiie clev~'lopers.
<br />'~~lally ~lohrison o~P Rri.rLger Cornnani~s req;iested that in t.he Deve1opr~ient
<br />A;r~~aient th~ par!< c'narg~ for t~ie aparti;ieni builelinns and ti~ie cor~mercial
<br />nroperty b~ s°parat:ec~ ior purposes of ~,he pr~rtnership. Johnson also
<br />requested ~I~ai; i.he 135 figi.ire not k>n used for ~he buff~r zone, 1~i.rc
<br />rat'n~r tne 125 fioot i`i r;iare so ~:hat the ~t~vel op,~rs i~ioial d'nave 10 feet
<br />in ~~~hicYi ~o ~;iork edi~~h and 'this ,aota1u give tfier:~ soeie f1^x'ibility.
<br />lifter discussion, it; aaas ~Y,he concensus o~F tnn ~o~anc~il and. ~h~
<br />deve1o~ers 9;4~ai thE buff^r z~ne ~r~ixltl be rererred ~ko ~s 135 feet,
<br />pl us or ~ni nus ~e~io ~fee~t, i n f.h2 Devel ~per's ~'~qrnement:.
<br />Council ~l~scuss~d Ht wha~C ~tinie ~t,he p~r'< charg~ ~:ould b~ c!i~e fro~~~ the
<br />dev~l~p~rs. !~~rs. Scalze noir~ted out that in tfie past t'rie City
<br />co11 ected par!: r,harc!,as at the ~in~a b~.ii 1 di ng p~ rmi zs a~tere null ecl
<br />and felt that t'ne ~itiy should b~ consistent. 7he Ci9;y Cler; poirrtcd
<br />out. that the City has ~~ut a time lir~~it on the d~v~~lops~r in ttie ~v^n#;
<br />the builr!ing per~!its are n~t taken o,.it.
<br />it ~.~a.s th~ c.onr,ens~is of th~~> rouncil an~ th2 de~icloners th1~C a
<br />2 1/?_ y~ar ~ime 1iriit t~roulc~ ~ae placed on collec~tion of th~ par!<
<br />C,~iargEr. in ths~ event that uer~ni~Cs are not ptil1~d.
<br />Co~ancil ~lso el<~terr~ine~' ~t,hat baser on the ~?_4,250 parl< c9~arye that
<br />Y1~7.S ~"JPP11 1"CCO~B('1P.t1(~,°,C~, ~~r?,Fi(,)(1 gJpU~CJ bP. C~U2 il"OiR ~:~19 ~'kpol"L`"i!F?Il'C
<br />c9evelopr,ient and. ~8,~~>60 v~ould 5~ due fro~~! the Cornm~rcial office
<br />~.>uildings oropos~d.
<br />Pecie -5-
<br />