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r~rraUr~:s <br />C;t,y Co~-~nci1 <br /> 'I ~l , 1 c~r3fi <br />Fort~.inF Tfie ~Foregoing resolu~ion ~,~as dul_y s~conc~ed by ~^r. Slesan~r. <br />~;()0~<lc^. TIlf1 ~.~JE?S iS~~ ~Cd77_E~ ~~~(?SiYI!?Y'~ ;^i1l1;?y> ',()770V1~ Aldl"C~'lill. <br />(COiI$. i N~yS {0). <br />~esol ut~i on decl ared ad.opts~r!, <br />This r~so1u~:ion al~pe~ars iri Resoli~tion Soo!< 6!0. 1~, Pac;e 24?. <br />^allinr City Staff =ias reconnn~~~nd~c! t'naf, t:~~e Cotanci1 cali for a pub'lic <br />"or (>u~lic ~i~~aring ~to r.arisider sev~~ra1 road iriproaer?:>nts. <br />Nearing <br />Var~ous I1; ~~ras f,l~u~ concrnsus oi` 9:n~ Co~.mcil t4iat the i!nprovemen~ of <br />Improv2;uents ~iea,~ by street. ov~rl~y not be consider~d ~t tnis time. <br />P,ge~ncia ~~ir. Col l ova i ra~tro~l~~ce<! ~th~ P~11 o4ri nc~ reso1 iition and movnd ~i ~ts acioG~~;i on: <br />Ii;~r:i ~.~o. st <br />~?~501_U7Ini! ti0. £36-ii-Z/!3 - CP.ILZ"r, t; P!If;l Ir, <br />iit'nRI`!G FOR JUl~`( 2, 19~;~ !~T 7:30 P."!. AT <br />Tlil' LITT~~ CAlvADA ~I_~;i-1~~TARY SCki00L TO <br />CO!lSIi)i"R 1'FIC I'O~LOt.{Tt,IG I''r'ip:~0?r}:''4FfiITS: <br />85-2 1~4orri sori ,4v~nue - Road, Curo K~ i,utt^r <br />c35-3 ~emoi~t - Savace to r4c~~ienei;iy - Road, !;urb &(:,utter <br />S~~f'r ii~~/~t~l~' ~BtIE~ -~i~OdCi~ rUY'il i iiU~;t£,P <br />3€i-5 ; Stre~:'t - itoad, Curb R~ 6utt~r <br />(3h-o !_~ke Stre2t - ftoGid, Ci.~rb F~ Gut.ter <br />H6-7 Dtimon't - I?ica +o Vikina 4~iSA -, Curb <C (;~t'ter <br />;3~)-~i (_~7i:i0Y'0 ~?01C~ - ~?0%!Ci ~$~;PP.?1: ~1V@F"~clV~ <br />t~6-9 ,2ose °la.ce - Ro~:ir! (S~f;ree~ Overlay) <br />85-11 .r,~irla Lane - Roatl (Stree~ Ovr.rlay) <br />The ~foreqoi nc, resol i.~ti on ~~rzs ~iil y secon~l2ct by if1r. !;1 esen~r. <br />?1y;~s (5)~Collova, ~3lesaner, P!ardini, r'~~heyY, Scalze. <br />,,~ays ;0). <br />~asol uti on c!~c1 a•red adop~te~'. <br />Tt~i s resol ui:i on appears i n R~sol i.a~ti on I;ool< P~lo. 15, Pacie 2R~3. <br />Culvert On Ar~ns ~;arlow ~ret!nduhec appE~are~; !~efore ~the Co~~incil and =xpressed <br />~~~lorri son concern aho~.~t ~rhe ci~il vert ni p~ 1 oca~~e~! he~t+aieen her oroperty and <br />Llvenue the Van liooven proper'tv on i~•1orri son E~Av,r:nue. Freiincluhet reported <br />tYiat the cul v2rt ends i n~thEa c2ntr~r of t~e si d~ 10~: 'I i ne and i s <br />;~gnnria locat^cf af~ove yrounrl. i=r~uncluhet felt t:nat tne culveri; s~tas <br />I~em No. 10 ~anq2•rous t(~ young Chi1clr~n. <br />lh~ ;~ngineer r^nortec; that 4:Ii^ culvert was nut in t.o cirain tyie <br />in~ersection and c~uld not be °xtencted ~to ~t'r~~ rear of th? lot <br />because a nocket of oeat ~s~as foi.~nd izi that location. The c~+lvert <br />coul c~ b~~ sont~i nuec' !~f~i th a ss~al e'to th~ r~a~° 1 ot 1 i rie a.nd a s~val e <br />~~i~,Jp _c;_ <br />