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;1T1,IUTrS <br />l.'I'ty C~U11C1~ <br />~)UYl° ~~, ~~?c~o <br />!~lltZl C~C <br />`~inal <br />Plat (Cont <br />7fie C,i ty Attorn~y reK>ort~d that l ancp.iage c.ov°ri ng th^se ~oi n'ts <br />cotil d:>e i ncl i.~dec! i ri ttie ~eve'I one~r' s;ar~re2men~t. <br />~~;r. ~31 esen(~r i r~?.roeai.iceci the ~Pol l owi n~~ resol uzi on an<! r~ovnd i ts adopti o~n: <br />RI~SOLUTIO"I iIQ. ?»-ii-?~0 - 6R!\p~~Ti.~c~ <br />; Ti~i~\I_ PL.~7 A~PRO`,IHL TO THE ShiF~R~~~t~~l Op:KS <br />;)r.~(r~,r~p~.r~~.-c.~7 SUBJFCT 7!) TI1= I)i'Vi~01~~:R'S <br />rr~RF.~i~~rl!T IidCp'ti>0€2AT:[f~IP~ TI!rlS~ AR~ l! ; <br />DISCUSS';D ;1;,ID SUBJf C7 TO l'HE ~)EVELp~fiR <br />~ I1F,k,~1?dl `:iIP'~ 7I71 E Or~ T~:£ ~Rn{'~:!?7Y n,h;n, <br />LI~TI'vG TNF C?T`( i;S ,nid IP~!SUR£C) OM T!if"T}? <br />1'I'I'L~_ li~±SU,2APl~~ POI.ICY <br />FOY'i,Ufl° <br />~oo!;~ie Inn <br />I_iquor <br />i_ic.ei~se <br />TrZnsfer <br />hc~enda <br />;!,c4c~i ti o~ <br />T9ie forerq~inc, resolu~:4on :~ras ~ialy seconc!°c! by ~~1.s. P~!~rd~ini. <br />n,~ies (5)~i;1~sFner, ~lar~ini, Collo~~a., Scalze, faV~ey. <br />„i~,ys ( ~~ ) . <br />R~solution cl;~c1ared a~fopted. <br />7iii s resol uti on ,~ppe~rs ~ n Resol u~.i on ,3ook ho. 15, ~age, '3~ ~~n~' 240. <br />~r. 8lesener ~introdi.ic~d the follo~.~inq resolution and moved i'ts adopt~ion: <br />R~ SOLU7IQi:l ~10. `v'Ei-6_241 - ,";PF'~O~/Tp'(?. TI!E <br />DF.VI"LpPf:4: S .~GI?r,.:;,;rr,~T `~r~ T~.I~. Sfir~~''.~F1P.1 <br />OF\i< i Il V~LQf~~,'r^,T SU'3Jr C"f TO A°4~ROVAI. <br />0!= TFIH. CITY ATTORi'drY ~AI~?D 7f~lc 1P!~~_tJSIOiJ <br />0~ TH~ T'IR~~ T.TE~~S ?R~-~/IOUSLY DI i~USS~:p <br />1''n2 ~Foregoinq resolution s~~as dulur s~conded ?.~y ~4r. Collova. <br />%~~/E.`S ~f~~ ~~~(15F?118P~ ~07~OV1~ ~BfIC'Vn ~`lcl'PC~lill~ ~CtI~Z~°.. <br />~IdyS (E~). <br />Reso~l;i on decl arFd ~~zdnp~ted. <br />This resolution ~ippe<zrs ~in 's2esolution Book ~lo. 1~i, Page ?'i1. <br />i^di"1;111 dtlC{ illl (~(1°t1Cl ~)/~i//!, ';'01"tllY1F, 1,00~:1C`. TIIYI d[7~2d1"t~Cl 'f)r?(~Ol"2 ~`LL~'i(? <br />Co~inci1 requesCing th~ transf:ar o~ tha i_iquor/!J~ne L~c^nse ofi <br />ttie Gre~t Shanc;Yiai Tnn to the ~or~t~~n~~~ Cook~e Inn. <br />The rity C1erl; reported tha1: ~'nc nol ice report 'is sti11 penc!ing, <br />i~1rs. Scalzc in~roduc~ci t'iF~~ f~llo~r~in<< r~solirt~ion anc ~~rtrvnd i~ts ldopt;'it~n: <br />R'iSOLUTI(?'rl il~. ~z{i-!i-?.4'.l. - ~.P°;~0~lI?I~~ 711`. <br />TRi1i~lSi .`:',? 0~ TFI~ LIQIIQR/~'!I:"iF !_IC`:'!S!. r~>(tt:~ <br />TFIE Gf?rAT SHAr~~NAI I~1:1, TO ~~iAR7It~1 AG[1 SUI C{~SEiV~?, <br />Di~i/n FOR.7UP~;c ~nO:CS~ t;,ll~`, 5i13J!'';T TO RF.C~_I>'T ~F <br />,4 F.~Vn~?,~i?L~ PnI.ICr RFP(?;:T <br />~'aq~ -7- <br />