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M?f~IUTES 0;" THE SPECI,~L i~?rE7Ii~G <br />CITY COU~ICIt. <br />I.ITTI_F.. CAN;IDFl, "?IM~,iESOT,A <br />Jul~~ ?., 1986 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a s~ec~al mPeting of the <br />Counril of the City of Little Canada, fiinnesota ivas held on t'r~e <br />2nd day of Ji.~1y, 19~6 in the Council Chamb2rs ofi th~ City Center <br />1ocatAc.1 at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />P~layor f~lichael 1=a'~ey ch~ired tf7e rneetina and called it to ord~r at <br />7:30 P,Pq. and the follo~~inr i~ieinbers of the Council uvere ,~resent <br />at roll call: <br />f1E~1[3FRS PRESF~J7: P9ayor Mr. Michael Fa'ney <br />Councilm~n A9r. 4dilliam f3lesener <br />Counci1man P~r. 4zick Co1lova <br />Coiancil~rion~an P~is< t~4uas ~lard~ini <br />Councilt,;oman t~irs. :'3everly Scalze <br />I1LS0 PRES£tJT: City Clerk Nir. Jose~V~ Ch1ebeck <br />r..onsu~t;ng Fnc!ineer '~Ir. Donaltl Carle~~ <br />City Attorn~y ;4r. Tiiomas S~~~e2ney <br />Ci ty ,~uditor h1r. Robert Voto <br />Recordinn Secr~tary t-1rs. Kathleen Glanzer <br />Improve- I'ir. FaI~~V reporteci that the purpose of tonight's special !neetinq <br />ment is to consider various streefi, curb and gutter, or street overlay <br />Nearings irnproverients in the City. These improvemE~nts have been proposed <br />by ~the ~it,y Engineer and 4~ublic 'dorks Super~inten~lent as being <br />necessary. <br />Fahey reported that the Cit_y previously held public hearings on <br />proposeci storm sewer improvements. Many of the proposed stree~ <br />improveifien~ts ~ould be done in coni~Anction aiith storm sav~er <br />improvements. Noa~ever, the issu2 of storms se~~ers is not one <br />that is bein~ considered at thes2 pul.~lic hearinras. <br />The City Auditor reported that the proposed iinnrovements tatal <br />$kio0,000. Tr~e Ci ty a~i 11 be usi ng ~l 50,000 of P1i nnesota Sta~;e <br />Ilicl funds to~:rards the cost of the im~rovements. This leaves <br />$51Q,000 to be assessac!, The City Council 'nas (S8C1C~.P.CI $11d$ <br />£30"/, wi 11 be assessed to property oi~ners and ttie Ci ty !~ai i 1 nick <br />up ?OG, tnrouah c~enera1 taxation. <br />The ~uditor further explained tnat there are 17,000 feet of <br />foatac!e that can oe assessed and this calc.ulates to a$25.7~ <br />ner fron~ foot assessnient for property otimers. <br />7he l~uditor then explained that curb ancl gutter improvement <br />totals ~1~Q3,000 and vaill be assessed 1(JO% for a~10.07 per <br />fr~ont foot assessmeznt. <br />7he bonci issue the Sity is consitlering ~aould be 12 years loncr <br />Wiith a 10 y~ar payrnent oeriod. <br />P<~ge -1- <br />