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r~iraur~s <br />City Coiancil <br />July ?., 193i~ <br />The ~ngin~er explain~d. that the City r^ceiv~s ~"innesota State l~id <br />funds because the City ha, a poqu7ation of greater tiian 5,OC0, <br />This money comes froro the gasoline tax. The City receiv~s pr~sen~tl,y <br />~130,000 per year. The Engineer poinCed oi.~t that Country Clrive froin <br />Little Canada Road to Rice Street is a State-~id roac; and s~ras <br />current1y improved viith these funcis. <br />The Engineer reported that the Coi,inty 4~i11 ~~ turninq over D2mont <br />to the C~i~y and the Cit,y wi11 be desi~mating nemont as State-t1id. <br />Tnus, tli~ in?provement of Demont must !neet State-Flid specifications, <br />and the road ~vi71 be v~ider than a usual residential street and <br />bui1t to 4-ton specifications. Also, more storm sewer vfill be <br />requi red than G•rhai: i s nor~na7ly put i n. "fhe State ti~~i 11 pay for the <br />aciditaonal rost of' the storm se~Her. <br />Imp, iVo. T'ne first improvement to be consitlered is Smprov~inent "•!o. 86-7_, <br />F36-? irnnrov~ment of florrison /lvenue from Demont to County ~toac( (3-?_ by <br />street and curb and gutter. °ronosed assessments would be a25.74 <br />per front foot For street and ;;10.07 per front foot for curb anc! <br />gutter. Cost of the proposed st:orm se~~er irnproveinent v+ill b~ pici<v~i <br />u~ through reneral taxation. <br />f•1r. f;alpn Van Ilooven, 2n~0 Morrison llvenue, stat~d that he ~~as in <br />favor of the street im~~rovement, but 4~ias not certain about curb <br />and gutter. <br />Roner Phillips, 7~46Q '1orrison ~v~nue, stated that he, too, G•ras in <br />favor of the imhrovement. <br />There N~as no one el se from tne audi ence a!i shi nn to c~mrnent. <br />P~r. Slesener introdi.iced the folloaving resolution and moved its adop~tion: <br />RFSOLUTIOP.1 PdO. ~36-7-2£~£'s - CLOSIPIG; Ti~l@ <br />PUf3LIC HEARII~JG Oi~l I[iP`•~O~Ic~i[P!T ~10. f36-2 <br />Th~ foregoing r2solution U~as duly secondFd by t~s, idardini. <br />11yes (5) [;les~ner, h,lardini, Fah~y, Collova, Scalze. <br />~•,i~yg f 01. <br />Keso1ution declarecl adopted. <br />Thi s resol uti on ap~ears ~ n{tesol uti on f;ook P!o. 15, Pac~e 291 . <br />It ~;ras the concensus of ihe Council to act on the improvements <br />after all the hcarinqs had be~n held, as the assessment cost is <br />basecl on the ar•~ount of fr~nt footaqe that ~aill l~e assessed. <br />Thea Enqineer also pointed out that if tne total job is srnaller, <br />tPie bids r~~ay not come in as favorable. <br />pac~e -2- <br />