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I!Ii.lU7~S <br />City Council <br />July ?., 1986 <br />flyer as~~d wh,y the City is designat~ing Demont as State A~d. <br />f~ahey replied that the County svill not mainCain Dernont an<i is <br />turning it over to the City. If the City designates Demont as <br />State !1id it'a~ill qe~ funds to assist in the cost of the street <br />irnprovement as ~Far,ll as the storm i~nprovement. <br />Nardini oointed out that thc City nas had many visits frorn the <br />C~nabury Condo Nomeo~aners t~ssociation requestin~ the improvemFnt <br />of [)ernont. <br />T~e City Clerk renorted that Canabury Condo anci C,~nabury Tovmi~ouses <br />have indicated that th~y have no ob,jection to the propos~d improvement. <br />The Cler~ also pointed out that the front footac~e assessrnent <br />2stirnated by ttie City Lngineer 9s contingent ia~~on ~he Uemont <br />project being orc!ered, t~ithou~t this project, thcre v,~ould noi: <br />be Pno~.ig;i fronc footane in t'ne r~eiainin9 nro;i^cts to qet a <br />favorab1e rate. Also, ~ra9ttiout ~he ~2mont nrojcct, there will be <br />no State Aid funds to assist v~ith improvernent costs. <br />The Engineer pointed out that the School prooerty on I)emont aiould <br />also be assessed For t'ne improvement. <br />Villeaux asl<ed if Lhe City is recaiving any !nayment for ta!:inn over <br />Demont. <br />Fahe_y replied that the Count,y has offered $2(i,0(10 offs^t in futur~ <br />services. <br />There saas no one e1 se sri shi ng to comrnent. <br />~4r< ~ahey introduced the Pollowing resolution anc~ rnoved its acloption: <br />RF.SOLUTIQP,I P!0. ~3u-7-Z93 - CLOSIPJG TNF <br />PU(31_IC ME~hRING OP! I~4PR(~l~E~~lE~1T h10. `i6-'I <br />The foregoing res~lution ~as duly seconded by ?~s. ~larcini. <br />Ayes (5) i=ahey, Nardini, Sr.alze, Co1lova, 3lesener. <br />Plays (0). <br />Resolution declared adooted.. <br />This reso1ution appears ~n Reso~i~tion ftook ivo. 15, Page ?`-16. <br />Imp. hlo. The next ~mprovement a~as the ~mprovernent of latiore Roac! from <br />~6-2 Centerville Roacl to DeSoto by sLreet overlay at an es~tir~~ateci <br />cost of at>.50 per ~Pron~; foot. <br />There svas no one present ~•~ishinc7 to cor.irnent on this improvement. <br />Page -9- <br />