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t~RI61UTES <br />City Coiancil <br />July .7., 1~86 <br />Julie P1yer, 122 Demont, asked if the condominiums 4~rould be assessed <br />ba.sed on the amo~ant of street frontage they have. Tha Enc~ineer <br />replied that this ~r;as r,orrect. <br />P~7yer stated tYiat she svas opnosec! to ~urb and guttar and felt it <br />did not fit in saith the area.. <br />Russ Johnson, 4'i l~!. Dernont, stat~d that k~e s~ias oppos2d to the <br />inipro~rement and indicated that is not a solid base Gmder Demont, <br />and fe1t that the road would ~uickly deteriorate to tne sar~ie <br />condition t;Piat it is presently. <br />Tne ::ngineer reported that storrn se~r~er is nlanned for thc entire <br />l~nyth of Demont fron Rice Street into the Cit,y par!< pro~ert;y, <br />and then into Savane La!<e. <br />i'~r. (3uckholtz oointed ou~t that this ~~rater from the Cifiy par!< <br />nro~~erty encroac,~es into his bad<yard. 3ud<holtz also pointed <br />out that ti~e City hzs a7lowed hornes to be built on lots that <br />have had cattails on them. <br />The .F.ngineer reported tYiat Demont is praposed to nave a 36 fibo~ <br />avide pavement. The oavement is currently 2~ or ?.6 fe~t vticle. <br />l~l so the storm saa~ier tidi 11 e l imi nat^ the di tch al ong Demont. <br />Jotinson statec! that the ditch prevents patrons of Hoggsbreath <br />from driving ovcr his 1<arm. <br />Julic !9yer suggesi,ed that since Noggst>reath causes traffic <br />problems on Demont, thE>y should be assessed at a trinher rat2 <br />than tne residential nroperty. <br />Fa'ri~y poinf;eci c~ut that staff recornmendation is to assess residential <br />and comi~iercial nroperties equally. <br />,lim V~ll~ai.ix stated that he G~roulc~ not be in favor o~f tt~e project <br />if com~~ercial a~as assessed at a higher rate. <br />Karen Peterson, 6!S Demont, s~tat~d tha~ sh2 was in favor of the <br />improven?ent and po~ nted ou t that tnn c!i tch i n fron t of her horae <br />alsvays has avater in it. Peterson a1so has a ~roblem u~ith cars <br />turning around in her driveway from hioggsbreaLh and tsirovring <br />gravel onto her laa~in. <br />James .F.rickson, 13?_ D~m~nt, stated tha.t perhans the area cast of <br />ttie ra~i1ro~d ~trac!<s should be elirnina~ec!. Lrickson stated <br />tha~ he was opposed to ti~e improver~ent. <br />Pahey oointed out that if i~iSA funds are used on Demont, the <br />storm sewer is reqi.iired. The State wi.ll a.lso renuire curb and <br />gutter. <br />PdgO -~- <br />