<br />Ci t~.~ ~;,our~c'i 1
<br />Jiily `'r, 1~`t;',
<br />':inqshurv "lesene~° rr:~;~ort~c' t{~a~~. ~P:~~e ne~i~7i~bor ~'~i~' ~1;'ie fi'Il~inn or~ a ~a;,;,r<enc!.
<br />Drainaae~ Tn~~ ~;u'il~iiric~ Inspector revie!~ied th:~ fill~inq and ~fors~c ~t~ir: ~rr>+~ert;y
<br />(Corit.) o!~aner to ~t.al:e ou~t a perm'it af~~~r the fact.. `312s~ner renortnc~ ~t~f~at
<br /> tne nropr*r~iY o~~mer h~,.~i b~en ~risinfor~;~ed abr~u~: ~~~ha~t ne neec!r~~ci.
<br /> T'~ie Einair7ner state<' ttiat t'ne ~fill ~is i:h~re. ar~<! 'the ar~~ i~1s
<br /> be,~n soddec!. 'f'ri^ ~~nqine2r f^l t that tne s'ii;uation could be
<br /> ~r,or!:ed o..it ~.nc' si.<<~qnsted t~?afi ha lo~k, ~~.t 9:V~e prr>p~ri~/ <Zrain.
<br /> K~inc{sbur~~ Zs'c?c noe~r muc'ri ar~;~ is Flr<kin~nv tosdards thc~ cul~iert.
<br /> 7'ne rngineer r~nl'iec! that thr•re~ is an!?ro•r,i~n<~.t~ly ;.3 acr~s
<br /> ~ra.4nina to~riards tne c«lver~t and the culvnrt ~,ias aci~q~iare ~Lo
<br /> 4,andlc~ i;nis c!raina<:<~. T,ie `n<~ineer statec! 1;hat; t:he pipe~ tindei°
<br /> La'iore: ?:oa.d is 12 inChes in diaroe~ter, and shoul~l t>e l~ inc,~es, bia~
<br /> this ~,,ill not, ma'<n a r,lifferen.r,~ to tfie '<iric!si~ury prop~rty.
<br /> '~:innsbury riis>agr:~erl ~:hat the culver~t. ~,~aas aderuate and r~~orted
<br /> ~C4~at i~t has overrlo+.~ed ~t~n~ice ~in 'c'ne last £? y~ars.
<br /> ~~~rs. '<iriqstn,ir,;~ ~oint:~r,i oi~t 'ch~t tYiere urill br~~ t,~o net•! str•ee'ts c~nin~.i
<br /> ~in in t'~2e area. ~nd i:!'i~s ~c~~ill et~i~' iraperv'ious s~irface.
<br />T711? E YIltl Yl(?C`.Y' $L`8tc (~ ~~Id'C ~)?1:57^pYl j j() dYi(I :'i)~ f'f'.(?t ~f i:~l'25P. ilE`.t'; St:t"£?£~_'l`,S
<br />v~ill dra~in to~:,~ards t;ne cul~~eri; arici 'na.vn al~;iays dr•ained ~Co,~~ar~is ~the
<br />cu~iv~rc.
<br />I:in!~sbury sta~ted tl~ai'. t~~e~re -~~as no prob~ler~ in t;hti~ area 'oe~Fore i:.he
<br />Coi~nty ~i ns~tal l ed tYi~ curbi nc! ~n L a3c~re Roac'.. !,e~'ore tha1: tis~ie
<br />tPi~ draina<te rin off tne roaci and do!~m th2 adjacen9; nropert~ies.
<br />i~~irs. Kinn,bury si;a~tec! t:ha~: in ta1!<ing with i:he ~oun~v, thcy
<br />in~'ir,ater' that 't`i~re shou'Ic; hc~ anoth^r r,atc;~ !~asin in f;he area
<br />dua ~to f,he a~no!.nt. oi~ >~,~ater flc~.•~in~~i in~to '~'nis sulvert.
<br />The =.ngin^2r St~i:aci t~~j~. :~r, sri11 bc ~.~,,etin~; ~;riti~ t!i° C~?~.~nty in
<br />t.ha n^xt counlr~ o~ da.ys, az~d ~,~ill discttss 'Chis natt~r s•riCh t?~2r.i.
<br />TI~~ !=nai neer >tal:eci i;`~a r;~~~ ,.ri l l a l so revi e~;r tl~<~ (i l l si tuat'i an
<br />OYI 'Lai/?~'~lY1C'5i)Ui"~/ ~Ot lS ~:lf'~~ 1A ~~~1.~ nnj(lhl)OY"'It10 tlY'0OE?Ct~/.
<br />Ii7?p. i~!o. prons~r~tY o,;mer on `?e~~~?ont
<br />~~o;~~x~~! Si_eely, , suhrnitt ~~cl a p^t~i~tion
<br /><,'S-3 ,
<br />to tne !;oirncil sinns,c; ±i~i ln, c~f t'.~~ 17 ;~ ro~~~rty o „~ners o~i
<br /> Demon~ bei,tieen Sa.u[~ipE~ ~n~' ~~Ir-i~n.^my stat ~inq 1.nat th2y ~,~,~ere
<br />Agen<la. oPposed to curb and nf-i~;t~r ir~~~,i°ov~r~ient ori ~~he~ir streE>t:.
<br />~,cic'i'tion
<br /> irir. St~~~le i?ointed ou1; ~t.hat ~ne stree~P. ores~~~nt~ly does not; 4ie~ve
<br /> e.vrb and gu~tter and f'~e sa~~t no ne~~.<f ~ or i i: ne~:a.
<br />t;l e,~n^r po~i nled p~at; t.!iai'. thr^ s~treet ~.~!i 11 1 as t 1 oncier i f i~ Y~a ,
<br />ci~r•E> and c;u~tter ~s thE~ c,~~rb anr~. gutter pro't=ct: ~Che ariaes o~P t?~ir_
<br />strcet fro!;; brea'r,inr un.
<br />~ac;~ -11-
<br />