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;.::Ii~i~-~cc <br />~itv eouncil <br />July 9, 19g,'7 <br />~~~dt"fl!`°~S i il~l1PV 'f°~'t 1:.~(il`l, fi;il^ ~OCl.fl(711 0~ 'f~lE Y'O~l(~ r1CCP.S> COl.4~(~ !)•o ~1df1CC~°~~ <br />i <br />( ~ont. ) i n i;he Dev,~l ~p~~,r s Aq~reemen~. <br />Th~ i'l~riner si.atec, ~hat if 9:Vi~~ ~~i-+ncil anuro~~es t,ie h~la.rdee's pro~osa~l, <br />i1; is ~iis recoroc~2nda~'it~n i'riat the 'loca'tio7 of the northern acc.ess <br />pC)'~ ')n ~V,nj;nY'i`il l"I~`.l~ ill 't~ll S T.11lI?. <br />`i~f.?S^!i?1" :17$0 ~)Oltl'f>?(~ Otl'~; ~"18"~; ~~;i1C' Y'OB.C~ ('.clS°il`:?YI'[ '?!Ofi~(~ f10'(; i1dVn <br />~~;0 il^ 1:"1DY'nV?(' i.1Y1$'i1 C%(?2i~~r?(I nP.r,r>Cdl"y ;)y i;i1r ~0~1!1C"il. <br />!1r. ~ a'ney introduc^o ~thE~ ~o~llo+vinc~ reso1ui;ion 1nc= ;r,o~ied its adopi.i~n: <br />[:.SOLi1"fI!li ,~I.!). ;3:>-7-.i~s; _ ~~~r,{?(1A/IPIG TII~~ i~l~~'ZD4:~'$ <br />D~ ~J,-~~~~~~ ~T pl..!\!~~ nc ~~n~-$ 4~T~-~1 Td'T~ Vr:?~~IT~~6 `?ITI~I <br />7i1~ 1;,.~! i\~ I~ h'4iP! ~ Oi' TF!~ ; ~C~"SS f/lS~ r"F~,~7 I:-~I', T{~;r <br />E~'SfAU~?~idT PRDP(?SESI TQ 1'(I: 1~01?TII ;`~'~!D Ti~!~ ~~,t(iNT' <br />TU',~~ jii ~~ip ~iIT r. f'i;S 1) ?T~;~: ~T,~~' '~ ~is~,i! DT~/P1,-'? <br />P~I) lfi ~(1QT dif?r ~l1~.Irc ~S '!F.I.L /\S 11 ?'? ~007 l~rjD~" R0.'\D <br />i?~lS ~~~IT l3UtLT TCi r;ITY Sfn,1Dn.R?)S I:IR,~t,iI"4~~ N ni;~l TFIt' <br />('9CI: (1!=' T~i~: pROi? ~tTY i-i',~' 1T`I`I{:$QT~', r?yc.1llF i?f`4tTll i1.~;D <br /> ~~;It-~ ~i~ r~[~r iTi?.I:~T 1~_~i!i; TII 'IOR~II-RI_`( i:.!~U'- Or <br />r .rn~:l~ :~r' ~fSh1T ST-rr ~i $f~flla?I Q;~ T4~ DC;1,!a.2~1~,',~ <br />T~I S>.-...~,~ ,._STnU(~:,,, <br />°,11~2i1I'fTf'i1, 70 ';~_ `)!iILT I~ i1tlU ';!I;{,'? RI:QIII3~if} "~( 741E <br />C21"Y COUidCII <br />7h~a ~Forec~oinq res~1ui;ion ~.tris d.~aly seconcecl 6;i ,`~!r, ~;lesener~. <br />f1VC$ ~~i ~'dfl°~/~ `;~BSE'11flt"~ ~'~dY'C~lt'il~ ~,O~~~Vd.. <br />i~ed,yS {~ ~ SCd~;Li?. <br />~~CSO~LIf;lOtl t'C`f~rll"~(1 Pf~7~'C`1C~. <br />Ti~IS P^SO~1IL1Jp dt)lE'.7}S 1fl ~f?Sp~UrlOtl ~ipO~C t~Q. ~?~ ~an!'S ci~'~ dnCi .~~~~, <br />R~:c,ess n~t. this noint in t%~e i~~e~,tinq, J:l' f'.i-'i., Counc,i1 too!~ a shc~rt: <br />r2c, ss, 7'~~~ r~r~eiinr rras reconve+~~d ai 4~:1i? IP,i,. <br />i<~i n<~sbt~my 1'1ie !;'i t.y ~n~,i r~~~~r r~por~ted t;hat he `~~zs 1 oo'<^d at th : i nr~ ;bi~ar~ <br />~ <br />,~raint;io~ ~rooPr~ty as vaell as t'ae culvert in ~:he ~irea. Tt ~~~as ti~ ~=p~:in~2r s <br />~onrern opiniori ~tha~t'. ~ne culv~rt ~ra1s adequ~ite to hane~~ 1e rt!n-oi`f, Yio~~.;ev^r, <br /> i~t ~rioul d nof: hanc! 1 ~ every ra~i nTal l, su cn as a 190-~year ra'i n. <br />;loenc'.a <br />?te:" Plo. 7 1'h~ nc~inr:er r~~por~ter~ t;~1i; s~~ith reqarci to tV~ie filliric o~ tV~ie <br />prot~ert.y to t~^ .~~esi, !~i~ f21t t'na~: ~t:he Kinosk~i~lrY pros~ert.y co~~ild <br />~n c,rac~~d so t:f~~~~.t teal,er ~~~ril1 run ~~rop~rly ~ <br />;~1r. I<inc~sbury rEanor~i.~~d ttia~l: h~~~ na;l ~ini:^nr,ied ~~.o fi~il 4,is pr~o~>ert.y> <br />410!`.l('.VBY'~y 41~1('.11 i'll S YI^l C1il~)OY' tl. ~'Yi?Y`!'~i '(;ili? rlCf.) %1CBYl'C 71"0}~P,Y'~;~/ '~;Q~ 'G(1^ <br />~x~;ent th~i. ',e did, this .h<~nq~^d 'n9s plans. I:in~;shury poinl;~d o~at <br />~,r,ha~, Piis r~e~c;hbor f~illecS his property t~iithcn+t a~~eri=rit and ~.di~'nou~t <br />si.ib~~~iittirin t,opos. <br />p;,,,~ _~n_ <br />