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iIMIITi=c <br />~ 7"~~J ~ 0117 C"I ~) <br />~)ll~':/ ~o ~~i:ii> <br />~-tj!;~ <br />;<enrtE~tlY <br />~-X2CUt~ar.t <br />Propos~ll <br />Aflnttr!d <br />[tc~i5i f~1o, G <br />PJpp_ <br />~011~FOY'I?11 Plq <br />'3I.ISlt1`c`.$$0S <br />On Parl; Sf:r, <br />~~Ir. ~~il<e I<enncady of ~xeci.iteani appearecl b~iore tf~E~ Council arid <br />rnp~rt~d that n~i s~Fi rr~ has ~I ook~ d at the cost;s i nvo~l ved. s~ri t'n <br />}~urcliF~se of thn ~~ondor property adje.cent, to their property on <br />Li'til ~ Cariada Road and :;ent~rvi 11 e and i ric1 ud~i ng ~thr:it propert,y <br />in thE~ir <lev~los~!t~ent nroposal. ICennedy explained tPia~; C.'ne cos~:s <br />o~f ti~e pro,jecf, iricreas2 coris'icS~rab'ly tlue ~to snrin!<lrrinc; o~ thr <br />prouosed builriinn, addii:ional par!<ing anci landscapino and h~ic~Pier <br />int~~rest ra~.^. <br />!:ennedy reporteci 1;ha~, in order for his ~fir:n Y,o be '! in <br />~~rql!i r1 nn L~l:? ?'~OYIliOt" (11^OpgPi:.`J ~ ~ }iE?4 \'!OI,I~ C~ '(I~1V? ~0 ~~E` dSS1 5"fP,(: <br />in the purrhase o~f ~Chis proper4;V throi.~qii tax increeient! <br />a~ ;~~ell as 't:~ie si~t.e on Li~ttle Canac"a ~~.oa<' and Ce~nt2rv'i11~ f;oad. <br />I?r. Pah~y boiritecl out ti~at ~t:n~ City ha.s rnacle some tzx increiri~n~f; <br />;~~roiecLions r2~ardinn ~tPie pror~osal. ~ai~ey fe1t that fiir. ,'Cennecly's <br />proposa.l ~;~as a 1~i t~l e overre~.ieni ng t;o requ^st assi s'cance i n ~i~e <br />purcr~<ase of the t~ittl^ Canac!a Roact anci Cent~r~iill~~ 2oa~:; s~ite. <br />~ahey as!~ed ~or ttie r.alc;~ila~ions ~;~~ith reqarc! t~ ~tax incrFment <br />fin~ncinn if tl~e Ci1:y i~~i~rcl~ased tne ~~lonclor site and i~ir. I:^nnec?,y <br />acldnd n,000 s<,tiar~ fe~ t i;o hi s nroposal , <br />TIiE~ ~'1 ann~r sfiat~<I that: ~thi s i~ro~a1 c~ ~nhance ti~s proposa1 , and t'1e <br />Citp 4aould be qen~ratiriy Enor~ tax cSo'll~rs to pay off ~on~1s fa>~ter. <br />Norrever, tYie Ci'ty ~nould Pi1ve no assur~nce tnat the rleveloper ~,~;oi,i1c~. <br />acd s~ulrn footac~e to the hui 1 di n~7. <br />T'~e Pl anner al so poi ~~i;ed out th~rt. ~t~~e prop~r~ty i`~1r. !< i s <br />i~urc'~iasinc consist> of 'tl~re~~ seoar~~i;e lots, anci they r~usi, be <br />corlb~i n~d i n order fi'or ~t4i~ devel opn?en c to proc~er.i. The P1 armer <br />po~inteci out thai'. ~I~i~s <;i+t^s ~he Ci'ty soree eontrol over ~the <br />sit~aa~~ion and vnc~i;h~r or not tiie ~ionc.l~r property shou1d he <br />i ncl udsci. <br />f*!r. ar~d i~1rs. f)enni s t~loncior i ncli ca1:ec. ~thzi; ~t~i~ y;roul d be ~;ii 11 i nci <br />to se'il their propert.y ~for a fair pric~. <br />FtzPiey sta.te~ci thai #~ie qioul~ like ~t~ sen sor°i~ aclditional prniections <br />~For ~thn usF o~F tax inci°e~~~enf; f~in<~ncinc! for tti4s projeci:. <br />i~d(it,`_)/ SI!(~C~r?S'1:f?(? '~~1'rl'C ~:~1^ :~~ 1(1'12Y' dtl(~ t'`:.F". i~i'.tltli?C~~/ ~7F.t 'I'.OCIF'.l`:~'1f?1" <br />~nd ~~iork ~furttier on the oro~~nsal. Sf necessary, th~ Council <br />~raoul c~ c111 a speci al m2etii ncs nex~: tiv~:e!< on ths ~enn2cty oroposal , <br />"ir. Fa{~i~v poin~l:2rl oiat 1:,ie '?ta'i1d~in~+ Snsp~ctor's l;'t:ter r~a'ted Ji~~ly <br />`ii~ ~~?.`'i~; Y'('.((dt"l~lf1(1 ~;?lE.` tt011^CO(1'FOl"1'IlY1c7 JUSItI(?5S(`.:> ~OCd'tf~C~. 111 't,'tl(`. <br />~rani< V~ratcrzlonF huilding on Par!< Stre.~~C and Cnunty i?oac C <br />"a!in -3- <br />