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~'IIrU7~S <br />City (;ounci1 <br />IJ~I~y J~ ~J~()() <br />rran~ <br />C'ratt.a.l on2 <br />?rofx~rty <br />(Cont.) <br />~lY'. `ft(lt?y ~701i1$E,'CI OUL` '!.~(icl$ %'1Y' '~Y'li`.l`t1~011E,' Pld~ ~lY'£?V'IOUS~y ~'14811 <br />l1Yll`l~ id,% ~y ~~3i3~ L`0 P2^1nV:'. tr1E? YlO~h!'OYl'~Ot^I.I1riQ hUSlll(?SSPS 1°i^0!}1 <br />~ <br />nis prop2r~t/. <br />i'ir. Frattalqn~. r~}~~ortPCi ~tfiia't ~'n~r12s Er.cava~;inq tis ~~~~11 as <br />'?udy F.xc~va'tinq ~iavP. va~at^c 1,n2 preeiises. Si.. °a.ul Utilities, <br />'loyg~m9r° f~xcavatinq and (ed R~1riy Repair are still on Liie <br />pr~~,r~i,es. Ilotdever, ttiese cnree b~isiriesstls are bi,ii1dirig a <br />bu~ 1 di nq i ri ;~;uco ar~d i t!~~t~ 1'I be com~~l eteci Se~t2inber 1. "!r. <br />Fratcalon~ requesterl P.ha.t they he allou~~d to stay iintil that <br /> ~ rattaloric also uointed o~.rt th<7t he e7osed off the acc~>s <br />~to ~ar"< S~raet rznd ~these firrns are not u,ing !~ar!< Stree~k ~~s ~rrell <br />as ha~ti n;~ bi.ii 1 t'th~ berm h~i gh2r. <br />hiark Sr.httl~tz, t~rop~rty osvner or~ ?~:irl; Siree~t, ,9;a.~:ed t'na~r ;~~~,s>>;;y~~r <br />~ 4VdS l10~`t: BCCRp~;d~~ ~? 1;0 f110'1 dTtf~ C~ ~!l Il;Pf' ~?1c11; SOl~II~; f)I151 t1C?iS@$ t~id'C <br />arr non-c~infori~inq h~ve riovec.l in#:o the I'rat~talonE~ ~~ro~~erty s~incE, <br />~=1r. Fra~ta1oriF ~vas aivF:n 1'.h„ i1~~~ 1 deadline. <br />~!r. Frai:~t<alone d~isar.r~~=d and staten ~nat th,se bu,inrassNS haa~ <br />be~n on trie prr,~perty for over n or ~i ,years. <br />t'~trs. Sca~lze questioned ~i;lie F~nd2rson La~.~n Care b~is~ness i;hat ~is <br />al so housed on i:he si te. Sca1ze Pel t th~~t thev di d P~o1: co <br />laean, I~ut rat'ner lan~iscat~~in~7, and ti~is t~ZS not a peri~iitted <br />occupant unr.(er thc^ zon~iri~i ~f ~the~properi:y. <br />;~Izrclini a.r~reed ~thti~t tindersnn ~at~!n Care does not r:ioed yar<!s as sYie <br />corrtact2d~ti~is f~irre for ~this service ar;d ~rras in~forrned ~I~at ~ti~e~i <br />c'ic! not clo it. <br />P1r. -rat~talone infor~aed. ~;he Souncil t;~at he ~told ;ir. ~nd~rson <br />ab~ut t;he zoninc~ of the orepFarty a.nd Andcrson requested and <br />rec:~iv2ci a pe•r?nit Pron ~t~e City. <br />Schhultz infnrmed th~ Counci1 tyiar f:h~rt is ria~ior au~to ren~lir qoint7 <br />on on the si~e until i:he I~~ours o~f 9:3n or 10:Q0 P.:~i. a~~ niq`r~1;. <br />Scl~ul~tz si;1'ted ~thai: the Co~.incil mac~e a coi~~i~:ril:r;~ent ai~d ~in~For!~~d <br />I~rlttalonE~~ io ha.v~ ~the r~on-COm`oririnc businesses vaCat,e t:hn <br />site by ~1ay 1. ScV~iultz felt s;hat no~~i ano~;h^r bune.'ri of ri~~~n-ronforr~~inJ <br />~~_is~nesses ~;rerc raovin~ ~in. <br />Sc'nu~l tz s~a.t2d ~tii~~:C n~ s;«s rio~t i n i~vor <br />'ir~esses ori i:tin sit~~ unless th~ nrope <br />5p1i~t oPf anc! rezohed ~to R-? to provide <br />r~si~lenti<~l ~~roperty across tl~e sl;rezti. <br />i~ra~t;t~zlune properi;y shoult~ orily ~~e i`ro~~ <br />these i~tei~is ti~ioulc requi~°e a~s~sbstar~tial <br />of any non-con~forriinc <br />"t,?' along par!< Stre~t~~~n~as <br />a b~~P~`er zotie ~to ty~e <br />~l so, ar,ca~ss i:o tne <br />Coiirri;y :'toari C. !lo~a!ever, <br />vlriance from th~ riZy. <br />fd'(iP.;/ dSnC'C~ JCiIl.I~t7. 4'filEa'f; fll$ f"1;~Oi" 0~)~~C'ClOt1S ~'n'EF"~2, SChl1~j;Z <br />r~C~~l i~d ~C'na~t noi se ~nd t9i2 cpndi ti on o~F the ~~rooeri,y ut~re h~i s <br />o,a.ior o~;jecf;ions. <br />pann -4- <br />