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~'r7;urr~, <br />(;i4.y <br />,~uly r~, ~r,;;y <br />~-~d'Pt:lnp' S iCd7 %^ ~2~ L j:71i.1.~~ {:}l^ COtIC~?~1'~: D~ lil FOP ~;Sl^ it$p. Of j:ili? OY'0~°1"1:~/ 'tldS <br />~COfl1,. ~ r 11 011C-'.1"US'e? 97 ~''il5 ni^OD'c,?Y'~V. <br />Sr.alze felt t;ha~i; ~the right ~;~irn ^n ancl ot~i lane ~~ias noi: need~cl <br />and e~ai~l ci not eior'<. <br />!:9r. [sl t~s~ner ~;tat?d tha.t h~~ ~P:~~1 t~:`~ie ri cq`it i;i.~rn i ii aiic! out ~i anr was <br />n~r,~assary. f31~~sUn~r fell`, ti~a'c ~he tra~`fic ~>u'ilci-up on P~iinri~so'ta <br />~V^P1Ut? 4~IDU~f~ !)(`. 't^rri1~1^ S'!l"f:ilC~lJj; 't:(1l5 gCCpiS t:0 !~.1CP it;Y'P.^l`:. <br />r'a;~ir.~y fel~P; t~~at t;~e ric±Pi~`, i,~mn 'in an~! 0!.~1; aceLSS to S;ice ~treet <br />~,y~i'11 a112v~iat^ nrobl~ms on ~'innes~~ta. <br />'j4~n (;~j~ F1lCIlYlf.'£`.f 1CIi"°S~(1. T'12 i'.IICIIYIPpI" S'Ld'~C'.(~ i;'rial'. n^ !~'-JS 0(J1,~0SE?(~ <br />to a fi.ill in~ers~ct'i~?n aet°oss fror~ !>fooctbr~iei~,e, biai: fel4; tha~ the <br />1^i r4l'C i:LiV"il 1 it dnC' 0!{i. L~t0111 Cl SQQI"~1.. <br />I=a4iey Felt that th~~ proposzil t~s presented toniq'rii w,a.s sensii~l~. <br />Fahey poi n't~~ci otn, ~EV~a~t thE Ci ty I'1 anner fe~l s 1:ha~C tf~ere shoul ci <br />YIOl` i)8 d~CE?S ;'I;0 ~1C@ SL`P°8'~~ ~'IOkJ!'Vf?Pg d~ ~ 0'f;i18Y' F)t,lS'IYIC~SS£~S 011 <br />~ice Si:r2e~ liave acc~~ss. ~nain, ~ah2v pointcd out i;hat i:his <br />acr,~ss ~<~ill re1ieve ^~inneso~ta ,ivenue. <br />t31esener staf,eri tnat, he f~'It th^ ?ronert.y ~;!as ~oo n<.rro~rr t~ develop <br />a.s sugqestFd ?~y the P1 an'rier, anci ~tiat; ~tfi~ r~i c;ht tt.irn ~ n~~rid oirt. s~~ts <br />n~c~~ssa.rv io reli.*ve ,linnesota ,~v.^ ~ ~ <br />Scal ztz sta.teci th~t t:}ie r~i ght tiArn i n and oi,it +~ii 11 !~~ork wi ~~.h or;~ <br />resta~.irari~t on Y.h~~ si t;e, biit noi n~ted out ~that there i s~C'ne potnnt.i a1 <br />for t:ti7ree r~st.aurants. <br />7~RP ?~iltlll^t" f^~'~: ~~:lil'I: ~:il? ~',lC.^ i'tl"C:°'f, ~3.CCt?SS nl.lE`..~;1011 ~~Ic7.S C~Oi(:;^(i <br />~i,'~° 1"^d~ ISSI.I~?~ tfltlt'- ~)^~ItlCf ~t`,}1P, COII~@S"~:~IOeI Oil `t+`.1~171.',50~Z:d ~~~/:.'[IIIC?. <br />T(iE', !~7dYlYl'?Y' ~E?~j: 'ril'rl~. ~'~'1r1Y)f`.SO~~:rl ~V(?YlU(' Sil()1.17C1 f)f`, ^:Ci)dli('~°(.'i <7?1C' 'rIIY'Yl <br />~c111CS ~C~C~2C~. E~OS'I^V°N, 'I;il(3 ~,11;)/ i'IR.S f1Yi~1/ ~n '~2f~''`~ OI i"l(`,f11;-0"` 4t':3.y <br />foi° i°!innesota. T'rr~ ?lanner st.ated that ~;~ `r<.~ei; of r'iqi~r_c~i-~.vay <br />l> C01!iR1011 pYl r01'.1171F?1"C1'r.1~ Si.l^°£tS. T~11C'; E~7dYli1'?,1" ~OIYI't.C~ 0!I~'. 1:G1d'i, <br />'`)C,'CilUiE3 0'~ ti~" [)1^0~)7 f?"! QIl :~'il ilYl°$p~:d ~V^Yllln ~ ~'Id.Y'C~r'p ~ 5 1 S Y'!?(~li x; f;l YICi <br />~CC°$i 1,0 (2,1C$ $'ti"2fC. T11^ ~`~~~lililf-JI" $~d't4.`(,I,y ~ptl4'Vf?i^~ `l'f1d'~ ~~lE]1"^ <br />,,.rf~ to~ manv curb cu~ts ~~n Rice Sireet. <br />i~~li' i~~dfl'(iP.f SI~C~(If?i'~E?C! ~C~l;lt Clll"I~ CU'~;S OYl ~~lllil^i!1l`cl. ,nV.?I?il^ C,OII~C~' `)C <br />cr>mk~'i necl ~o 'r~el ~ reso~l ve i,lie probl e~~ and '-ii rm~•~sot:a s? d b^ <br />vri c!en°ti. <br />..~~12 ~~ i:~ilY1F'.Y' d~ SO S~:d'T,E?C'' j:S'lil'i; ~'.~12 dY'C!US';2Y7'i; '(',rl$'~ dCC?iS 1$ 11(?~'(In~l <br />"LO cl'f;t~.f<1C~~: CUS$0(4€'1"S 1 S c~ ~OQP Ot1E', iYS USU<^~~ ~y ~;fl~ Cjt C1 S10Y1 OYl <br />~ihicsi° ras~t-i°o~>ci res~teu.ran~ to no ~t~ 'is riade be~iorc 'Che .r,us~on~~r <br />cets t.~iere. ~ <br />1 n:~ Pl anner! thai ~i f~:~i~ cev^1 opmFnt ca~~no~t ~Pu.ncti on wi ~t~.hout <br />1Cf,:?i$ '~0 ~~1C^ S'~;7~?j;~ p.'-?i"{ll!JS ~f12 il't@ lS 1`~~00 'IYI~;.°.?liQ~~/ C~(`VSI~ODE?C~, <br />i~dQ~ -~- <br />