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iI iU7LS <br />Ci ty 1 <br />JU1~/ ~1, l~i!:i <br />{'~d.t"C~H:.'~5 ~'~~S`2~~: C)Olllj:f-`.(,i OU"~ '~.~ld~ ?:`,'dCi~011:t~({~5 4`1dS 1"2GCf1'~7~/ CJI"d~iLEC,~ c.Yln~;~l@V" <br />!LL'ont.) ci.~rb ciii: on f~~~inr~esot~a 'tf~iat ~is elos~r ~~ i:he in~.erseC'~ion i.han <br />iicll"<~,a?~S ilPO~OS^(i Clli^`1 ::ll~t ';ft~~ !)<^.. ~~r35(.'.~/. ~)~SO CJOIiI~~(?f? C>ll't <br />~tnai: 't~~ic Ci ~::,~ i s rE~quesi.i ng the road acr.ess ~tt th~:~ !~ac :~>f ~tV7e <br />nroperty ~n an<,>ther na,rcel of prooeri,;r no't inv~lv~~~d in the <br />Hardee's j~ronosal. ~~ren t;hou~7f~ this par~nl is a1so o~~-~i~~d l~y <br />~~r. Schro~~dE~r, it is a s~par,~ic parCe1 ~rorn ~Y.he onf~ be'in~ <br />CO(IS7(i!`.1"(.`(~ 4)~/ i~ilt"<~PP~S. ~~l". ~iC~"It"C)E?CIF.?Y^ 15 d('4"OC`<]~)~E'. 1;0 ~JI,1~:~111!! <br />'111 l~:iil5 dCC2SS ~1'~ CO?1S1(~".Y'8s)7c^ PX~)°t15~' GO ~I :?tS^~'j 't0 C0111;)~~~ Yll'Cil <br />t}'1C' (.;1~;%~S t"F'.C~11E;t. <br />TY7c Plar~na~r s~i:a~ed thaf. he r^eomr-ientl,d a.ppr~~val of ~f:he Hard~^'s <br />uroposa`I !~1~it'nota~i; access ~to ~ice Str~>et~. The Planrier pq'in~;ed <br />ni~z tha1, "~iinnesota ,'1v~~~nue is still a probl~~~a~n, ~:at ~if. is not <br />~ <br />I';ard^e s uroa~l er~. <br />rahc~y s~at:ed 't`iat %~F si,'i 11 b^1 i?ves the r'i crh~t i~ir~n i n~1ncl n:i~t <br />~i nt~rsec.~:i on eaoi~il tf al l ~vi a~C^ ~~robl e:r, on i`~ii nnesoi,a. <br />Council disGUSS~cI ~Ch~ ~~'id~f;h nf t6~ie road oasei~i~nt at tEio rear o~f <br />the prooerty. 7{~i^ Plarn~~r s'ta'ted 'T.Pir~it Pie woi-ild fen1 !~~ore comfortab1e <br />;ri th a^£; foot roaci ^ase~ ient. <br />:`i'P. ~~~d$°~: Sl.d~CBC~ L{ldj', l`:tl^P2 h1~3S 'r2f{f:l~l0il<7~ P00Iil 'i0 ~li"OVICi° tl 7~i <br />T00~ E?15f'.i;l~?Ylj'.. <br />ilar~i n~i sf;a~i:ed 'cha~t: sh^ v:oul c; be r,~aore cor~forta.b~l e~~ii th the nort;hern <br />~~OSt: dCCCSS ~? !~.1 ~c? )t.P2L-''L OE`1 Y7(~ ~ OCd C°(~ ill` GFI^ I101"j:~i12t^~ J?((qp 0{ <br />'l:!1f'. ~PO~)C1"L`Y. ~ <br />'i"IP. i{~B5P.11@'.1" ~'^~j: ~:~1@~(; TiIP °)CdC'C ~OCfl~l;lOp Of '~h<3.t dCp'Sq ~VIO~1~r, <br />i)P. C7E'Lc?P!'I1111E'.(~ ';lfl(?fl L`~ii(? Y'i`~'('. 0~ ~(:~lt~ ~pr~~~opj;~i (~CVE.`~O~ICCi. "'P. ~~35(?~< <br />dCli^~s,<~, . . <br />~1r. i~laselc requestiei; th~~li; 'the roa.d acc~~ss at. th~ 1~~1c': oi ~t;~r> pror~ertv <br />'~E_' rrqu~irE7C~ fi:0 ;)E? 1(~I~)Y'OVE?C~ "rl~ l:~1^ ~~;li?i^ ~;~1(? S(.'.C011C~ C~f,'V•^.~0[)".OP.YI~~~. 1"0'f <br />t~ia narc^1 i s prouos^d. <br />~~ rs. Scal ze i nt:ro<!t,ic~d t4~ie Tol l o~,li ng resol ut;i nn ~n~i n±oa:~ci i ts adont~ on: <br />2r:,nLUTI!?!; ;.i0 , ?+3-7-307 - 11f~PR01~i~JG Tli ynn~~~-'S <br />n u~!.OP ~,T n ::n~nSlsL S(I`:JECi' Tr~ 1~;.: n,c''~~ ~;EidO(\7SOi,c <br />`~'~ T!iE !_iTTLF. Cti'~!11D.~1 !;CT`( PL)\{~! ~"~ ~)l~Ti-n ;=r?~??UAP,Y <br />19<;~i n?~~i~ <br />11 ~lU~~~i 9, 193~i, T~~i~: CtTY i:~~S~if'E:~! n~~T~D <br />, <br />rn~>U!12Y 7 <br />1 ~"> ~1.^'D "P,YQR F~'~':I Y'~ ;,~rC~ ~l!^;i;,'~TIO:'iS <br />, <br />(~1 i~~~.!~' <J ~ ~ <br />~ Q}i~ I ~I~p~ ' 1 `~ 1~~~ !1~~ ~.~Sr~~ i~~ ii,~\D`iCr ~ C <br />, r r is ~~.,z v <br />'!D IJ <br />~l <br />S <br />>' <br />!T ~~~ rV'I`) FSTi~ S~ RUi~,~ ~R~-~~ ':~l.T. ~'!:''.SO7P, r~IE.I~IU`.~ <br />. <br />. <br />, <br />. <br />. <br />',SO`ZTI~i TO G?C!: STP'-:1"'f 1?E BUT(~T TO ~~T~l S-L41~~IDA~DS ",~~D ';ISI_I <br />~ <br />3(: ?i',IVn,T~LY t~~;tq r~~n~p •~-y;- <br />OF~~1'"~ A!~If; i'IAI~IT~,sT<<cD <br />~pPprl;'RT'\TL p4?~t !'!I!',i?.G[i BF ~l1II) TO Tli`i `'TTY <br />n~jn~, _3_ <br />