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r~zNUrEs <br />c;ty coun~;~ <br />liugust 13, 1985 <br />Schletty be heard. <br />4~loods (Cont. ) <br />Fahe,y pointed. aat that City records contain a letter to f~ir. Schlett,y <br />from the City Attorne,y dated Flugust 2, 19£3~ stat9ng that the <br />resu;:;division 9s nult and void as it was not filed within 100 days <br />of approval and that no building permits ~~~ill be issued untit a <br />nevi subdivision is approved and filed. <br />Fahey also reoorted. that the ~iuilding ins~ector has been brought <br />up-to-date on the situation and no bui1ding permits ~r~i11 be issued <br />for Tracts A, ES, C, or D. <br />f~1s. Narclini commented that it seemed to her that the recortl ti~tas <br />clear that Out7ot A was dedicated to the City as a drainage <br />easement. <br />The Enginaer cor;imentecl that it appearad from the plat that the <br />drainage easement covered all oF O~itlo~ A. <br />Fahey stated that it is f=1r. Schtetty's argurnent that there 4~as <br />a misunderstanding hets~teen him and his engineer and that Tracts <br />F1, [3, C, and D were to have been includect in the plat. <br />3lesener questioned ~vhy anyone would leave that amount of property <br />fronting on the street as a drainage easement. <br />Sharon Timmons pointed out that Lhe street at the end of the cul-de-sac <br />has falten a foot belo~~a gra,cl~ and this should be proof that there <br />is the necessity of the drainage easement. Also, the DNR has <br />desisnatecl this area as a~=ietlands. 7immons stated that the <br />propert,y v~as never developed because it is not buildable and <br />ver.y 1 oai. <br />Mr. Pat f=raztalone disagraed that Tract 11 evas not huildable and <br />stated that there is no water on the property noy~ and all that <br />would be necessary e~ould be to install a drainage pipe alonc7 the <br />back of the proE>ert,y. <br />Piardini reporte~; that in 1972 that property was full of ~r~ater. <br />Fahey statec! that 'the entire area is a drainage easement until <br />i1r. Schletty can convince the City others~iise. <br />P~ir. Prattalone expressed concern that he spent money doing borings <br />on the property after he svas advised at City Ilall that the lot <br />:aas buildabte. Frattatone felt that the City should reimburse him <br />for these costs. <br />Scalze pointed out that ~~lr. Schletty knew since 1~84 that the <br />property aaas not buildable. <br />Page -1?- <br />