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r~~zn~uTrs <br />City Counril <br />1lunust 27, 198E <br />Text P!ardini as!<ed if the Council 4vas of the mind to enforce other <br />Nnendment clrivesaa,y violations around the Cii;y. <br />Drivewa.ys <br />(Cont.) 7he Planner oointeci out that,y ordinance only allows drivek~~ays <br />directly ini;o garages. <br />filesener nointed o~it that the C3uilding Inspector r,ou1cf ~nforce <br />the Cit~ Cod2. <br />Co1lova did not feel that the Cocte coulc! b~ enfiorced to the letter. <br />r,'ol l ova al so i ndicateci that there i s a need fior dr iv2b~~a~/ f;urnarounds <br />for ne~,v homes on ~dger'ton anc! other rnain streets in the !;ity. <br />Ms. P;ardini ini;roduced the fo11o;~,~ing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />R~SOLUTIOPJ P10. H'i-3-374 - CLOSIUG TW~ <br />PUI3LIC NFARING ON THIF PROPOSFD TEXT 11NiGNDPqENT <br />12EL~TIPJG TO DRIVE4d~Y ~FSIGPI <br />The tor~going resolution :{ias duly second.ed by P9rs. Sca1ze. <br />qyes (5) ~ardini, Scalze, Collova, Fahey, 8lesener. <br />IJays (01, <br />f~2solution eieclared adoptecl. <br />This resolution appears in Reso7tation !3001< ~!o. 15, Pane ~35. <br />t-1r. (:ollova intr~duced the fo1lor~inq orclinance and moved its adontion: <br />O~:DIMFlPIC~ P,10. 27~4 -AMEPdDI~dG Si:CTION 9Q3.050 <br />Or THE LITTI.G C,FlI4ADA '~~1UPIICIPAi_ CODF.. RFLA7I~IG <br />70 DRI`JE4v'~Y DESTGN t=OR HOUSIA!t'~ FRONTIIIG ON <br />i4AJ0;2 STREETS <br />The fore~goi n,y ordi n~nce w<~s dul,y seconded by P9r. I~1 esener. <br />~yes (5) Collova, [;lesener, Nardini, Pahey, Sr.alze. <br />~lays (D). <br />Ordinance declarec ac.!opted. <br />Aspen i4r. Pat Goff, developer of tYie Flspen (;rove Addition, appeared before <br />~r~~~ the Council rec,uestinci final plat approva1. <br />Addition <br />Fin11 Scalze as!<ed the location of ~he ~•~al!<way easament fror!~ Asp2n <br />~'~ ~~ Ci rcl e to Outl ot !1. <br />~~9ep~~ ~.:roff indicated that th~ wal!«~ray ti~rould be locatec( betrleen Lots 1~4 <br />Item M1io. 9 and 15. 7he ~asement woi.~l d be 20 feet ~,~i de. <br />nage -11- <br />