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RESOLUTTO~IS <br />City Council <br />August 77, 19~F <br />Text The foregning resot~rtion tvas duly seconded by P~trs. Scalze. <br />Amendment Ayes (5) ~3lesener, Scalze, ~~ardini, Faney, Collova. <br />I_andscape ~lays (0). <br />3usinesses Resolution cleclared adopted. <br />(Cont,) This resolution appears in Resolution f~ook No. 15, °age ~}33. <br />Text The i~lanning Co+nmission recently tabled action on the proposec( text <br />Amendment ar,iendment regarding sFtba.c!<s for accessory buildings pending <br />Accessory adclitional inforrnation. <br />`:3u91dings <br />P4r. f~l esener i ntrociuced the fol l os~ai ncf resol uti on and moved i ts ado~~ti on: <br />Agenda <br />Ii;~;n p1o, 7 P.ESOlUTION PIO. 86-II-373 - TAf~LI~le AC7I0~1 <br />0~! T~IE PROPOSED TEXT Af'IEP•;DP~EPIT RE6ARUTNG <br />~CGFSSORY C3UILDTN6 SETE3F1Ci<S UMTIL THF. <br />SI:PTEf4f3ER 24, 19Bb REGUTAR COUP~.ICIL q9F.ETIMG <br />IN ORDER TO GSVE THE PI_F1UNI~IG COP^.htISSIO~i <br />AN OPP~RTUPIITY TO STUDY 7NE ~4f~1EPdDP~lE~1T <br />FURTFIFR <br />The foreqoing resolution aras duly seconded by P1r. Cotlova. <br />Ayes (5~ Blesener, Collova, Fahey, ~larclini, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resoliation declared adopted. <br />l'his resolution apnears in Resolution f3ook 1~!0. 15, Pay~ ?34, <br />Text i"ahey opened 1;he public hearinc! on the pronosec~ text amendment <br />l~mendment relating to driveaday des~gn. <br />Dri ve~~tays <br /> Fahey po~nted out that the Planni ng Commission voted to aoprove <br />Flgenda the text ainendment excluding th2 language proPiibitin g narking <br />Item ~!o. ~ in drivewav turnarounds. <br /> Scalze felt that ttie Code should not be amended and pointed out <br /> that if driveway turnarounds are, a1loHreck, the,y svill be used for <br /> parking. <br />8lesener pointect out that there is a need for driveway turnarounds <br />on a bu~y street such as ~dc~erton. !'resent1y the Code c!oes not <br />a11oUr the turn arounds arid the City shoulc! encourage a safer <br />situation. <br />The Planner reporte4l that ~he text am~ndrnent G~ould allow driveway <br />tiarnarounds, and in som^ instances th~ City could require the <br />turnaroiands. It a!oiild he theoreronativ~ ofthe B~.~ilding Inspector <br />to ensure that driveways are put in correctly. <br />Paga -10- <br />