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08-27-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-27-86 Council Minutes
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~~,zwuTFs <br />CiCy Counc~l <br />Flugust 27, ~19~6 <br />NlcCulloch however, this fenc~ is not shown on the 1an~lscape plans and the <br />Landsr.ape bond sh~uld be released. <br />8ond (Cont.) <br />?lr, ?lesener pointed out that the Council discussed th~ issue of <br />the fence a1ong the i<1ein pro~erty at two or three different <br />r~eetin~s and Messrs. P~1cCullocn and I~larstad agreed to fencr the <br />propert.y to the satisfacf.ion of P1rs. I<1ein. <br />Fahcy pointed out that the City ?lanner has indicatecl that tt~e <br />fence is a part of the 1andscaping for t'ne property. 7he Pianner <br />stated the fence and the landscapin<~ ar~ entertv,~inecl and the <br />fence is a part of ~ne screeninc~ ren.uired on the nroperty. <br />The Planner also informed the Council that the fence that was <br />i nstal l ed i s faci ng the v`~ronr~ Gday ~~ii th th~ fi ni shed si de a~-~ay <br />from tne !:1ein property. This is a vio1ation of Code requirei~:ents. <br />Also, ~^rs. K12in has represented thaL she alaiays eaanted the <br />fence to be ctiain-link along thn front of her property and ~~iood <br />along the back. <br />Scalze renorted that she researched the Council rnceting minutes, <br />and ~1rs. Klein alw~ys ~~tanted the fence to be chain-1inl< along tne <br />f'ront of th~ nronerty. ~lso, the fence >>ias sup~osed to ii~eet ~~1rs. <br />Klein's apnroval. <br />The Planner reportec~ t;hat'<1ein ~~anted the fence to t~e siro~ilar to <br />the one tha~ s^~as insLalled along the Speedy rlar!<et pronerty. <br />Hess sti11 ~~iaintained that the fence is outsicle tne scone of the <br />lanciscape hond. <br />idardini repor~ed tt~at t'ne Council has always considered the fence <br />~;o be a p~art of the landscaninu of the propert,y. <br />~~1r. ~aney ~dvi secl "~Ir. Hess that ti~e Ci t,y w~ 11 re1 ease th2 bond ~•aiien <br />the fence is correr,ted. Fah~y stated that ti~e fenr.e aias consic~ered <br />to be ~art or ~'ne 1andscapiny and scraening of t.he property and the <br />Co~mci 1 snent a 1 ot of tirne di scussi n!~ tiii s fence. <br />Sca1ze ac!ain pointed out that the fencc has to be satisfactory to <br />P~Irs. ~:lein, <br />Collova pointed out that ~Ir. PlcCulloch ~;ias present at previous <br />Counci1 r~eetings and he ind~icatec! tY~at he ~~~rould put in s~~hatev~r <br />type of fence i~rs. I<le~n wanted. <br />Scalze sugeested tha~ the Planner contart Mrg. Y.lein regarding <br />the fence and then inform f~1r. tless of the result. of the conversatron. <br />?ag2 -15- <br />
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