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08-27-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-27-86 Council Minutes
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8/3/2009 2:28:06 PM
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7/31/2009 2:51:18 PM
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r~u~!urFs <br />citv Counc;i <br />l~~igi~st 27, 19f36 <br />Tima TV~e Planner reported that i>tr. 'fima has requesteci a T-intersectian <br />Request at the end of Flustralian ilvenue, rather than a full cu1-de-sac. <br />For T- <br />Intersection P4r. Fa'ney su~nested that the Engin^er and Pu~lic 4~Inrks Superintencfent <br />consider >>Ir. Tima's re<luest anci make a recomm~nciation at th~ next <br />F~gancia Coi.incil me2tiri,< <br />Item I~!o. 12 <br />Property The Planner renorted that he iias been researchinq the property <br />Tax ~a~ tax r.ap i;hat ~~ir. 1_arry ~e^ report^c( that another ci ty i s provi di n~ <br />in order to attract an indusLrial company to its city. Hot~~ever, <br />Agenda neither fie nor ~3riggs ind f+lorgan can f~ind a~r~ay to provide such a <br />,1dcl•i t~ on cap. <br />7hn Pl anner renortecl that '?r. Lc~e ~~ri 11 t;ry to get a<idi ti onal <br />infiorrnation from the comnany involved. <br />f'ahey did not feel that the (:ity should sn~nd a lot. of money having <br />th~ Planner research this matter. <br />Executeam Mr. ~ilesener reported t4ia~C he has spol<en +.~iith one of the oroperty <br />Proposal o+xners involved in the recent proposal by Fxecutear~ for developrnen2 <br />of an offiice building aY, the corner of Little Canada Roacf and <br />Llgenda Centerville I?oatl. This property oaaner has noev been informed by <br />Addition Exec.uteam that nothing avill hapnen on the pronerty i:his year, and <br />i t r~iay not be unti 1 next year before Y.he <fevcl opment proposal i s <br />pu't together. <br />~lesener f^lt that in instances a•ahere the Sity is disci.assir!g t.he use <br />of tax increment financing to aid development, the prooerty o~anrrs <br />shoulcJ not b^ mislead. that soniethinc~ will happen on the property <br />quic!cly. <br />Str~et The C,ity Enyineer submitt2d str^et improvement: plans for roac! <br />Improvement reconstruction projects saithin the iity and requested tnat he b~ <br />Plans aut~iorized to call for bids on ~.hese improverients. <br />Agenda ~Ir. .^,lesener nointed oiat that t:he le~tter the Council ren.uested <br />Item No. 13 ,ye sent to the property o~,dners on Lal<eshore Avenue and Fast Ro,e <br />zmp. Place did not ~o out. ;31esener sugyes~ted that th~ over1aying of <br />86-z, 3, 4, 5, these 2vio streets be i nc l ude<i i n the bi ci, and i n t'n~ !neantirne <br />6,8,9, the City can contact these pronerty o4vners reuarc'ing their feelin~~s <br />&-I5. for the improvement of their street. <br />Bids <br />The ~ingineer reported that bids ~,ioulci br opened on October / and <br />could be considered. at the Octob~r f3 Council mee~ing. <br />Page-1~~ <br />
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