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IiIi!UTI:S OF TIIE' R;=GUL:q° f1E; TIi'; <br />CI?Y COUh!CSI <br />~_IT7Lr C~~ti'R^A, 1'1I~~I~IES~TA <br />Septen~t~^r 1~, 1~%85 <br />Pursuant to cli~e rall and notice there~t a rec~ular meefiing o~f the <br />Council of ~tf~E:~ City of ~itf;le Canada, i-;'innesota ~~ras h~lc! on the <br />lOth c,(ay of Septeriber, 19H£i in the Co~~nci1 Char,ibers c~f t.('ie ~~~~y <br />CentEr 1 ocaf.eci ai u16 Li 9;t~12 Canada Road i n sai d Ci t:v. <br />P~genrla ;~?r~yor k;~ichael I~ahey ctia~ired tnc meeb~inc~ and it ~to order at <br />Ii.e!.i ~lo. 1 %:30 I'.7^.. and iPie Po'i1~~~~,,iP~~ inen~~~ers o~f th? Coi.~nc,i1 urerr~~ presenl: <br />at roll cail: <br />ncj~n<la fi"~il~;"RS ?RES;:P.T: ~,~ayor !-1r. iiic,hae7 ~al~~*Y <br />TYera Plo. 2 Councilsnan h'Ir. !Jill ia~~ Rlesener <br />CounciLn~ln i~9r. !:ic'r. ~ollova <br />!;ounc~ilvdo+r~n 61s. ?~~uas ~!ardini <br />Counci1aion2~~n i~irs. ~ev^rly Scalze <br />,~LSO Pl;ESE'~tl': Ci~t.y C1er'~ ?~1r. Josepi~ Cnlnb~cl< <br />Consu1 ~ti ng Gnq~i net~r Mr. i)on~:l cl Car1 ~y <br />Ci~ty ,~~;torney 1~1r. Tho~iias Sw~~ney <br />Ci t:,y Pl anner "ir. >tev2 (;i^i 1;tm~n <br />Record~in~~ Secretary ;;rs. KatPile~~~n Glanzer <br />AK~prov~l t~1s. ieardi n~ i ntroducad ~C'ne ~Pol l o~~~i nn resal uti on and m~~iec i ts ac~.~pti on: <br />Ofi The <br />~~I~inutes RESOLUTTOp,i PSO. ~6-9-39fi - APPROVI~Jf., <br />7Hfi P4IiIl~T'~S OE TFI~- AUGUS7 ?_7, 198ci <br />llg9nri8 COUIJCIL ~<;ficTl?~l~ <br />I c2,?t i'!o. 3 <br />Tn~ foreco~inq resolut,ion ~>>as c~uly svconded by i~~r. Col"lova. <br />Ay:~s ( 5) ?Jercli ni , Co~t 1 ova, E;l e>ener, Scal zF, ~ aiiey. <br />iJays (0). <br />Resol~.itioii declared adopt;~;ad. <br />This reso1ution appears in ;esolu~tion ~iooi< ,~lo. 15, ~ane 451. <br />RE~uor~t In response tc tf~e City's le~tter, ~ir. Richard Peterson, Flrea i9anac~er, <br />f"ror^ ~~rioco °io^line a;~oearn~l hefore th2 to~mcil to rep1y t;o ~:'ne City's <br />n,,,~~,~r~> r~c~i-iests and conc.erns With rEr,ard Co t;he Amocn Pi~el~n~ runnin; tl~rough <br />O~il Litt1e Canada. <br />1\,~enda P~~~terson han<(e~i out ~rao rnaps, one s~o~~~ing the routns of F+.moco's <br />Z~ein t~lo. ~d Pip~1in2s in tYie nort'ncentral nortion o~F th^ courrtry, and ttie <br />other n~ap s;u>vrin{~ the rouf,e of ~t.he pipeline throuc!~i I_i'ttle Canada. <br />Peterson reported ~that ,4~rioco `ias 1:vao pi pel i nes runni ng tkn°ough <br />Minnesot~. T4~e one running throunn 1_il;tle Ganada was cons~truct.^d <br />~in 1S.',i!~7, and is a 1O-inch line ±-ah~ch is carrying r.~asolinP, kl and <br />~?'I_ fuel oi1, ~~~iesel oil, or ;jet; fue~l. Tfie pip~ is ~mder 1,4~',0 <br />oo«ntls of pressur~ per sqidar2 inch a~t tn~ or~iginat~inn entl of tf~e <br />line, iahir.h is in ~ubuqu~, Tos,~a, and ahout 1f10 poi~ncSs of ~ressure <br />~t ~;Pia encl <;f ~tti~ line, ~vhicn is in Ros~villc~~. <br />paq~' -1- <br />