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09-10-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-10-86 Council Minutes
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`'I.IicU7f'S <br />~i cy Counr_il <br />Se;~i;. 10, 19`3;i <br />s~,m~aco Oil P~ir. Petersori d.escr'iberi th~ construr.tion o~F tl~ie pioeline, includine~ <br />(Cont.i the pur;ipinn stations, 'isc~lation val~ies, 1nc! shut-cio~rm va1ves. °cterson <br />repor~ted tl~ia~t ,~roducts ar~ car~fu~ll~i meas~ired ini:o arid out oi` th-r,. <br />systcm and filo;~; rates are~ mon~itorPd continuqusly. <br />Pet~rs~n a~lso desc.ribec! nzaini:enance~ of 'tne q~ipaline ,vt~ich incltades <br />aerial con~rols, el~ctrical curren~t on the oipeline, rivnr crossinrf <br />inspections, o~ier-pressurt~ s~fety devices, and valve inspec~ions. <br />~'etersori then ~rren~ ~n to describe ti~~ trainin~i of p'i~~rline em~1~YFas. <br />~'eterson s~ta~tec! that Arioco ~na!<2s ^very ef~Por~t to com~~ly ~rith suaintenanCc <br />and o~era'tinr,. rF~~.iiremen~ts of the 1'~~linnesota t)~parttnert of 7r~ns~~ort;atinn <br />and is proucS of its recorr!. <br />~etErsori spo!~e ~Fr~>in pr~~~ared re^iarl<s and submitted ~ copy of ~Ch2se <br />remar'ts 1;o i:he Sity C12r!< for the ~ity's rerorcf. <br />`-'ahey asi<ed hor~ far apart. isolation va1ves are on the pipeline. <br />Peterson rep1ie<i that tf~ie rfistance varies considerably from, place <br />to p1ace. In ~~it;~le Car~a<ta, there is on~~ isolation valve at Ednerton <br />ancl Soianty Roac! t) ani~ lnoth2r at Rice Street near 4~lood1yn '1ve~riue. <br />Tliere are ~isua.lly isolation valves at; eacPi sicie of a river crossiny, <br />and iso1atiori valv~s ar~ r;iore frequent in residential araas tnan <br />i n areas w~i ~Ch open 1 arui, <br />F'an2y as!<ed the pressura thr !~lilliams ~3rothers Pipcaline was unner <br />in i>"~ounds V~i~tv. <br />°eterson renlic~d ~ha't that pip2linc~ v~as ~.inder about 1,500 nounds of <br />press~.~re as i t~rras at ~the ori gi nat~i rin, end of the pi pe1 ~ rie. F11 so, <br />"~.h15 ~liJ2~111E' ':`!dS el YJ~~C~2C~ ~11,J~~ dY1Ci ?~Y~!OCO~S 01~271t1E' 1$ S2c1~17°SS. <br />F~hey asl<ec~ i~f t'nere ~ias any nrograre in ~r.istence f'or 1;he rep17c~m~nt <br />o~f pipelin~. <br />°f~terson rep19 e~1 triat i t has bc~en thei r experi ence that i f a pi pcl i riE <br />is v~ell c~mst.ructrc' and v~ell pro~ecte<f th~at it e~ill las~t inde~finitelv, <br />Peterson reportF~d t.ha~t the pip~line appears to t>e in as goocl a s'nan~ <br />as E~rh~n i t~ri1s c~insl:ruc ted.. <br />Scalze as~ed if Amoc.o ?ias 'nad any 1ea!<s <br />°et?rson i°ep1ie~l tha~ ~moco has had 4 l~a:s. ThreE ~overe r,aused h>y <br />construc~tion contractors and there ~.+as 1 sm~l~l lea!< diae to corosion <br />in v~nich l~ss tNi~~n two c(allons of produc~t ~tver~ 1os1:. <br />Pe~terson furttier exp1ained th~1: ~tha only auF,~pirig station tha~ ~s <br />onerati nn al on~~ thc~ ~I i n^ i s i< <br />Scal ze as!<2ci >~o~v c'v~en the pi nel i ne ~~ias, <br />Paqe -'l.- <br />
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