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i`ii:lUTi S <br />!;ity i,ourici1 <br />S~pt. 10, 19"6 <br /> <br />l3usiriesses <br />(Cont.) <br />repl~in~1 tf'iat 't#ie fuel t<an!<s v~erv iancEerc~round and met 111 State <br />rQqui re;:~ents. <br />+.=~aney €isked i~f P;r. .4nd~rson had ulans to ?xpand hcyond `i'is exist'inq <br />^qu~i piti2ni;. " <br />Andersori renl iec! tnat as ttie amoun~; ofi hi s cus~to~?~~rs gro~~~, n~ <br />i,rou~ld plan ~r~~ add nir!<-i.ip trud:s, ~.~ut riot larg~~r trur.ks. <br />illyd~ni as!:z~rl ~if llriderson iiad an ootion t;~ rer~ee~! his l;~ase. Anderson <br />re~li^d 'tnat h~ iiad. ~=rattalone rep~r't~d 'tnat llnderson hatl an <br />o;~'ciori to buy ~hf~ nroperty. <br />Fahey sta~Ced ~thaf he did not a•iant to see i.nis as a lonq-term i.ise <br />ot i;h~ property. ra~h~y sta'r.e<I that t1i~ husinesses stioca1d ~locat~z <br />in an ttrca ti~at: is 9ron<~rly z~nec': for th~is type of iise, but ~;na'c <br />7e ,~tould he ~~iilling ~to allo~,~ 1:hern to s~.<ay or~ a. r,ondition ba.s~is. <br />i'd~1:?y BC,id111 SC~1~~E?ft 'CYldt: {lE' ytr7S Y10~: 4',II~~IYICi ~0 dIl7QYl(~. '~:~~1€'. l`@X~ ~0 <br />'tY1C~i!GE ~di~~Yl CfBIYI~:C'Y1dilCE'. ~S d~P.PI:i1tfi:C'C~ U5C', tYl ~-~. <br />~~4s. P~'ar~iini po'inted that Prescr'iption Lanciscape +,das never licertsed <br />by ~t'rie City. '~~lardini carrnei~~l;e<' th~~~: 1:he error ~~tas ~~~».c~n i~ai~rh r~~~,ard <br />~tc~ i41r, Ai~derson an<; not Pr~scr~iption Landsca~~. <br />h9r. ~ra~Ctalone sta~ted ti~~t: he r:apr;~sent~d to Prescrir~~t9t?n ~~~ndscape <br />that th~y 'ver~~ a permit'i:~d i~se basec~ on Counr_il act'ior~ ~f'ith r~~iarc~ <br />to ~~nderson l.azirn ~~ai ntenance. != rat~t~al one poi nte~1 ~u~t t'~a~t tYie t!vo <br />business~s r,?ovec± in just 30 c(ays apart. <br />~'a~ey a,nreed t;hat there sras no in~ist:ai<e ~~ii~Ch regard to Presrription <br />and suqeestecl ~CPiai: t,ie Co~mcil <~llo~~ thei;i t~ remain on ~;!~e r~rooert:y <br />tlirough ~'htie end of thei r 1 ~~sse. `iovr~ver, a fai rly 1 nn~,~t:hy peri ocl <br />of ~Lio'ie shoulc~ l~e grantti^d to Nlr. p,n~erson. ~~'ah~~/ si.inges~e~1 tih,a~; <br />~:h~ Ci fy reqtri r~ Ani!ers~n t~ enl:er i nto an ~1c~rcement a~i t~i t`i2 Ci ty <br />sp~cifi,y7ng ~;h^ amo~,mt of sq~tare 'fooi:ayz= ne now oc~upie~s, the t,ype <br />0~ BCjl,11QI'1°Il~~: U$(''.(~ 1Yl ~~:`(1~ ~(1S1Y1@SS~ dY1C~ j:~ll8t: ~tl(~E?1"$OYl i1~~ ~)° d~~0~^I°G <br />to exparid t~~is sqia~r~ fooi.age or qo ~into larger eq!iipm~n~t, r'ilso, <br />"'ir•. Frattalone svould h~v~ to berci and 1anc~scape as ~rtas presen~~*~i <br />~t ~tn~ pr^ ~ouncil riee~l:ing. <br />'-1r. 31esener si~iao~ste<! ~t'nat i Landscape ~1so be incl~aded <br />~n I=9r. I~'a'ri~y's propos~l for t~n~7erson l.a~;!n ~~lainter~ance. <br />SCalze oo~n~t2d o~.+t th~~ Pr~script.ion never anplied ior a bias~ness <br />71C0t1$°. <br />A r2*~resent.ative c~~ Prescription Lancfscape ~inforr~ecl t'nz= .",ouncil <br />~ n oo ~n ~ n <br />cha~t they a~~nli~d for a cc~rrtrar,~tor s 1'ic...n.,~, but sin.,_ 'tn:'.y ar.. <br />not contrar,tars a~iere told ~tha1: tiiis ciid not apply to the~ir ~~i~sin~~ss. <br />ul"eSCY'~il~'1011 SL`~lj:i?(i tf~l3"~; '~:41°J/ ~;~L-'NC° i10~ El'.~rA.l".°„ ~:~IE^.Y fi4'Af,1'~'C) fl f)IAS'lll@SS <br />~ l C!? YI fi (`. . <br />~ rs ~ <br />a, r. -.>- <br />