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09-10-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-10-86 Council Minutes
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~:IiJUTFS <br />City ~ouuncil <br />~,,p.t '~t), '~;~a~~ <br />~.8i1CiSC1p:? ~^i?Ci '~0 'JC?~lf?V(` L`~l~l~'. til(' US(.` Y!8$ <1 OE?1"ii'.lt`l'(3(~ an^. G~fi:er'1('.l" <br />~i(,IS'IYIE?SS?5 S~:UCi`;/ '~~1'IS ~OE'.S IlOj; d~J,)FB.Y' 'f;0 ~C ~ti12 CdSf~'.. <br />(~Oll~~.. ~ <br />Scalz~ stated t:nat she b~~~liti~ved ~t.hat. D'Ir. Anderson inc!ieatecl i;~~tit <br />he e,rnu1 ci ue stori nr~ 1 ai=rn mosvers on the r~re;ni s~s, hi~rt sai d no~h~i ng <br />about ~rucks for spraying. <br />~'dh~% dOP"9(3C~ 'Lfld9; "~;{"18 ~7dS'~: Ii1lt1U'~9$ PP.'~~.^.Ct t10 C.~ISCid5S1011 d~>OIlt <br />spraying. <br />~°ir. "r~~tf;alonA ~oirited out tha~ "9r. I~neerson uses a 3/4 t~n ~ir,!<-un <br />~ri~ck for spra_ying. This 'is no riifferent than sv'nat pc~opte ha~ie in <br />resiclential area.s. `~ra.ttal~ne as'<ed if ~'riis u5e aa~.s r~ot n~ri:iil;~etl, <br />i~f it. c~~ild be. Pra.i.f;a1one point:ed ~u+ t:liaf: tiie only ~djacerrt <br />property ovme•r co;npla~ninc is i~?r. Sc,nullz, Frai;ta'Iori~ also stat~ad <br />that {~ie tias t;al!<~d t;o other nropnrCy o+rm~rs in the area arid i~~r. <br />Sr.hul tz !ni sr~~nrrsente<I ti~e n^ti ti on to t~e nei aiihors ~ nd tol d <br />them ~i t: pertai npc! to 't'ne h~~av,y eq~.ii pmenC con~tracl,ors that ocaa7i ed <br />the b~.iildiric, and not to t'riese la~vn servic~ con;y~anies. Pra~t;alon~ <br />ind'ir.atsad 1;'nat he 1e~~ls tfier~ is a persona1 problem betv~es~i~ hirssel~P <br />anc! i=ir. Schul tz. <br />~ahey statec tYiai, he v;as no~C 'i~n Pavor of a.pprovinq a t;ext, amE~ndment <br />t:hai; ~,~roul ~i ~l 1 o~,i 1 ao-rn ~a~ai nt~nance i ti f~-3 areas. ~ahry ooi n1:ed qu~t <br />t'r~a~; th~~r2 ar^ 60 p~rc~itted uses o~° tPx-~ pron!~rty under ~n2 existina <br />E2-' znni nc, I=a,is~;~ sta t:ed tha1; Yi~ coial d see addi ti on~11 busi n~ sses <br />ofi Lh~ sairie nal;ura~ on th2 ~rattalon~ ~~roper~ty. ~or~e of t~iese <br />al.l$lY1°SS£S Rldy C10f; hG Y'LI11 clS'r;C,-?~~ d.S ~~1Y'. /~III,~FC54t1~5 OY' i~t^c'SCPIp't'1011 <br />Landscauing. <br />Fahey stated tliai: he b~tas 4ai 11 i nc! t:o c;i ve ?~ir. ?`,ric!erson n'iore i;i!;ie~ f,o <br />reloc~te h'is i~i,is~iriess. Faf~ey s'tatett that he tias c(iscussed this w~'t.h <br />the P~I ann?r s~rhea f~el s tl~at th~ t~~io n~n-~onforr~i ng t~usi nesses co~il d. <br />i~~ consic~Arecl ~to b~ c!randfa~ti~erecf in du^ ~Co fin2 inans>ropriate a~tion <br />taken by the City. Noaie~ter, I'aVi~y ~P~l~t tiia.t t~~e hus'inF~sses s'nould <br />be ~I i~rii t~td ~to ~thei r ex~i sti nn equi pmen~t ~n~; rio~t be al l oa~i~<; t.o hav;~ <br />1 arqer :~qui pr;ent on the proper~t:y. 111 so, ~-1r. Fra.t tal onU wo~.a1 d!:~e <br />f^(71i1Y'.^C! t0 I"i~1!C£? ~l;~lE' l[P.1,~1"OV(;I'i°Pll:S l0 th(? 7t"Opf.l"'C% (i'iSCUSS°<' d'~: 8 <br />prc,~iious rr~ianci1 r~~eF~tin~?. <br />Bles~nFr sta~ed tha'r, ~~~ would not pus~~ for 'Cyie tex't aniendmenc 'if <br />4:hese t~,~o businesses coul<I be ar~~nd~athr~red 9n. !~leserier f~l~; ~Cha~ <br />~1;i~e t~.vo husinesses shoulc' be a11o~;~ed ~to sta~i until t:hey! i.~e~/orid <br />~ <br />l~~nn r~ia~ini:enance i>usin€,ses. <br />f~":r. P,ndersori pointed out t;ha~i; ne has sC~enf: a~out ~7 ,~00 in irnproveq~ents <br />on the ;.~ro!~~ rty ss~`~ic~ incluc'e repair of f~~e1 ~t:anks, ~~itiprovftrnerrt;s i.o <br />~:'nFt ~~~li~nnhinr and adclit:ion of' so;ne coors. <br />iirrs. Sca1ze ~iskr~d aboi.ii: tYie f~~~~l tlnl<s on th2 prepe~°ty. i~~ir. I"raC~t~~lone <br />;~~,,cln -5- <br />
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