~~ ~~Trw~rr.~
<br />r;; ty cn~,nc;1
<br />^cti. 22, 192~;
<br />!= f! ir. ~=a`i~~v r^r>ort^~' tl,af, on Ju~ir~ If:;, l~'.'i th;~ C;ity s~~~t a l~i.ter
<br />~nnstriict~io'n t;o ;' R: L Constructior~ stat:inrj t,~ia.t tnr~ s~orci s~~~tiier a~ ?6'15 ~'=c~~:ert:ori
<br />!;on~tr~lr..~;ar's ~vas b1 >c<~~d a~n~' r2que,i:e~' ~~ia~. ~t~e ~on~trac~ter correct f;~is r~r~3ina~Ee
<br />l.'ir,et~se problr,~rn. `?n Jialy 21, 1456 a letter ~,~~is sen~C frori t;~ie I~~.~h'lic
<br /> 1.' I C " 1' !1 ~ I 1 1 Y ^ P)L~
<br />dor~<_, Su~~~_rint.~nderi~ Co ~'?r. Jo'~iri ur,r; ti~2 property o~~n~~r of ~.h~_~
<br />rV(!`?YIC.~rI k~.l~qC1"t0i~] d(~V1S1Y14 l1lGI '~%1~~ r' <: ~ t.C115tY'IIC1;10!1 I~ld$ c~lIV~IS^C~ tl1Q
<br />~1;:'P.l i~10. 5; I;'IT.y ~:~ir~i 'Ci149Y 'r19 ~ ~ COY'Y'P.^,fi: ~~:'(115 dY'8111c1QB ~Y'OII~E?f71. 1:9°Yi O71
<br /> 5~~~~te~nber "1,6, 1~~3u, ~ublic i~'or'~s a~mo~ce <1no~t~~er ~let~;er ~to F t~ I_
<br /> C~ns~trur_tion ~~c!visinn 'tn~,~ to correc.~t. ~the ~~ro~l ~; ~~~'tn~in lU ~irays,
<br /> or t:+~eir rontraci:er's ~licerise ,,~o!ild b~~ rt~an'~::~d. ~atie~/ oc~ir~ited ~uf:
<br /> t'iiai: a.t r'nr:r 4~re~~ious Coi.incil ~~e~tino z puP~lic h~arinn ~~a;_u c.a.llecl
<br /> for tor~iqht f:o r,ons~icier 1:1~F revo!:a~tion oi~ tl,.is license.
<br /> ~~ave I_~~~.,1srm, attornc~y reprE~sen~tinq ~"< L Cnn;truction, renort€~c'
<br /> f:hat t'ic drainan:, ;vor!: has n~,~n crm~pl~l;~r'., anc. t},er~. ~«s just
<br /> sn<!d'i n<i thlt n<,~<~E?rl t:o i>2 ~'pni~.
<br /> Counc~i1 question2.d s~,~'~~y the soc!~~ina ~~as noi; be~~n dc~i~e ancl poin7:cd
<br /> ouf: t`ie ainaini: oi~ ~l:inirt tr~e con~tracter had ~to ccis;p1~~te t':iis ~.yor'r..
<br />Romt:n 1"heis, fors~raan ~For F~2~ !_ Cons~;ructinn, c~uestioned the
<br />con~tracl:cr's respons~bilitv i~or r,orrer,~tiri~! th~is c'rr.iinage nrohl~n~a,
<br />anc( r,~o~i ni;e~~! oi.it t.ha± the Ci ~t9 apprc;ved a i~i.ii 1 d'i ncr ;~;~rr^i i on 1:hi s
<br />1 of:> 7}ici s al so sf:zi~.ed tha ~ 1;he Ci tv ~r=~as ~ivrare ~o~f th2 s~i'cuati on
<br />as ~the hor;^ ~,~~as b~inci cor~is~Cri.icter~,
<br />~"~Y'. i:Oti~?Y' i~1Y17(11" Pf.O01"'L^C~ '~;~(ldt ~d51.: It1~~ 91~~^'1 '(',~"1? i1nllSE', b:!%iS ~0^lll~
<br />const.ructed t'rie ~foreolan on ~Che ;job ~ss~.ired the C'i~t,y tl~iat t~'ie
<br />dr~linaee ~~vou1<! I~>F, pi<a.r~d~o~c prop~rly, T~~ie t~~~rerr~n also inclic~~9:~r?
<br />that: :~ ~a L C~nsSrucl;ion ~nd ~tne hor~~eov~mer ~;rere aqr~e*~~b12 to
<br />'~fl(_` `1llY C~Y't9ltldCtp pIOU~G I)P. ~118i1(.~~E`.f~. ~'~O'nIfVCP~ 'tfI1S S~~'fltl~; t(12
<br />i"IOP;~'U;lYltl^ l/I:11Cd1`8(~ '~%id'~; ik: ~71dS !10~; ii~'1"('.£'.~'~~(?.
<br />fir. ,~ah~y s~.ic~riesi;o~<! t.hZ'i; t.he Co~~ncil table ir,~, natter 4~or ~t~.~o ~~r~e!;s
<br />to n.ive ~".,. I~t!c~~ri~ an opportun~i'c;' ~to be nresen~t at tn<~ r:ie2'tin<i,
<br />dY1Ci..'IP1C~~1C,dt;EtC~ ~"al:l'f;~ {10nE?"FU~~%~ t~9C~` SO(iC~~Y1Q 911~~ 1~2 ~'~)I~~~~?l`~°.C~
<br />~]Y'l0Y' '(:0 '`~'[1(3 Yl'~X~; Oi`c'.~1;1Y1(1. ~'~' t.}lrl'~: lS '~~'iP, Cd$@~ i:(1C` r)ll~J~lC
<br />~:1~`d.Pltlq Cdil (Jt,? t;@pCO~~f?Ci.
<br />f'r. ~ti'ricy introduce<~ i:lie follo~r,~'ina reso1ution anr~ ~~iuved iT,s ~rnF~~~Son:
<br />R!:SO!_tJ'TIO'l ~,~n ?;_1(~-~:57 - TF~';~I?!~: A,C1'IOP;
<br />Q1; -r~~r ~= B: I_ i'(l l$TnUCTIO"'• CO'TR~!,Tcp' i
<br />~ rr! l15::. Fs)`t T ~ ~!:cl« tTT{I T'I ~2nv~c,jr~ti
<br />T}IF~`f T I:: i'i1~'(T.'? SHOUL~) ~?F ST,°Tv~ `l Fi;~~ ": 7`I~-
<br />r\G`.,?.IiIA, UPO!' '!OTt"i.^,l1TIOP; 'sY ?!I!: ~'il`t!_IS
<br />~l~RI:S Slipi'RTI,'7 :1D`:i~T TNRT S0~)`1SiiG /1~!') Oll~~l~:%:
<br />~lQR~ T'~ ' ~~"~l,~~CTI(?~,I I~IiTI~~ TH`= ~r~nT~ ~',~f~. ~Ii17Tf:~'
<br />~',I ~',1~~~;:T`?tl ii~S u~c;,i rI11P!_I:fiil S;^,7Ii'=11CTORILY
<br />r(1P_ f0Y'(?CjOlYir~ y~nSO~Uj;1011 `7!"r1S C1U~y SE1C011[aE.'(~ })Y r.,•1,5. !`~?,,P~ltl9.
<br />~~yC~S 1,~i~ ~'di9C3y~ '~i'clY'C~~III'1~ iCtl~L:.o i;~2S@il2t"~ C0~~0A/H.
<br />i~=d~/S (i)~. hPSO~~I.I~i:lOf1 (~('.C~dY'^C dCiOp'LCC~.
<br />TViis resolui;~on appears i~n !'^SOlut.irni =3~d< !lo. ~15, ~'aqe 533.
<br />i~ar~e -1(~-
<br />