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Ii)Iil1TFS <br />Ci~y Ct>unc,il <br />Oct. 2P, 1",35 <br />'S~il l i~~i r~l d <br />}~~;r;~ss (o <br />z~oLl ;~rive <br />F~ren<iFa <br />Z'Cer;i P1o. '13a <br />~~ correction <br />Res. no. <br />86-11-472 <br />Il correction <br />Res. 86-II-472 <br />, <br />~'rs. S~~ 1-cn r~p~rtecl ':~n ~ ~~irs ~~~sted i s ~onc rneu a`>au r~tne <br />~rtY'IC'i ll0 ~ OL 'L~'ld1 l S ~)E l fiC 1 t)Si,17~ ~°(~ d~ OPl(j i'IOE~~ ~Y"'I VP.. ''!1"S. SCd ( Z~ <br />assurec! f~irs. P~io~t:~c~ t?~at the t:i~ty has no inteirtion of usinci t.'rris <br />h11^~lYl(1 ~0~ c1S tCC^SS ~i^Ol'i [~~~pE~ i~}^"IVf~ ~;0 ~)1"0~)05n~1 h8.~7~~18~j(aS e~~011t~ <br />~_.c"r~ewton. !!o~;ra~°r, t!i~r: vdill be acc<~ss fror~l#,~as;~-'~~~ ~b~_1et t~ ll correct <br />tl7e h~~1lfiirlct ar~~a by C'ity ria'in~.en<irir~ veiiir1~s. ~los~lever, the ion. <br />access ~rill i~f~ cha~in~d o~i'i' or a c~a~te ~~ril~l be in~~;f,all~~d to pr~~vHn~t Res- <br />accFSS ~~y pri va~te~ vehi cl es. 86- 1 1-472 <br />~i~~',Sf.'ilL'.Y~~~=tU~'~`-+d(i~"e~'1`t~171t~,pU11C1~ ~I111;nI1(t?C1. 't:Yli:7''L T:(ln Oll~~f I)I~'~~lC dCCPSti <br />f~r~rn Vo=,~ Dr~iv2 ~to f.h2 !~>ail~Pie1ci ~~raa r,~ould f~~ ;~v bi~:es c,r ,.<ral!:inn, <br />rtth^y inc'•icatect twia~t thF~ o^ ix~o'i~~ifk,~`~c°!x^'~S~`~:o ~;hr.~ ha'ilfie~lr! area <br />i~ 1 o r I n n n(, ~' ~ <br />uro~.~lci ae fro~~ ~.~yewCon $1;rf~e~ anc ~i'.ri~is ha_, alyr;ay, ~~.:n ~h s <br />intent, <br />~~~Ir. John ~aubriey, acl;orney rz~~~resentine i~~rs, F1ost~d anci oi:'ner <br />;7Y'OD(?1^'l?/ 04`!Il:'?1"S OII ~`~O('.~ '`.1Y'1 Vl.`, ~ dS~<°C' l f T~l° ~,1 l`.~/ i1~7C itYl.`/ C)~ BYIS <br />to ron~~,~n;n fur•i:hPr lan~~ from'~;rs. i'~ns~tel or her ne'igl~bors. T'ne <br />il:':)1 q}l~)01"5 ll"E'. <l~ SO f,Ot1Ci'i"11~C~ ~t;(ld'~ l.ilE~ ~)d~ ~{'1 ~^. ~ C~S 411 ~ ~ f)0 i.l(:C£?>S?C~ <br />from hloel Dr~ive ~throuqh v2'n~i~iilar ri~,~~ns. ~aubney -iske~tl t;he C'ity's <br />plans fnr ~xr~arision of the ha11Fi21ds. <br />~T~fl'2. ~'.IL)/ :.~E`.Pi: (i'IS~72:~~t~ ~Cil2 dY^^:l !)P(;[JO$^(~ i'Ol" i)d~~'~'I^~(1S d~OYln <br />F.dc~ert;ori. <br />~ a'ney r2poried that. ~t'~in C~it;~ h<~.s i~urcha>ed proper~t:,y from (~ir. Johnson <br />~For t~ie '~a~i1~f~i^lds and is in tnn process nf necio'r,iatir~ig ~~~'i1:h ~^rs. <br />P-~nst?d for~ s>rop~rty f~or t~ie bal'If~ie1ds, 'ahcy s'ta~tcc? t~~it~t C':ie Cit, <br />Pias no ~intent~on o~ exp~nc(in~; 'the ~~-rea adjacen~ to idoe1 Drive <br />~n~' has n~ intention of conder~!ning n~ipPibor's propcrl:y. <br />~',t". i):iiAf>Y19`/ S'C2t~~:°(i t~l<lt; i'~~I";. ~:''1051`;£.'(i~5 COYICP,.1"(1 l5 ~f:(1%1'('. ~:FIE? I)1"@'.i!?il{: <br />Coi.inci~l s;~,~a!:s only for ',:hc~raselvE~s as~cl Cannot bir~d future Co~anc'il's. <br />~a~ibne~/ also r~ported 'r,ha~; T~~lrs. °99st2d and ~t'nc ne'ighbors ~r~~ <br />COYICb'Y'i1@C~ di)OUt InOt01"C?1C~E'.S dC~P$5111`; 'C(l~' dY'(`~7 'Ff"011! i~~0(:~ iIY'"IN(' <br />as ~::~e11 as otiier vehi~~.~'lar trarfic. <br />iCc1~'L~S c?n.11Y1 Y'F..DQi^Lf.C~ {:~(IQ ~11~~/~S ,)~ii115 '~0 '111 <br />t~~a ' o~ thc~ parl<i~g 'I ~t on ~loel Drive 1:0 <br />tr~f~Fic intr> 't.he area. ~calze renorted tl~iat <br />ver;~ sinal l and ~,vi 11 5e ~_is~;~c~ ror ~:Ervai s~~i 11 <br />.,,Zrk^r ~,ill he 'installee', in th:a area as ~~iel'I <br />;tall a '~arrir:~cse alonn <br />prcvent. v~' <br />the c~ark~i ng 1 ot i s <br />Par!<. r~ historictxl <br />~ ' for <br />I"~Y'. ~)8.ll~:)Ilf'.~ i"L-'C!U`?S'~;P.Ci 8`~li'~~.7 0'~ l`;'liC: c1Y'i?.-'~ iiYiC~ ~;'~i? ~:"Ij:1/ 5 E)~dli.i <br />L`s1~ f)il~ ~~~l F~ C`. <br />(;r)U7C17 C:<~Jidltl?C~ '~(li\e: t~~f? ~)d~71'If!7C~5 +18V(? t101; :)(?P.~I (iQSlqpnCi ~IS ~/^'~;~ <br />b~ri~ provided I)auo;~<py ~vii:`~i ~i;he ~~aap o~P ~the ar~a ~thai: ~roulri 4P invoiv~~d. <br />motorizec <br />ll correction 'tlnserier r~;por't~~d ~t,ia4'. it. f~as ncver b^en th!: Counc'il s'inten~t~i:tia~ ~ <br />Res. no. 86-11-472 access io ~ChE~~ b~l~lfields troia1d bc fr~r~ ?!oe1 Drive. Acca~ss h~:s <br />?age -11- <br />