<br />Ci~ty Counr~il
<br />OCt. 21, 1 i?i? i
<br />i'~8~~ ~l°~!~$ d~4dd,j/$ 11f?f`.il n~dY1118f' f`Y'0 r.C~qP,Y''l;OYI. 'S~c`SPYI^1" Y'?j~OY''i',E?(i G~ldl`; OYIC^c
<br />iCon~.i ~ChL~ purr,ha,e o~F i;ha i~~losi^d nroperty ~~as been cor'ic1«dPd, t;h~ C'ity
<br />can lay o~.i9: the pllns ~for i;hc ba1lfiields.
<br />~;°C%'.SS ~\'(: t:~i1S ~)Olll~; 'IYI ~~.it!? ^1f,F~{;lYl(]~ <i:~)~ ;~.'`~.g i.Ol!(IC1~ ~;00~(, d SilOt"'~; i"~?C(.'Si.
<br />The r,~iert;~inn ~.~ras recon~ien2rl at 4:1~3 P.' .
<br />S~t. Josenii's i'1r. `=~,.'r7~~y no~eri t:`ia't ~t:~e f,ii,y '~~~as r~~ceived ;~r ap~licat~ion fro~ti St.
<br />Society ~los~~ph's Socieiy for -~i~t±'i2r a~?ci~t~ional bin~,o sessions or p~all tabs.
<br />i?a:,,'.~1 i n~;
<br />~_1C@YI$@ ~_0'1> ~~~Oi':7021"CJ~ PPqY'^S@?Il'f;111(J 5'~.. i7Q!i~~)~(i~$ SOQ12f:~~~ I"s'~JOI"t.f?(ar '~:~il'cll`'.
<br />P:h~ Soci~~cy a~lon~; :~r~ith Ser«~n~ts ot' ~,~r~ry ~;aoulr~ li!.e ac~iit~or~al
<br />r'lrend~3. binc~o sessions tn hav~ ~,n additional aftern~~on hiri~o sessiori.
<br />r'(',P.PI i`~0. ~~) l,Ul^i^BYit:~~/~ 'C,*1@ 9;VJ0 C)Y'Q8111Z1'L10RS dY`^ S~1dY"IYI(1 j:~1Q iFdt.{IY'Cid.% illt7'(1'~
<br />s~~ssion ai; th~ I_i~t~le Can~da !?~in7o Ilall and rath~~r than share a
<br />sess~on, ~:~otdld 1i!<c to ac~d ar~i <~.idd~itional session.
<br />I~'Ir. t3lesener f~l'Y i;haf: a.c~d~it~onal
<br />by t!~~ qro~ip as a 4r4~iole, ra~her t
<br />~~~ i?$f.i1~;?Y' d~ SO ii0'~;c^(! Cil<3't ~~~.'I' r.l ~;)i
<br />the:~ charil~.abl~ or~,anizacioris, an,'
<br />I!I~ oi` tn^se sessions. Therefore,
<br />S;:?SS10YlS 1Vdl~tli)~n t0 ~;~lf~.`;~1.
<br />ni rire,~ ,essi or~s shou1 d be r~qi~este<
<br />ian one or T,t~~~ orGanizat;ions.
<br />c~.C)nl"OV°(1 r'.~~ f)li"I~!0 SE!SSIOYIS ~~:Jt^
<br />t~if:~y ~r~~ c~irrent.ly usinn vnly
<br />t'na b4nc~o arou!.~ a.lready ~~s '10
<br />t~Y^. i~ ~S8t1~`1" l Y11;t"OC~(1CE`(1 1:(1^ ~0~ ~(~!V'i YlC 7^LSO~ UL70Pt ttYl(i i'19Vt?(' 1 L`S dCfO!]t.lOli:
<br />(t'SOLUTSOi.I p~D. ,'•;-lQ_q.a>'; _ i)[tdYIt,~r TI~;_
<br />ADDSTTf1"~1Fli. ~T,~1~O nCC11STniS ~;.~~iP>TEi'l f'~Y
<br />ST. Jt?S(:?ii'S ~0',C`~7Y ;lilD i!"I;V4:,'TS Ot- .`+iA.itY
<br />~~; 1'rl~ ~lQ'1l?hIIZl17I0I~iS t1L'~c~t~Y ~'nV -:^iOUG'~I
<br />')C~;;I~rp`.1S !1?PRO`!fD TO Tfl.rr;~ Ir.i 7'Li CITY
<br />(`,F ~_I771 `: !;t1hlllDt'~ 1''iA7 ~'tl_I_ S[i~zv: TI1E:I!~ ,~~,rD;
<br />T,ie~ for2~~oi nq resol uti on .~ras du1 y sr.r.orir!e?d by ^9s. P!<ir<;i ni .
<br />,~'~iS ~~>! t3~f~S2il('.Y'y j'~dPfllill, ~ollOVd~ ~~~i1~18y `:d~it?y.
<br />~~,i~~~r (.,'l~,
<br />~?~~sol~,i~l;iori declarec,l ac!op~Y:.^.d.
<br />T~11S t"^50~11~'IOYI f)jJliE?i2t"> l'(1 '2c^SO~i.!'r10Y1 i00~: iJO. ~~~~ ~~ltP ~?fl.
<br />i1Y'. `; ~°SP.iIE?Y' D07 t1'~i?(~ Q111; "r.i"ldl. ~ 1~ii~j;l Yl~i t.il(~ r ~l"lil ll(7 p7 1`;fli.` D<il"~l Ylt~
<br />~ 0'C, 21~f ~"IL' t)l ~l(~0 ~(id j ~ ~1ciS YlO'f: flmt'il CO'l~) ~^l,r?(i dS Oll'~;~ l il~?(1 'I Yl '~';'l°
<br />~~?VS'.~Ol)Itl~?(it 811"(?F?-i^(it;. ~~i~^S'c`.11^1^ {'^~l t;118f; ~lf? '~lll~f~llll~ ZIISI)E?Cj;pY'
<br />snoulr" revi~~va th~is a~att~~r and i~nfor!~~i the osvn2r of any ~items t~ia~t
<br />~1dYE tl7t JE'.E)Yl C,0!;1~)7L?'CC`Ci ltl iiC~:GI^C1cI1C^ `.`flj;(1 t~l° ~~('.V2~0[)li~E`.tl'C <~~`Y"811E'.%1-(;.
<br />n~l~~~, _~ ~_
<br />