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11-22-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
11-22-86 Council Minutes
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i1t!dUTfiS <br />~ity J.;ouncil <br />OCt. 2"l_, 193'i <br />Gardner i~t ~to i~e rerioved i n a year or tcro. <br />i,~ros. <br />iudY'c1q2 rd':'1@J f E~ 1; L`hB.~l; "I'F "`~flf? ~OIIrC'I ~ d~ ~ OSlP.C~ ~1;19Q? C?~lY'lCi~ ~'I Yi d~ E?[~iP 01" <br />U81"1dllCe ~l;'0 (idCC~.tI(.'Y' I~Y'OS. !7011~C~ h•' 1^f.`O~I.l2St;lf1(" '~:~1df; ~~IE? Qdl^dCiF ~>^ d~~041C:'.fi <br />(Con~t.) to r~~trnain. <br />T~i~rc ~rtas r~o on~ ;:a1 se i ro;n the publ i c~ai sP~i ng ~to I,~e h~~ard <br />"+s. Piarc;~ini introdi.ic:,~d ihe f~'I~lov!in~r r~solut;ion ~nci =nove~? its adopt'ion: <br />RGSO~UTIOP,I f•J0, 86-1Q-~~>1 - CI.OSIPdG T!iC <br />PU~1l.Ii; H~:A.RIi1G ~)PI TFI~ G,IRD!I~R 3f:0>. RIQUE~7 <br />'r"0.^, VARI^,i;,F "f0 r0'IS7(?UCT A 6ARFsG;~ <br />The foregoirig reso1~it~ion ~~~as duly ser.onded '~y ~`1r. ulesener. <br />1`,;~~s (~) ~~arciini, (~l~sener, ^ollova, FaSiey, Scalz^. <br />,lays (0). <br />Resol uti on decl rired <,.c!~~nt~d. <br />Ttiis resoli.~t.ion aF>peai°s in ~esoli.ition E3ook Pdn. 15, Paqe 'S2f~. <br />i;s. P!ard~ini sl;atec! that sh~ ~~as not in favor of 'r.?ie pronosa~i as <br />thf~~ ga.r~ge did no~r ~Fit the ,~P:ancards ~t'~~at thF L'ounr,il sn~nt so <br />ma.ny hours on c?evelot~inc! for the C-P ui,i;r'ict. <br />~31 esen2r and Scal ze ac;.r?ec~. <br />=°';r. Collova fel~t tliat i~P Gardner Rros. avas wil1inC t~ Fr~i:er ~nto <br />a.n ayree!iient 4~ri~t~i tiie City i:hat tne narage be rein~ved in a certa~in <br />p~riod oi timc, then i~e wras 'iri aqreeinenc ~;~i'th th~ proposal. Collova <br />poin~:~d <>u~t tl~at Gardner I;ros. co!ild post a~ l~ond for ~thi~r rrm~oval <br />~~ tr~~ ~~~1r~z~~~~. <br />Fahey sttt~ted tha't he mi qht •res.onsi der ~i ~f a t>ond aiere pos~ted, <br />noatever, at ~rii s poi r~t ~r~as not i n favor of 1;he ~~ronosa~l . Fahey <br />f~~l t ~,'n~t ~th° ~i ty s~~oul d e~n<t uo ~rri ~;Pi ~ permanen~; naraqe or 4vou1 <f <br />be as!<ed 'to a>>prove the reloc~x~t'ion o~F ~th^ c}araaca ~in t`{~ie ind~~strial <br />j~iiV'~. ~~141(',y dGt"(`E?U ~:ild'C j:41(? Ci31"cl~~° 1$ I'10'~ COi1171'rlt)~F.` l~;l L~l l,{i~' <br />(i`.`Vf?~0!)!~i^flt $11P (,l~f lS 'tf`;~1fIQ {.0 8Ci11CVf? lYi t4115 i1P.".d. <br />t~1s. ~~?ard~i ni i ntroduce~d i;~iq rol l o~ai nn resol ui;i on anci ;~iovec i i:s adopt~ on: <br />R!=SOLUTIO'~ '~IO. ~ii-'10-4;i2 - p~'.'Ydid^ f,1~ <br />s~,4~2');d!"t~ ';:OS, I,~QU!"ST ~=0? ~ ~11'P,(:I. V4?T~,'i„Cr <br />AS Tili: ~!)U"!rI~ F;:ri_> "filAT TIi!: R`QU'=S"f `;!OULD <br />P!0`t 3`_ S~! 74!E BES~ Ih'T_~;-~S1~S 0~ T{iE S-P i?ISTPTCT <br />T~~e for~qoirin reso1uti~>n s~ias ciuly seconde~S by i4r. Fa`iey. <br />r1y:~s ;n.) T;ardirii, Fa.n2Y, '>lesenf~r, ;ce,lze. <br />~.1ay> (1) Co~llova. ~:~sol;rr~on decl~r^d actont~d. <br />This resoli~tion ap,~~etars in '2esolut'ia~~ 300!< ~do. 15, I'1_n~ 527, <br />Paae -!(._ <br />
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